Monster May – Recap

I recently returned from a mission trip with my crew to several states where flooding and storms have caused death and destruction in the lives of many people.  We are emotionally spent.  You can’t look on that much human suffering without it taking its toll.  Everything else that may be going on, pales in light of it.

I have seen other newscasters unable to speak or describe the scenes they were looking upon – it was all so overwhelming. We are doing what we can to alleviate some of the suffering.  It will take the efforts of millions of people, organizations and especially churches to reach out with whatever they have to give – and everyone has something to give!

In the meantime, the Middle East is still in turmoil, Israel is surrounded by its enemies, and earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters are increasing dramatically.  Yet, people everywhere refuse to repent (but that’s another blog).

The news headlines have described the events of May as “epic” and “biblical” and “apocalyptic”.  These are the words of the secular media, not religious men.  Even the world knows that what we are witnessing is a global turmoil unlike anything ever before it.  They may not know what to call it, but we do.  It’s called the Times of Trouble, the Last Days, the Revelation Days, and the Tribulation.

We know what these Times are because God gave us the Scriptures so that we would know!  He did not give us these warnings in Scripture so that we would be fearful – NO!  …just the opposite!  In Matthew 24:6 Jesus says “See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.”  And in Matthew 24:32-33 Jesus says “  “Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door.”  Now that is Good News to those who know Him!

Then, in Matthew 24:42-46, Jesus tells us what we should do,  “Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming. “But be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be broken into. “For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.”

“Who then is the faithful and sensible slave whom his master put in charge of his household to give them their food at the proper time? “Blessed is that slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes.”

Jesus gives us this spiritual instruction using a natural principle.  The principle is that when you see the warning signs of an impending disaster, you should prepare.  This is a natural, practical preparation – as well as a spiritual preparation.  He tells us that we should be alert to the times in which we live and to pattern our lives accordingly, making every effort to be found faithful.

As these Revelation events increase, we need to increase in faith and preparedness for what is coming upon the world – it is not something that anyone should ignore.   We can increase and grow in our spiritual knowledge and our peace when we have heeded the instructions given so lovingly so many years ago.  Don’t just be a hearer, be a doer!

God loves you!  He really does!

Jim's Signature CMYK-1

28 thoughts on “Monster May – Recap

  1. Read in the Old Test. how God told Israel that when they would REJECT HIM he would sit on His Throne and Laugh at their Calamity .
    God is never Mocked ! If He told this to the Apple of His Eye. . . . Where does America stand ! We are weighed in the balance and found wanting. Nuclear facility is in trouble now in Nebraska from flooding as Berm is breaking .
    Our 2 greatest Sins are 55 Million dead Babies and now 6 states have passed Homosexual marriages soon to be 50 as the the Church is
    in a drunken Stupor and will not tell the Government . . . NO MORE
    Enough is Enough . We will not escape His Wrath for allowing this
    National Shame .

  2. Dear Pastor Jim,
    I thank God for you being obedient to the Lord, and telling us so much to help us to prepare! I pray for you, Lori and your family. I cannot imagine someone as empathic as you going through the turmoil that you did. I pray you are well.

    Will the Lord allow you to tell us anthing for June? Our guessing is not good.

    God Bless you! I love you and I know many others do, too.

    Love and Peace,

  3. We love you both so much, My wife and I watch you everyday now for about the last year or so. God will always give the strength needed for the task. He will never give more than you can handle. Keep strong! I too have been telling people for the last two and a half years to store up all manner of provisions including food, batteries, radios, clothing, and anything to barter with and for. God spoke to me to move here almost 7 years ago, and I know it has been because of this place, to be able to help in times of trouble. I am retired disability, but God has called me here to help some of the people here and share in His word. What exciting times to live in!
    Come Lord Jesus!

  4. re: “Monster May”, one of the definitions of the word, monster, comes from the root word that means, to warn.

  5. There are many judgements that are about to happen one after another pray prepare for directions we have lost our blessings we have turned away from Israel.

    People are in denial they don’t desire what messages are happening gloom and doom as in the days of NOAH we must now worry what is about to happen for persecution shall come about us lives shall happen are we going to fall for the truth is there.

    Jim has shared something on the last shoot aaaaai am going to ask you to reveal do not fear it shall happen they seem this crazy Jim is of his rocker aaaaaaaaaaa jim you are right you need to be strong I n
    need to me you Jim the LORD WOULDDESIRE FO HOUWSE there shall be the mind of GOD TO ESTABLISHED a program we need to back bone to pare witness.

