Mystery Babylon Revealed (Pt. 7)

Summation:  God says He is punishing the harlot, this Mystery Babylon because of what she’s done to you.  What’s going on in America right now?  America is punishing Christians, persecuting them!  If you don’t believe it, you don’t know Jesus!  If you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He’s banned… we can’t use His name, we can’t even put his Cross on our army’s tent for a chaplain.  They’ve even been outlawing Bible in some of the places for the chaplains.

What’s going on?  They’ve rewritten the Bible!  We’ve murdered 55 million babies and don’t think anything of it!  Come one people!  Are we that hard-hearted?  Are we that cold?  Are we that insane that we don’t understand?  It’s talked as if abortion is a good thing.

Evil is being spoken of as good, and good as evil.  Christians have become second-class citizens in a country that was founded on faith in God.  Those who have faith in God are now being punished.  You can’t preach the Bible publically, really.  You can’t stand up against anything without being put down, without being destroyed. 

What happens then?  We’re almost at the end of things.

Verse 21,22,23:  “Then a powerful angel picked up a large stone, like one used for grinding grain, and threw it into the sea.  He said:  “In the same way, the great city of Babylon will be thrown down, and it will never be found again. The music of her people playing harps and other instruments, flutes, and trumpets, will never be heard in you again.  No workman doing any job will ever be found in you again, the sound of grinding grain will never be heard in you again. The light of a lamp will never shine in you again, and the voices of a bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again.  Your merchants were the world’s great people, and all the nations were tricked by your magic.”

Do you have any idea what that is?  What is a big stone thrown from the sky?  Meteors, asteroids!  When I teach Revelation it can be so simple.  All we do is take what’s real – we take what John is seeing.  It’s like John is seeing a big screen motion picture with surround sound and he’s watching what is coming and he’s writing it down.  God did not write the Revelation for you to be mystified, for you not to understand it.  Sure, it’s in a code to some degree, that a lot of people that don’t know the Bible can’t understand.  But the more you read the Bible… I’ve read the Revelation hundreds of times, maybe thousands of times, yet last night God told me to begin to study again.  He said you will understand more of the overview.  Now we understand what this is about – and who Mystery Babylon is.

New York City is a city of music, of concerts, of opera, of ballets, of the greatest musicals, the greatest plays, the greatest theatre… of mankind.  It’s all there on Broadway.  The Bible says this city will never hear the music again.

No workman doing any job… this city is gone!

No grinding of grain… no bakeries, no restaurants, no cooking.

The light of a lamp will never shine… all the electricity is gone.

The voice of the bridegroom and bride never heard again… no one is going to get married here.  No wedding chapels.

And all the nations were tricked by your magic.  There has to be a city – I don’t know of any other city but the stock market city – the U.N. city.  We’ve all been tricked by the system and now the system is going to fall on us if we’re not careful, if we don’t understand it, if we don’t understand this one book.

Your merchants were the world’s great people and all the people were tricked by your magic.  I’m sorry, but that’s not a little town in Iraq.  That is not the Roman Empire.  It has to be someplace where all the world has fallen to it.  We have control of the world’s economy.

Has not the whole world been tricked by money?  America owes more money than is available on earth to pay.  The U.S. Treasury is currently printing $80-$100 billion of currency per month.  You either pay for it, or something’s going to happen – and they keep printing it!  And we, like sheep, just keep on following, and we don’t have to – we’re stuck!

But God tells us about it.  I’m reading… “your merchants were the world’s great people, and all the nations were tricked by your magic.”

Verse 24:  “You are guilty of the death of the prophets and God’s holy people and all who have been killed on earth.”

The love of money.  Power corrupts and money is power.  We know that.

The economy crashes… and God gets even with the harlot who took the love of some of you and some of me.  I’ve had to raise money – I’ve almost been a slave to money.  We have to.  The system demands it!  We all fell into it.  If you don’t pay the car (house, or whatever) payment, the car gets taken back.  We owe our souls to the harlot.

The economy will collapse.  This is the complete financial collapse: Revelation 17 & 18.  It will never come back.

Revelation 19:1:  “After this vision and announcement I heard what sounded like a great many people in heaven saying:  “Hallelujah!  Salvation, glory, and power belong to our God!”

Father, I just pray that people will not be afraid, but that they will understand that You have revealed this – all of this has been revealed before it took place – and You have tried to warn us what the world system is – and what the love of money is – and what this ‘Mystery Babylon’, this harlot is all about.  Oh God, open our eyes that we might see Your glory and your answers.  And, if anyone does not know You, help them to give their heart to You right now.  Say, “I give you my life, Lord.  I ask Jesus Christ to come into my heart right now.  I love You.  I trust You.  I believe Father God, that You sent Your Son, Jesus, to die for me on the Cross, and I receive this for the forgiveness of my sins.  And I trust You, and I believe You, and I stand on Your Word… in Jesus’ name.  Amen

8 thoughts on “Mystery Babylon Revealed (Pt. 7)

  1. Rev 18:20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.
    Rev 18:21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.

    Maybe more to come to NYC

  2. It rains on the just and the unjust….come out from among them and be he separate…..there will come a time when God will no longer spare that evil city no matter how many righteous people live there. You are right on Jim…..

  3. These teachings are so profound that I think you can compile them into a booklet form and offer them to people as gift as they support the ministry. Love you and thanks for these eye-opening revelations. The books are really being opened and knowlegde has increased both in the world and in God. Love in Christ.

  4. God showed me along time ago which was the Great whore but could share with no one because the great preachers were preaching Rome….

  5. But God tells us about it. I’m reading… “your merchants were the world’s great people, and all the nations were tricked by your magic.” One other “magic” would probably be the multitude of TV shows that emanate from this evil town. A town bent to everything evil such as the sanitized “news” and all the sitcoms and countless evil movies.

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