It’s Later Than You Think

The week after the Japanese earthquake, many people world-wide began to take emergency preparedness seriously, at least for a little while.  The same seriousness fell like a blanket on this country after ‘911’.  People went back to church – at least for a few weeks.  Then, after the initial shock wore off, they were back to business as usual.  I don’t know why, but it seems like it always takes a major calamity to jolt people into action.     

This Spring and Summer, we have seen weather extremes like never before.  Record-breaking floods, droughts, temperatures and storms have battered the country and left much of our farmlands barren.  What do you think this is going to mean to food prices?  Well, I’ll tell you – food prices are going to skyrocket – and sooner than you think!

This past week, we have seen the stock market go up and down like a roller coaster.  What we don’t readily understand is what all that means to the economic situation in this country and the entire world.  What it means is that our money is very soon going to be worth almost nothing!

In Matthew 24:8 Jesus said the signs of nature will be like “birth pangs.”  The closer a pregnant woman gets to the time her baby is born, the birth pangs increase in two ways. They increase in frequency and intensity.  That is exactly what Jesus meant here. The closer we get to His coming, the more frequently we will see natural calamities like weather extremes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, plagues, famine, wars and the like. 

Why does Jesus tell us about the signs of His coming?  Jesus didn’t say that He would take us out of this world before we would experience any of these things.  If that were true, we would already be gone, wouldn’t we?!  No, Jesus told us about the signs because He didn’t want us to be taken by surprise and be unprepared! 

Why then do we yawn when we hear these things in our newscasts and act as if we are not going to be affected?  It’s time now to ‘read and heed’ Matthew 24! 

A recent article I read said we can count on three things very soon:

  1. Food supplies becoming scarce
  2. Food prices doubling in 2-3 years and then doubling again in the next 2-3 years
  3. Growing food will be more valuable than gold

Today, you may only hear about the world’s violence and economic woes, or see the faces of famine in another country on the news, or watch as natural disasters effect other parts of the nation and the world. But rest assured, we will not always be exempt from all these things. The world you see around you today may be very different tomorrow.  Don’t wait until it comes to you – you need to be ready today for what may come tomorrow.

The prophetic dreams, visions and revelation that the Lord gives his people are for a reason! We are not to ignore them! Everywhere, the Prophets are warning to get ready!  Of course, that means spiritually FIRST – but it also means get ready with food, water and other necessities! 

“A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.”  (Proverbs 22:3 NLT)

“A sensible man watches for problems ahead and prepares to meet them. The simpleton never looks and suffers the consequences.” (Proverbs 27:12 TLB)

As we see the events of Revelation escalating at a phenomenal rate, let’s make sure we are prepared – spiritually and physically. We still have time but we need to act NOW. The economic situation in this country and all over the world is going to make it very difficult, very soon to gather things we need for Times of Trouble. The stock market is on a roller coaster and it’s not going to end well.  The drought and extreme weather we are having is going to make food prices unaffordable rapidly!  It’s all coming together, or maybe we should say it’s all coming apart.

For now, we have a good supply of emergency food that we can hold the line on the pricing.  But in the very near future, you won’t be able to get this food at any price!  It’s fast coming to that and we know it to be true by the economic forecasts.  Don’t wait on this – your family is counting on you to provide the basic necessities of life for them when calamity strikes.

Do what you can today for your family and then rest in the fact that we are in the hands of a loving God.  Get your plan going! Do something today to prepare for tomorrow!

I don’t want anyone I love to have to suffer unnecessarily, and I want to have something left over to give to others.



9 thoughts on “It’s Later Than You Think

  1. What has been will be, there are types all throughout scripture.
    If people will receive it. I see it so clearly, Jim is a Joseph
    type. His brothers were jealous, he was favored by the Father.
    He was given the coat of many colors. Look at the diversities of ministries Jim has started. Joseph was sent to prison, falsely accused. But from
    prison he went before Pharoah to save many people alive. Food was
    stored up in the time of plenty. Joseph knew famine was coming.
    That great storehouse of food was sold to keep many people alive.
    Including the household of Joseph. I can’t help but think of Food
    for Health as a great storehouse. Perhaps God’s storehouse to keep many people alive.

  2. well i felt sense God tell me pray for california and will be terrblie. i was pray for those people live there but they need born again in christ name . when happen about 2 or 3 yrs ago i felt senese spirt of God tell me about that .

