Related Love Gifts

Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and Steve StrangĀ as they discuss the Success of the Harbinger on The Jim Bakker Show.

2 thoughts on “The Success of the Harbinger

  1. I want to thank you so much for sending me the Harbinger book and videos. I have just finished reading the book and fun myself engrossed in it the whole way. I was truly amazed at how it all came together as Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has told it. This is definitely a book that needs to be shared world wide. The book and video’s you gave me are going to shared with as many people as I can get to read it. The gift you have given me will be passed on to all whom I know to get this message out. Thank you for these things out there for all to see and learn. God bless you and may his peace and blessings be yours.

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