Woe is Me (Pt. 4)

Woe to rebellious children who do not take council with the Lord!

How many people do you think understand that rebellious children are a sign of the Last Days?  I don’t think too many Christians actually do equate a rebellious generation with the soon coming of the Lord, but that is, in fact, one of the signs.  It’s easy to spot the other signs:  earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, etc.

We have seen the news headlines in recent weeks with shocking stories about flash mobs, rioting, brutal beatings, stealing and looting – accomplished in large part by teenagers.

When we see all this, many of us wonder how and when the world went crazy and so many young people became feral, not only in their thinking but now in their behaviors as well. Popular rock and rap music today proudly declares that “We are a Generation of Thugs!

But before we get too deep into calling out and blaming the children who are acting out in devious ways, let’s explore the real reason we find ourselves, as a nation, in this condition.  We, as the previous generation, do not get a pass on this.

Isaiah 30:1 NCV “The Lord said, how terrible it will be for these stubborn children. They make plans, but they don’t ask me to help them. They make agreements with other nations, without asking my Spirit. They are adding more and more sins to themselves.”

This is the USA!

We are just as much the rebellious children of God who did not take council with the Lord!

I have a new book that I am making available to everyone that’s called “Big Book of History” that outlines the truth about history from the creation days until today.  This is a children’s book, but even adults today need to be reminded about the things in our history that contributed to the situation we currently find ourselves in with this generation of rebellious children.

The following events and timeline are outlined in the “Big Book of History”:

1947 – Pres. Harry Truman declares the U.S. is a Christian Nation.

1948 – Dead Sea Scrolls discovered.  Modern State of Israel created.

1962 – Prayer removed from state schools in the U.S. by order of Supreme Court.

1963 – The bible is removed from state schools in the US.

2005 – The Ten Commandments removed from public buildings in the US.

2010 – Pres Barack Obama declares the US is no longer a Christian Nation.

In the last 50 years, we have kicked God out of schools and eventually we even kicked Him out of the entire nation and then wonder why our kids are self-willed, insolent, and morally depraved!  In all reality, we have sometimes inadvertently assisted the antichrist spirit in its ability to proliferate. Even much of the Church seemed to be asleep when all of this happened.

“The people who wrecked swathes of property, burned vehicles and terrorized communities have no moral compass to make them susceptible to guilt or shame” said British journalist Max Hastings in an article titled “Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated, welfare dependent, brutalized youngsters.”  The “liberal dogma” Max speaks about can be further explained in a Christian sense when we go a little deeper: an antichrist spirit is masquerading in our world as a champion of human rights.

Taken to the absurd, this antichrist spirit has convinced young people they are entitled to do what they want, when they want, and how they want and you can’t stop them.  The result of this rebellion is flash mobs, rioting, brutal beatings, stealing and looting – accomplished in large part by teenagers.

Do you think Jesus knew what this generation would be like?  It’s obvious that He did when inspired the Apostle Paul to pen the following  scripture:

2 Timothy 3:1-5   “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

I wish I had a solution to this situation we find ourselves in.  If I did, I would gladly share it with you all.  Frankly, sometimes I wonder if we haven’t already filled the cup of iniquity that God is willing to put up with.  But all I can do is grieve and think about how much humility, prayer and mercy we all need and I know one thing about my Lord, He is FULL of grace and mercy.  More than ever before, we see a need to fall on our faces and pray:

“… if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, search for me, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear [their prayer] from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their country.”

Will you pray with me?

9 thoughts on “Woe is Me (Pt. 4)

  1. I do want to make a comment about President Obama’s comment. It is being misquoted often by many. I heard this speech with my own ears. He said, “We are no longer JUST a Christian nation, we are a melting pot of many different faiths”. I just wanted you to know that, as there are terrible rumors and lies across the internet about this statement..Thank You, and God Bless this ministry! I love the work you all are doing for the Lord….Kathryn Schneider

  2. Appreciate the postings! It also seemed that when prayer was taken out of schools, the church was more concerned about whether a woman wore makeup and the length of her skirt, if the man’s hair was too long, and other outer appearances that would tell the young people “We don’t want you”. On top of that, the “money church”, and extreme hyper-faith movements were going on as well. Tom J. M. brought up a good point about parents who were rebellious children now raising rebellious children of their own: It made me think of the Scripture in Hosea 8:7a (KJV): “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind”.

