Now is the Time (Pt. 1)

Yesterday, there were over 50 people killed at a Catholic church in Baghdad.  The news says they were targeted because they were Christians.  John 16:2 says …the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God a service. Can there be any doubt we are in that time?  We are entering a time of woes and it is not going to get better.  But we do have good news.  All of these things are just birth pangs.  Jesus is coming soon!

Saints of God, it’s time now to let go of everything that would hinder you in these last days.  The Lord wants people everywhere to know that NOW is their time.  You don’t have to just sit and die.  You may have been told it’s over, you’re done.  I tell you that the right time is NOW, the Day of Salvation is NOW.  It’s your time to get up, get out and do what the Lord has called you to do.  Every single seed that has been planted in your life will come forth!  Don’t give up!  Let the pain go and let the healing begin!

Now Is the Time – Part 2

3 thoughts on “Now is the Time (Pt. 1)

  1. Your so PRECIOUS to me! I’m so glad that I found my old address book from 2006…I still have my Revelation Generation Radio. I still have my ministry letter of encouragement and The wonderful Bible too…I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH!!!

  2. Very sad story. Horrific, actually. My stepfather’s family fled Lebanon from the persecution years ago. Very sad.

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