Related Love Gifts

Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker take you to Morningside’s General Store as they discuss Being Prepared and Health & Wellness for Day 2 on The Jim Bakker Show.


We are here to serve people 24 hours a day.  -Pastor Jim Bakker


John 13:34 KJV  A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Matthew 24:7 KJV  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.



7 thoughts on “Morningside’s General Store

  1. I love your show and understand what you have all gone through. I only wish you shipped to Australia. GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND DONALD TRUMP. yOURS sincerely jOHNfLATMAN. Victoria, Australia.

  2. I watch your show via Video on Demand through your website every week from Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands (a U.S. territory north of Guam). Like the lady from Puerto Rico, I too am frustrated that you will not ship to us despite there being a U.S. post office here. Major companies like Amazon, Macys, Ebay, Old Navy, JC Penney, etc. ship here. Please consider shipping as I would like to order several things from your store. Blessings.

    • We are currently unable to ship internationally due to the cost of taxes and duties charged. In some instances, these taxes and duties are near 10 times the cost to ship the product. Most of the companies you listed are large enough to be able to offset costs and receive hefty shipping discounts due to the volume of orders shipped. Unfortunately we are unable to compete with these companies due to our shipping volume being much less. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please know that we are always looking for ways to offer our products to all of our partners, but at this time we are only able to offer shipping to US and Canada residents.

  3. Praise the Lord for You and Lori. And its so nice to finally have others believing as I have since I was a child. Bless you. Your Sister and fellow warrior Kimbo in AZ.

  4. 7/28/2015

    Dear Mr. Baker:

    My name is Mirta Marquez. I was born and rise in Bronx New York. I now live in Puerto Rico, where everything years ago, here was paradise. During the past years we have had different governments, and each of them have made bad decision for all of us. I am a christian,and believe with all my heart ,and soul that my Lord and savior is coming soon. The reason that I am writing to you, is because I would like to buy some of your food, but you do not ship to
    Puerto Rico. Please, find it in your heart,and a way, so we will be able to buy the food and other items. I will continue to pray for your ministry, and your family.May God bless you and keep .

    Mirta Marquez

    • Hi Mirta, thank you for sharing your story with us and for wanting to get ready for the last days. We’re happy to let you know that we do ship to Puerto Rico! If you have any issues when checking out please let us know. Thank you!

  5. i loved this show and wish i could afford some of the food and water bottles u all offer , the noodles you were talking about i used to eat those until i found out they use wax on them and that a young college student ate them so much her body was that of an 80 yr old person sad

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