Get Ready. . . Jesus is Coming!

If you are astounded that more than two hundred specific prophecies were fulfilled regarding the first coming of Christ, get ready for a surprise.

Over three hundred Scripture references point to the Second Coming.

But when Jesus Christ returns, He will not come as the Babe in Bethlehem’s manger.

The first time He came to Earth, Jesus came as the Man of Sorrows; at His Second Coming, He will appear as Almighty God.

He came first as the Lamb of God; when He returns, He will be the Lion of Judah.

At His incarnation, Jesus came as the Prince of Peace; when He comes again, it will be as King of kings and Lord of lords.

He came the first time to atone for sin.  When Jesus Christ returns the second time, He will judge sinners.

The signs of His appearing are all around us; you needn’t be a Bible scholar to sense that something unusual is happening on Earth.  Newspapers and news magazines practically shout from their pages, “These are getting – ready days!”

3 thoughts on “Get Ready. . . Jesus is Coming!

  1. Shalom shall it be as the time of Noah so many are warned many in denial I need to be walking the walk also or could be caught short.

  2. It getting closer the mark of the the cashless system and time of persecution and right before our eyes and the bible says they think to change times and laws our rights are merely stripped I never thought I even live to witness these terrible events but my bible tells me that christains are suppose to rejoice because our redemption draweth nigh I want to go to heaven don’t you

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