The Pressure of the Ages

In 1997, I traveled to L.A. to appear on the CNN broadcast of Larry King Live.  As we drove from the airport toward the bright lights in the heart of L.A., I experienced one of the strangest sensations of my life.  It was as though my body became a human Geiger counter; I started resonating with the earth deep below Los Angeles.  I began to shake and suddenly, in the Spirit, it was as if I could see down into the earth.  I saw huge boulders, bowed upward and grinding against each other, like one fist pushing against another.

The Lord began to speak to my heart and mind as clearly as if He had called me on the limo’s car phone.  “This is the pressure of the ages,” the Lord revealed to me.  “And it’s about to let go.”  Trembling, I looked out the car window just as we whisked past the beautiful, statuesque skyscrapers in downtown L.A.  It was then that I sensed God speaking to me, words I am reluctant to actually put in print, yet words that have been seared for all eternity into my spirit.

As I stared at the tall buildings, the Lord said to me, “Not one of these buildings will be left standing.  There is going to be an earthquake unlike any other earthquake this area has experienced.  There will be nothing left.”

I shuddered in shock, shaking as if trying to awaken from a bad dream.  But this was no dream and I was fully awake.  As we drove further away from downtown, the sensation subsided, and the Geiger-counter effect stopped.  Looking back, I believe God was impressing upon me once again that I must proclaim this message before it is too late.

~ Excerpt from “Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse” by Jim Bakker, published in 1998 ~

There are many things shaking in the natural that we can see and feel.  While this natural shaking is going on, there’s a shaking in the spirit world as well.  Though I cannot reveal the entirety of what I have heard from God about this yet, I know that the Church world is going to experience a tremendous shaking very soon that will be very unsettling.  Be strong in your faith – and remember that we must look to God alone for our surety.

All this week, our guest on the show is Rick Joyner.  Rick said up until this point, he has been counseling people not to leave California unless they had a direct word from God to leave.  Now however, Rick said he feels very strongly that people should not stay in California unless they have a direct word from the Lord.  You can imagine the impact of that counsel.  Rick said that he has many who are upset with him about it – but he dare not be afraid to warn them.

It’s time to pay attention to the warnings that a loving God is giving to those who will hear.  It’s time to prepare in your heart and spirit, and in the natural as much as possible.  This is a time like has never been before.  It’s an exciting time because our Lord is coming soon, and we can take comfort in that fact!  But we need to have our “eyes wide open” and be looking for that coming with great expectation.



16 thoughts on “The Pressure of the Ages

  1. You said the Lord had been speaking to you in rhyme on one of your
    shows. I would like to post one of my poems.
    What is this that I see.
    A massive earthquake, where do I flee.
    What is that great rumble in the land.
    Will the buildings continueto stand.
    What is it that shakes your gates so strong.
    I hope that this feeling is all wrong.
    What is coming to your great city.
    For you I now grieve and have pity.
    The earth moves and then the sound.
    The buildings start swaying all around.
    What is it that I now recall.
    Why do I see the buildings like dominoes fall.
    God protect your children in that land.
    For I fear that not one building will stand.

  2. I am concerned for loved ones who live in CA and near the coasts. They think it is baloney about the earthquakes coming soon.

  3. Hi Jim im so thrilled you are sharing what the Lord has shown you, not many will speak out like you and Rick Joyner, you guys are so obedient to the husband and i have been gettin the food each month from your ministry, i feel so blessed to recieve it, also im gettin the water pitchers and would ike the iodide to! at the end the week i want to purchase these things..a couple of months ago, i woke up after having a dream about japan, i felt like i was there i think in the spirit, i didnt make much of it, i kinda ignored it cause i wasnt sure what to make of it, then the earthquake happened and i feel guilty that i didnt pray much on the dream..i have numerous dreams from the Lord almost everynite, i speak in toongues in my dreams and warfare over things, yet in the natural im trying to get my heavenly language i know the Lord wants me to so i can pray and intercede, God Bless all you do Jim!

  4. Thanks Jim, for being bold and sharing what the Lord is showing you. How important it is for God’s people to heed the warnings. Have been praying about what to do and how to prepare for what’s coming. Please keep the information coming! God bless you and your work!

