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Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Bob & Jeanne Johnson and Vi Azvedo as they discuss the Keys to a Healthy Marriage for Day 2 on The Jim Bakker Show.


Oh, It Is Jesus

I’m going to Walk Right out Of This Valley

Hold Me


A marriage takes work, love and dedication. -Vi Azvedo


Vi Azvedo was the overseer of the Upper Room Ministries, which has been opened again. Vi Azvedo had 16 pastors who rotated 8 hour shifts daily and was open all night long to have spiritual needs met.

Vi Azvedo recalls many days that she would get calls at 2 am, because they would require people to answer the phones. Vi would call all the pastors and they were there within a few minutes ready to minster. Today, it is difficult to find people with this level of commitment as they are active in their own lives.

Vi Azvedo is at Morningside for the marriage workshop. She is joined by longtime friends, Bob and Jeanne Johnson. Since Bob and Jeanne have been married for 52 years, they want to share with others the tricks to keeping a healthy marriage. God has blessed them, and gave them a daughter and two beautiful granddaughters. They do not know how anyone can do it without God, especially in their marriage.

The group came together through divine inspiration, and the joy of the Lord in the faces of Bob and Jeanne has touched many hearts. There are many couples who have come to the seminars for divorces, but rather their marriages have been rebuilt rather than destroyed. There have been thousands of marriages put back together through these seminars. Vi admits the numbers of people who have been touched are overwhelming. These meetings have saved so many marriages.

People tend to focus on the here and now and take no provision of the future. Pastor Jim feels it is a direct mandate from the Lord that he must warn others to get things prepared for the times ahead. The dangerous times spoken about could be of natural disaster, such as the recent outbreak of tornadoes in North Carolina, or earthquakes in Oklahoma.

Pastor Jim and Lori both believe their teaching is in helping those prepare for upcoming Biblical events. Today is the day to prepare and be ready for the unknown. After reading several news headlines, it is obvious that attack from some other country is expected. We as Americans are just waiting for the next terrorist attack. Although, we have all the security in place, there is always a way to circumvent the system and to ruin lives. They are talking about atomic attacks from Iran and other types of bombs from other countries.

God has spoken to Jim’s heart and given him 31 different things that he needs to be aware of. Many of the things that God has given him have already happened, and many more are soon to occur.

Like in the days of Noah, Jim is trying to reach out to those and let them know it is time to prepare. People laughed at Noah as he loaded the ship with food, animals and his family. There came a day when the people realized Noah was right and they had not prepared. Pastor Jim warns today that there is coming a time when it will be too late to practice as today is the time of salvation.


Philippians 1:6 NIV being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Psalm 117:2 NIV For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.

Genesis 41-43 The Story of Joseph Storing Food

Genesis 6:5-10:32 Noah Builds The Ark

Psalm 23:4 KJV Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.


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