Famine in the Revelation Days

Famine is spoken of in the Bible as an increasing and accelerating sign that Jesus is coming soon.  We can certainly see it in our news headlines, particularly recent headlines, with the food crisis in North African countries that produced a very poignant plea from the President of Somalia for immediate help.  But, there is another famine that is even more deadly coming soon.  It’s the famine of the Word of God, which feeds the soul. 

The third horseman is riding. “When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.  And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius . . . and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (6:5–6 NKJV) The rider of the black horse carries with him famine and economic collapse, signified by the weighing scales and the exorbitant prices for food.”

Imagine, if you can, how famine might affect our own nation. Your worst nightmare could soon be a reality.  Intensifying the effects of famine brought on by the galloping of the black horse will also be economic chaos and inflationary prices, which is what is indicated by the phrase “a quart of wheat for a denarius” (Rev. 6:6 NASB). In biblical times, a denarius was equal to a day’s wages. The implication is that we could spend a day’s wages for a loaf of bread.

But there is another kind of famine spoken of in the Bible that will be prevalent in the Last Days that is even more destructive.  How can it be more destructive than the famine that kills the body, you may ask.  Because the famine I am speaking of can kill not only the body which is temporal but can also kill the soul, which is eternal.  The other famine I’m speaking of  is a famine of the Word of God.

In the Times we are living in, there is an acceleration of events in the world which are quickly taking away our right to our very expressions of our faith as Christians.  These campaigns and events are quickly bringing about an atmosphere of antagonistic persecution of our very right to practice our Christianity.  We are being told not to mention the name of Jesus in any speech or prayer or other public setting.  Our lawmakers are quickly bowing to the powerful antichrist spirits that are busy influencing the masses to call evil good and good, evil. 

“‘Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God , “That I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD.” (Amos 8:11)

God’s work of proclaiming His Words through His ministers, as well as through the mass media, may one day be prohibited, perhaps through persecution, governmental regulations or a combination of these and other factors.

There’s a reason why the scriptures exhort us to “hide the Word in your heart” and to “eat the Word”.  One day there will be a famine of those Words that we take for granted now, and we may have only what we have hidden deep down inside to sustain us through tough times. 

Let’s be sure we have the Word of God deep down inside us, where we can carry it with us always and where it can feed our souls in times of  famine.

4 thoughts on “Famine in the Revelation Days

  1. More and more seems to be surfacing of the “new world order” and what they plan to do to christians if we stand against it, much of it speaks of us being tortured here in the U.S.. Do you think that the rapture will protect us from that? If so, based on how far along their plans have come, we should be going home soon. Please let me know what you think about this.

  2. for the past 2 nights, my Bible has opened to Amos 8 and 9. Sure did get my attention when coupled with your post yesterday! A few years ago it would have been hard to imagine concerns like this in America. But now with each passing month, it seems clearer and clearer that we ARE in the last days. Yes, Louise, I like the verse you posted, about hiding His Word in our hearts. I was singing that verse in the song version yesterday! Thank you Jim! and P.S. Louise, i always look forward to your comments. -you always have wisdom and insight to share.

  3. What amazes me is how history repeats itself,Ecc.1:9,10(there is nothing new under the sun).They stoned the prophets of old ,because the people didn’t want the truth they didn’t want to be convicted of their evil ways.What happens when a once prosperous, God fearing nation are so blessed that they become a bunch of fat cats trusting in themselves, turning to everything else other than God,and then what happens? They turn to gross sin and end up being captives to other nations.Is this not what we’re seeing today?The future for the Church is bright but we must get serious about our Christian responsibilities.We cant neglect intercessory prayer,believe it or not God depends on it and so do others and we cant be afraid to speak the Truth even in uncomfortable environments.The Truth is what sets us free,even when others may frown upon it be assured you are planting seed and God’s Word will not return void. God Bless

  4. The most important of all, God’s Word. Thy Word have I hidden in my
    heart that I might not sin against you. More important than silver
    and gold. Priceless. It cannot be confiscated or taken away. I
    wanted to tell you Jim about something you said on one of your shows.
    Bartering. I had repairs on the house that needed done. An out of
    work neighbor mentioned bartering to me. I began to barter for
    repairs. Plates of food. Supplies like toilet paper. Paper towels
    soap, toothpaste. Very little money exchanged hands. I have
    hurricane shutters put up. A ramp built, a new door inside house.
    A seychelle shower head installed. An outdoor outlet fixed. It is
    amazing. I’m already bartering until he goes back to work.

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