Stock Market tumbling, what’s next?

Wall Street had its worst day today since the 2008 financial crisis that put the United States into a financial calamity that we are still in today! We are in the days that the book of Revelation told us would come before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.  There is no way the Antichrist can take control without a time of crisis so bad that millions of people will sign up with him just to get food to eat.

I have what I believe is a word from the Holy Spirit that a third world war is near and it may not even be called “The Third World War.” But it will be indeed world-wide  in scope and will be caused by lack of food and world-wide financial turmoil.  The Antichrist will charm the world and have answers and use this coming  time of turmoil to move into leadership.

According to the scriptures, Jesus will not return until the Antichrist is revealed. Look at 2 Thess 2:3-4 “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”

We are in the beginning of sorrows, there is much more to come. Jesus said in Matt 24:7-8 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.”

None of these things have caught God unaware.  If you want to know what comes next, read the book of Revelation! It’s all there! God loves you! He really does!

6 thoughts on “Stock Market tumbling, what’s next?

  1. Some seem overwhelmed by seasons, and like bears go into hibernation rather than face the next change. We must keep our eyes on the WORD of GOD and do what it says – not what the devil causes us to feel like doing.

  2. Days of Rage Planned For September 17 COULD Be The Fulfillment Of David Wilkerson’s Prophecy About Mobs Attacking Wall Street.

    Rick Wiles mentioned at the end of his latest broadcast (Last ¼) that the communists and anarchists are planning “Days of Rage” at Wall Street this September 17. This could be another orchestrated twitter revolution this time intended to bring the USA down, as well as the West in general. Flash mobs were no doubt dry runs here. This particularly reminds me of David Wilkerson’s warnings of mobs attacking Wall Street literally.

    Three days later, statehood is to be voted on for the Palestinians, and riots are planned there too.

    Late September or October are suspected to be the most probably time for the US and World Economies to fall, which would result in the planned chaos and unified One World Currency/Economic System. This is also perfect timing for Obeyme’s election…Chaos, worldwide financial collapse, and martial law, Executive Rule, etc., and no real elections would be possible.

    Here’s the broadcast if interested:

    God bless always in His service!

    John David Feagin

  3. “Stock Market tumbling, what’s next?”
    Dear Sir,
    Thank you for your blog message.
    The book of Revelation indeed tells the believer what will happen and your writings are important to make people aware that Christians need Jesus during these birth pains leading upto the ‘day of judgement’. Theses birth pains for sure can include much starvation in the world, and money issues can lead to god’s wrath coming upon the world right at this very moment. I found in my electric bible a few Revelation verses connected with hunger, being the book of Revelation chapter six verse eight which reads :-
    And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth…..
    God loves us! that’s for sure, and I believe that the love of Jesus is the answer, helping the people in control of the money around the world to find compassion, and also Jesus giving spiritual comfort for the individuals around the world in the form of the Holy Spirit or great comforter.

    God bless,

  4. Last prophetic dream a month ago, Army tanks rolled in my front yard and my name was called. I went to the door to see who was requiring my presence, it was a Chinese Commander. He had troops with him. They were ordered to go across the street and bring back a large container. They begin to spray some type of liquid in the container, then from the sky was money, money, money. The commander lite the money to a crisp. Everyone was excited and angry. When they asked why burn it, can’t you just give it to her. The commander came towards me gave me a stack ($2,000) in my spirit it did not amount to anything.Neighbors were so excited the federal government moved me and placed me into a new city with another identification. This is mt second dream on China and the money issue in the USA.

  5. Read the book of Revelation, listen to it on audio tape.
    Blessed are those that read and those that hear. Just by
    reading it and listening to it, there is a blessing. You tell
    the people to read the Word, thank God for you, a famine is
    coming, for food, look at Somalia, and a famine for the Old
    Path, the Old Rugged Cross, the 10 Commandments, prayer.

    • Jim Bakker i thank you for what you are doing we are definetly entering the fourth seal i had a prophetic dream back in 2005 of a coming war with russia the russians invaded the united states prior to that nuclear bombs will go of in the united states where we the body of christ had to leave their homes and live in the woods and i keep feeling in my spirit that this event is not to far away revelation 18 is about to take place right before our very eyes ive also had dreams about the economy crashing,famine,power going off in the u.s.a,god bless you and no matter what dont stop what you are doing and ill see ya in the woods love yall …………bob

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