  3. As Louise has said only the Father knows when exactly the 2nd Advent (Jesus’ return) will be. I believe one of the main themes of parable of ten virgins is for us to be prepared. God gave pharoah a dream he could not interpret nor could any of his people. Joseph, the son of Jacob, was given the interpretation of the dream and he was selected to prepare the Egyptian kingdom for what was to come.

    That episode of history was a foreshadow for us to learn from. As Solomon so aptly writes in Ecclesiates there is nothing new under the sun, What has been will be again. God in his love gave us the signs to look for in His Word. Jesus said when you see these signs your redemption draws nearer. Additionally, he said the signs will be like birth pains (the contractions get closer and closer, plus more intense).

    The parable of the fig tree came true in 1948. the prophecy in Ezekiel 38 and 39 is in progress. The horses in Revelation 6 as Pastor Jim says “are out of the barn”.

    The noble Bereans in Acts 17 researched the scriptures daily to ensure what Paul was teaching was the truth of the Gospel message. What Pastor Jim is teaching concerning the end of this earth age (eon of time) is right on the money.

    We must ask ourselves what is the Holy Spirit trying to say to the Christians during the present time. As the Bible says this is a time to prepare for the harvest (to teach and preach the salvation message).

    It is also the time for Christians to prepare for the coming increase of contractions and intensity of the tribulation (pressure in the Greek)concerning economics, religion, and political sytems. Another would be education (gaining knowledge) especially in God’s Word.

    I do not fear what is coming because I have been blessed by studying, knowing the signs, and how to to prepare for it. Actually, I embrace the present situations and circumstances. I trust in God (JOHN 14) because he promises to be my protector, not to leave me as like an orphan, and will never leave me or forsake me. Hallelujah our redemption is on the way. God Bless! Mike

  4. None of us know exactly when Jesus is coming. We can be aware of the
    times and know it’s near. We may not know the exact moment of the California earthquake but we know it’s coming, as is the New Madrid
    fault line. Precept upon precept, line upon line. Here a little,
    there a little. Why is that. I believe it’s because the Lord in
    his wisdom knows it would just be to much for us to handle. But
    what he does impart to us, through his Word, through his prophets,
    thru our own dreams and visions. We are to take seriously. Blow the
    trumpet and sound the alarm. In one of my dreams it started with these
    words, Don’t be afraid of what you see coming. God does not want us to be afraid. He says in his Word he shows us things before it happens. Sometimes years before.

  5. Respectfully, may I say that this raises many questions that I hope you’ll try to answer. We need much more specific guidance. Roughly when will the stock market “end badly” and render currencies worthless? In months, a year, five years? How long should we be prepared to eat from our food reserves? Etc, etc.

    One could simply say, “Do what the Lord tells you” and of course that would be the ultimate correct answer. But unless Jim and other prophetic people can do more than simply give the broad outlines of the warning, are we to conclude that the prophetic gift is not designed for specific instructions? In war, the top generals know the overall strategy and must relay specific plans to the people below them in the chain of authority. But the prophetic warnings being given by Jim and some other highly visible prophets are being dispersed to everyone, but are of a very general and vague nature, with the result that we are tempted to panic and act rashly. I’m sure I’m not alone in wondering about this.

    • Don,
      I believe that the Lord’s prophets give Logos Word to the Body of Christ, which is general and meant to warn the People of God as to what lies ahead. It is up to each individual believer to seek the Lord for a Rhema Word for his/her specific direction. The Lord may give you a specific prophetic word through a prophet of God, but I believe that individually seeking the Lord is the method He prefers. After all He does want that close fellowship with each of us.
      God Bless,

  6. I’ve been warning and stocking for the last two years. I questioned the Spirit once on “why do you have me stocking and everybody else is on vacation, shopping at the mall, etc… his reply was “you just need to do what I told you to do”. I’ve been laughed at talked about, but I feel better knowing my family will not be in line to receive a mark or hand out because were hungry. Blessed it be the name of the Lord. Your right things get worse and not better. I’m also keeping my house church ready in case I need to start a in home church again. Last time I did one the local church came in and took over. It only lasted for 4 months once they invaded us like that. They also told me I had to submit to the Pastor they were sending. Pray for our strength through perilous times.

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