  3. Hi Pastor Jim,

    The body of Christ must become healthy again concerning “truth”. The truth of the bible has gone from either/or to both/and. Truth has become relative to one’s own mind. The deception of “what is true for you isn’t necessarily true for me” syndrome has permeated the majority of the “church”.

    Truth is truth, false is false, what is false cannot be truth, and what is truth cannot be false…FOR EVERY INDIVIDUAL!

    Your good friend Rick Joyner has answered God’s calling to teach recently on tv why the judgments of God has come upon our nation. You both say the majority of Christians have fallen into unbalanced biblical teaching or what is false (a lie). I agree with both of you whole-heartedly.

    This might sound a little tough, but that is ok. I’ll take the persecution. I thank and praise God for our prayer warriors. Christians must remember God is not going to do what he has equipped us for. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. It’s time for us to start using our God given appendages to step out, labor, and speak out “enough is enough”.

    God called Joshua and the Hebrews into action. God told Joshua “be strong and courageous for I am with you”. We Christians must take hold of that truth and promise, put on our spiritual armor (Eph 6), and go into battle against the anti-christ spirit. Mental assent or just talking about it is not necessarily the Christ-like action required.

    God Bless! Mike

  4. Pastor Jim,
    As you have noted in your post, indicators of the Last Days maybe more prevalent with today’s rebellious children being influenced by the rebellious children of yesterday, who have become parents, teachers, and leaders of all types. If some grown-ups look proudly on their rebellious past, how much will they impart that desire to undermine authority to their pupils? Responsible parents need a decent environment to raise their kids – the entertainment industry markets offensive content through every medium. A shop owner needs lawful customers to succeed – a flash mob swarms and robs him. A beauty contestant cannot support gay marriage, she’s forced to relinquish her title after all hell breaks loose against her. Just a few examples, years apart, seemingly unrelated but with one link – a rebellious nature that despises moral wisdom to get its way. The rebellious children today range in age from 13 to 63, making the change from President Truman’s time to President Obama’s a major one. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 doesn’t describe the perilous times of the Last Days with plagues, famines, or wars. As you noted, the Last Days are characterized by moral loss, when our people are as rebellious children who do not take council with the Lord. I’m 48, and it’s difficult for me to witness this change over time. I can’t imagine how someone 10 to 20 years older, who has seen an even more dramatic change, copes with it. Let’s hope it’s not too late, that we can repent, and our country be healed.

  5. Pastor Jim,

    I believe the most important thing we can do as Christians is to stand in prayer, asking forgiveness of our forefathers. It seems that every war that takes place, America is somehow involved in it. It seems we have allowed open doors for attacks on America’s soil. We have turned our back on the poor, the result of our economy. I believe judgment from the Lord will in fact take place, how can a loving father constantly turn his face at all the wicknedness in the world today when he’s a holy God. His children needs his correction. We must repent – maybe after a season of sincere repenting, God will lessen his judgment.

  6. Dear Sir,
    Woe to rebellious children who do not take council with the Lord!

    Thank you for your message.
    It is a great concern to us all that our children are following the wrong pathway. They are on the pathway that leads to everything that is not good, and your identification of this in the Holy bible sir through Isaiah chapter thirty, is proof of what as happened, what is happening and what will happen to our children who are going against the love of our lord Jesus, his father and the Holy Spirit.

    Isaiah chapter 30 verse 1 Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin:
    Isaiah chapter 30 verse 2 That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt! KJV.

    I think sir we need to plead with the kids, children your are going away from the land of milk and honey, you are following the wrong pathway totally. Please listen to Jesus he will guide you in the right direction, away from a sinful lifestyle, and into a lifestyle of godly happiness.

    But like Isaiah says :- Woe to rebellious children who do not take council with the Lord!
    Where I really hope and pray to Jesus that he can help save and bring salvation to our children.
    Thanks again for you message sir,

    God bless!
    Staffordshire, England, UK.

  7. Before prayer was taken out of schools someone once said, the biggest
    problem in schools was chewing gum, pushing someone in line and the
    occasional sneaking a cigarette in the bathrooms. Now we feel
    compelled to pray for our children in schools and grand-children.
    From terrorist attacks, from other children carrying weapons and
    from the drugs, pedophiles etc. Our world has changed and we need
    to influence our families by the life we live and pray that our
    current culture with all the violence, new agers and agnostics
    and atheist do not plant a seed of rebellion in our children.
    Let us plant the good seed and another comes to water that seed and
    when they grow up if there is time, they will not depart from the faith. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he
    will not depart from it. Good word Jim, I will join you in prayer.

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