  5. Dear Jim,

    I have seen a huge wave of water hitting where the twin towers used to be. A tsunami hitting New York city. I have not seen or heard anyone out there saying anything like this. Has the Lord shown you this? I am an intercessor and the Lord shows me things to pray sometimes so I will be praying. And I am also praying and fasting for California. Especially the leaders that minister the gospel there, that they would receive boldness, but also wisdom as to whether to tell their congregations to stay or leave. That they would hear the Lord’s voice clearly in this matter. Thank you for your willingness to share what the Lord has been giving you even through hardship. God bless you for it. I encourage you to keep up the good fight! Your reward will be great! May God bless you and keep you and your family.

    • Jane, do a websearch on Joe Brandts California Earthquake Vision from 1937. In it, it seems like the tsunami triggered by the Californian quake will reach the whole globe, not only NY. London streets will be under water as well.
      In 1883 when the volcano Krakatoa i Indonesia exploded, the waves reached far away, even Europe. But the coming tsunami will possibly be much bigger. Therefore, when we in Europe hear about the Californian quake on the news, even we must stay away from the coast for a while.

    • March 1996, God began to show me about the Imam Mahdi/Anti-Christ, the coming crash crash of the world’s economy and the coming, world wide, natural desasters and world wide famine. He showed me how the stars and planets are a clock in the sky that show us when we move from one age to the next, the couterfeit calls these the Astrological Signs, I call it God’s Clock, research “great year”, for more understanding. He showed me the outline of how these things would unfold and they have done so, just as He said. At first, few listened and most laughed when I told them, then more began to believe, but the “prophets” that gave their comforting messages still refused to hear, but now even they are wondering. Wonder no more, it is here. The US will fall, as will all countries, we must stop being so arogant as to think the US could not fall, it can and it already has. Yes, God will take care of us, but God, will not baby us. He has been refining some and preparing them for this and those that He has not put through this painful process, will struggle the most as we move into the “new age” and I don’t mean this in a new age sense, but the pure sense. It will be difficult and those that have prostituted the Gospel will fall from their high places and God will rise up the refined sons to take their place. The money changers in the church world will cease to live in luxury. The rest of the church will be purified and those that finish this process will see Jesus, face to face. There is a hard place coming, but it is followed by the Rule of Jesus here on this earth.

  6. We as the Children of God must take heed to the warnings that we are receiving and do everything we can to get that warning out to others. As Noah warned the people of his time and only 8 listened, we too must do our part to speak what the Lord has said to us. Ezekiel 3:18 is ringing in my ear…”When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.”

  7. Hi jim, 30 years ago God revealed to me there would be a famine of 3 years. The vision was 3 fat chicken and they could hardly walk. Then I saw in the vision 3 lean chicken and they were so thin they were falling as they were walking.that was when God told me to start putting food aside. Jim I believe it would be wise to tell people to put also beans , lentils, rice etc also. what I would like to know is how to cook the stuff without having the smell of food spreading around. We will have to watch what we have for the danger of having stolen.God bless odette Ouellette

    • Buy a small pressure cooker. It can cook food in less time and it gives off very little odor. I have cooked an entire roast dinner in one. Of course, the first time, I burned it beyond belief! With a little practice, you can cook beans, meats, stews……also, in the event of power outage, have a rocket stove ready to go. They too use very little wood for fuel and make very little smoke. I have many alcoholics in my family so all of the mini kegs have been perfect for my rocket stove projects. I’ve made more than I care to remember. Hope this info helps.

    • Grains and beans only need to be soaked overnite to become chewy. They actually will be even more nutritious since that will stimulate the sprouting process! I’m planning in case we have no power.

  8. My family and I live in San Diego. Did the Lord show you, that there would be an earthquake down here? Thanks

    • Honey, get out of there!!! Why take the chance???
      California (the whole state), if a major quake hits, is going to be split right down the middle! That state rests on 2 tectonic plates, that are constantly pushing against each other, and now they’ve found a third fault line….a major one…called the Hayward fault line…and is considered just as dangerous as the San Andreas.
      What are you waiting for???

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