  6. Let us be like the Eagle, not afraid to fly into the midst of the
    storm. All other birds fly away from the storm. A storm ravaged
    city is where the need is. We have to many comfortable church
    people. Bottle fed and not battle ready. I saw some of those
    storm ravaged areas on Tv. Shocking, it looked like a war had
    taken place. There are always wounded soldiers in a battle,
    and I believe those people who endured the floods and tornadoes
    feel like they have been in a war. Some are homeless, some without
    transportation or communication..Without electricity,food and drinkable water. We could use a few Florence Nightingales to comfort
    the hurting. Some good Dr.’s and just about everything else you can
    think of.

  7. Thank you Pastor Jim for being faithful in all that you have been given to do. You are using your gifts and increasing others’ faith. When you spoke that there would be a truck full of furniture, not knowing where it was going to come from, and then that truck full of furniture coming to pass, quickly, builds faith. We are to speak it, and you are showing how to do that. That is a gift which I am so thankful to have been able to observe. The Lord is saying to prepare to feed many people and I am totally dependent on Him.
    Also, I do believe that June in going to be momentous. 6/13 and 6/16 were dates I was given.

  8. here’s a little news: black bear in the city of Hartford, CT this weekend. may not be significant. but I have heard brother Jim and others teach how animal sightings in their wrong habitat can sometimes be a signal of a earthquake. just trying to keep my eyes open.
    Thank you for the example you are to us, Jim and Lori, as you prepare and reach out.

  9. Thank you Jim for being obedient and sharing when God speaks to you and Lori. Be obedient. Give the explanation we need. I understand June having great floods. Share with us what God has shared with you. Congradulations on 50 years of ministery. We are comming to celebrate with you. We come to Morningside every year on July 4th. This year we are going to stay in a condo. When I saw Bishop Web hand Pastor Tim a $50,000 check from you and Lori that spoke about your integrity. You do what you speak about from the platform. Can’t say that about all TV Pastors.I mean that with a sweet spirit. You are great examples that you can begin again. You and Lori make a great team. You know how to listen from the whispers of God.

    LaVonne and Stu

  10. Jim, I agree with the man who said to tell the people what God has reveled to you, if you have a word be obedient. It is a gift to you,
    I also believe that June is going to be another revelation sign,
    I keep hearing June 5th.? either way, share,
    thanks, A sister in Christ.

    • Kim may be right I feel very strong we must be instant in season not out for we shall be surprised. Earth Quake is very strong all also posted many other things.

    • Wow, i just read on another website, the Iran president Almajahened(I have no idea how 2 spell his name) said he will annouce the Madhi and the Madhi will make an appearance on that day. I heard about a month ago in my dreams-the Madhi 12. I researched it and it means the 12 Imam, a religious leader that will bring peace to the earth after 3 years of chaos and he will come with Jesus. This has to be the anti-christ or false prophet.

  11. Jim please share what is going to happen in June you mention about deaths tow things I come to mine a major earth quake in United States, and also a major hurricanes east coast that came to my mine.

    I agree with other people that Yeshua shall protect you from people outside that have put threats on you may the angels camp around you brother Jim

  12. Brother Jim, thank you so very much for your ministry, and the work you are doing. I am heeding your warnings, and my spirit is in agreement. I just wrote to my brother this am to share my concern because his 2 childern live in western Wyoming, and the news now is beginning to focus on the flood potential there. I have a feeling it is going to be terribly intense when the massive snow pack melts after the weather warms. And Louise, I can hardly believe your post about the styrofoam boxes. I have been lead to bring discarded shipping boxes like that home from work, along with zip-lock bags to use for storage, and recently began to think of having duct tape on hand. The Lord is so faithful to help us in personal ways. today i picked up candles and a first aid kit- all free- at a yard sale.
    I hope to be prepared for our family and neighbors.

  13. Shalom Jim and Lori,
    Since YHVH said to the serpent in the Garden of Eden, “the Seed of the woman will CRUSH your head, we have seen the ‘Plan’ of YHVH put into motion for the earth and the human race, YHVH’s image. And, from that moment on we have seen the image of YHVH disintergrate. Why? Because the human race chooses to believe the ‘LIE’ rather than the Truth of YHVH’s Word. Our prayer should also be, “Abba, open their spiritual eyes that they may see Truth and reject the Lie. Give us all the revelation of what Your Son, Yahushua said on the cross, “It is finished”, and may we stand on those words and not on any other”. We have been made able and capable because we are His image and we the brethren love the brethren the way Yahushua loved His brethren, we will walk in the image we were meant to walk in.
    May YHVH’s face shine on you Jim and Lori Bakker, and may the courage that led Yahushua to the cross be the same courage you continue in your ‘WATCHMAN’ destiny.
    His waiting Bride,

  14. Jim I watched your show today and rememberd you said something about more floods in June, check out the news article from…We’ve had what’s been called the “Great Flood of 2011” in the Lower Ohio and Mississippi River Valleys. This may not be the only Great Flood of 2011, though. Torrential rain, plus meltwater from the season’s heavy snowfall has sent rivers well above flood stage in the Upper Missouri River Basin, from the northern Rockies into the Northern Plains. Wow!!

