Trumpets are Sounding! (Pt. 1)

I sat on the set recently with John Shorey, a dear friend whom I believe God has anointed with a clear message for the Last Days. John has heard from God in many instances, and what he hears, he shares with us and our television audience which could number in the millions. I don’t take it lightly that these prophetic messages are being given on our show – because God told me to provide the platform for the prophets to speak to the people in the Last Days and that’s what I’m doing.

John’s message was profound. He recalled a communication from God on the last blood moon evening that came in a peculiar way – it came via the mysterious discovery of a book in a jacket rarely worn, in a pocket rarely accessed. John said he doesn’t recall ever reading the book before or having put it in the jacket pocket. The book by David Wilkerson titled, “Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth,” was dog-eared in only one place and as John leafed through the pages, it fell open to a section titled, “Warning Signs.”

When John read this section, it blew his mind because it was talking about two coming destructions, or holocausts, one of which had already taken place exactly as the book described seven years after it was prophesied; and the other, yet to come to pass.

The section read: “Before the great holocaust there will be smaller holocausts – the oil fields of the Middle East will be ablaze, and the smoke will rise night and day as a warning of the greater holocaust yet to come. There will be bombs falling on oil fields, on shipping docks and storage tanks. There will be panic among oil producers, and shippers, and upon all nations dependent on that oil.” That paragraph described what happened in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to a tee. This was seven years before it happened!

John said when he read the accuracy of the first prophecy; he knew that the second prophecy would be no mistake. He continued to read, “Soon, very soon, an economic nightmare will explode into reality. What frightful news it will be! ‘O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, and the measure of thy covetousness..’ quote from Jeremiah. America is about to face a time of mass hysteria, as banks close and financial institutions crumble and our economy spins totally out of control. Gold and silver will also lose their value. ‘They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed; their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in a day of the wrath of the Lord; they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels; because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity.’ Ezekiel 7:19.”

John continued to read: “The chaos that is coming cannot be stopped by our government. Ezekiel warned, ‘The hands of the people of the land shall be troubled; I will do unto them after their way, and according to their deserts will I judge them.’ These prophecies once again reveal God’s judgmental decrees to wicked nations. Scoff if you choose, but the underlying fears about a collapse will soon become a tragic reality. Numerous cracks will appear in our fragile prosperity, and soon even the most pessimistic will know in their hearts that a total collapse is certain. Senators and congressmen will sit in stunned silence as they realize no one can stop the tailspin into chaos. Business, political, and economic leaders will be terrorized by its suddenness and its far-reaching effects. ‘Son of man, when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it (Ezekiel).’ The great holocaust follows an economic collapse in America. The enemy will make its move when we are weak and helpless.”

Stay tuned for the rest of this riveting message in Part 2 where John shares his perception of the timing of this terrible event.

10 thoughts on “Trumpets are Sounding! (Pt. 1)

  1. It is an honor to support this ministry and the provision it provides. I have heeded the warning of your guest and am prepared to be a blessing in the coming time of trouble. I also am standing in faith and prayer for Lori’s total healing. Be blessed….

  2. I enjoy watching yourshow and love all the guests you have on. Iam learning alot GodBless you and Lorie and your for getting the message out that everyone needs to hear!!!

  3. now Israel is in war I believe that preachers need to speak out loud, prophet need to say what God has told them, furthermore what happen with Israel right now is going to be the next war after war its already started thanks for being bold to say what God said

  4. Pastor Jim, there are those that have been chosen to carry GOD’S certain message to the people. It is so very important that the message is told to all. I was talking with my wife last evening that I could slightly feel how Noah felt. Not that I can consider myself the man he was by no means. He had been doing as God had told him to do and a task that most would have trouble starting much less seeing it to completion . I could see the door be shut from the inside and out the windows and knowing those that missed the opportunity I couldn’t help. Those that I know, those that payed no attention and those that thought it was a ways off I felt that in my spirit. Pastor, Looking at ALL of us myself included .We are coming to the Y in the road the road, the one road that is well traveled or the one that is seldom traveled. That decision will need to be made which road will you take not your wife’s not your Mom or Dad or a Uncle or Aunt or your Pastor . But your OWN and you will finish this race, making the right decision or the wrong decision but you will make it. NO OTHER has done everything that you may be SAVED BUT JESUS. He PAID THE PRICE IN Full nothing can be added and nothing shall be subtracted . But that time is upon us to make that decision.

  5. It breaks my heart to hear fluff sermons. It is past that time, we need the meat and you and your guest supply the meat. It has moved me to be more diligent in listening to the messages and verifying it in Gods Word. thank you Jim for out of the dark pit you were in God chose you to provide a way for the message to get out. You could have built up hate and said no, but you chose the high road.

    • Thank God that a mighty voice such as yours, warns the people of what the Bible predicts, and not the prosperity messages modern “Christianity” spews out. Thank you Jim and Lori Bakker.

    • Thank you Jim, Lori and all the guests who have been graciously obedient to God by trying to warn and make us all aware of the coming sad events that we as a rebellious nation deserve, unfortunately. I only wish Jim could have a national platform like the mainstream media and more people would repent after being shown the evidence of news events and how they line up with bible prophecy. God bless you Pastor Bakker and may God help America.

  6. Praise The Lord for you Pastor Jim! Thank you for bringing John Shorey and others to the show. I have been learning so much about the end times that we now live in. God bless you!

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