  15. messianic prophet, I like your comments. Shirley, you reminded me of
    something. We all are so eager to hear. However, we need to keep Jim
    and his family in prayer. Prayer of protection, prayer for strength
    for him and his beautiful family. I know of only a few prophetic
    ministries warning of the coming events. Perry Stone is warning of
    worldwide flooding and the need for food. Jim is warning us daily
    to be prepared. Perry Stone said the flooding is going to be so bad,
    we need to put food in styrofoam coolers and wrap in duct tape to
    protect our food and it will float. He saw this in a dream. One
    thing about the 20 year shelf life food, it will float. Thank you
    Jim and Lori for all you have done to get those with ears to hear
    prepared. I am listening intently to what you have to say, as are many others. God Bless and keep you, protect you from every plan of the evil one, give you strength physically and keep you strong. A hedge of protection around you and yours

  16. Dear Jim and Lori

    I wanted to say thankyou for all you do. Our food came tonight and we made the butter tuscan noodles. My son is five and a very picky eater. He said, “Is that the Jim Bakker food? It is super good!” My daughter is eleven and she liked it too. Thankyou for sharing the message to get prepared.

    We feel better knowing that we have the food in storage. I also buy extra at the grocery store. People should also stock up on ibuprofin, peroxide, etc.

    I can’t wait to come visit morning side again this summer.


  17. Lord showed me at least four years ago I DID NOT UNDERSTAND /
    There shall massive turmoil in the far east.

    United states shall go bankrupt.

    Two major earth quakes in the United States.

    I seen people in the people in the streets in some major city in mighty turmoil scatter no where to go in fear.

    I seen the capital in D.C people running out like something flying in the air paper as something thing happen traumatic.

    • United States will go bankrupt…Maybe this is what my dream means: God showed me a US $20 bill being torn in half and He said “I am about to strip away wordly things”….not sure though might be part of it….

  18. i felt the comfirmation in my spirit aboout June I truly believe will be traulmantic in June I am asking yoou to share it as soon as possible it is ery impariative I know what it is. Jim be not a fraid of what you are going to share I KNOW THERE SHALL BE SHAKEINING.

  19. I believe we are in revelation days and this is one reason i have been handicapped and am in a wheel chair: i feel called to sound the alarm and prepare and tell others to. i lost my job that i loved as a P.E. teacher. now i have the time to read and watch you. i am like a sponge for knowledge. now i know how you and Noah felt. Deb

  20. Refuse to repent? The people I see on Facebook don’t even seem to be aware of the concept of repentance, let alone consider it a necessity. Breaks my heart because I know we’ll need to be dealt with further before they see clearly.

  21. Jim and Lori…Thank you and God Bless You! I am so impressed that you are “putting your money where your mouth is”, as the old saying goes…Your ministry will continue to be blessed and blessed because you are so generous, I have been watching while you were on your tour…Get some rest now!!….I am very interested to hear what you will have to say about June….More reason to be prepared…
    Sincerely, Kathryn Schneider

  22. Love you Jim and Lori, Just know that there are MANY people who do love you guys and care. Who cares about those who come against you. They will be sorry. Keep pressing on for the goal that CHRIST has called you to. You both are such a blessing to me and many others. I do believe that we are in the Revelation Hour. PRAISE JESUS….

    • N8ECI completely agree!
      Thank You Pastor Jim & Lori…
      The King is Coming!
      We are Already Marching Towards Zion!
      Our Redemption Draweth Nigh!
      Praise God!
      Love in Christ,

  23. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! Please hear this is a heartfelt thank-you and God Bless You! We know you are tired but our prayer for you is the JOY OF THE LORD for only HIS strength can replenish you while dealing with what you do Pastor. Please realize we need you to take care of yourself so you have the ability to minister to those of us who stand with you. Please keep bringing us what is real and needed in these last days. Sincerely, God Bless You!

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