As We See the Day Approaching…

All of us need others who can look objectively at what we are saying or doing in the body of Christ, people who love us enough to tell us the truth, even if the truth hurts for a season.  At the same time, we need people who can encourage us to do what God has called us to do, without kowtowing, flattering, or telling us simply what we want to hear.  Honest encouragement must become a keystone in the last-days church of Jesus Christ. 

A few years ago, I was one of the speakers at a large prophecy conference.  When I got up to speak, I couldn’t get the message together!  Instead of bringing a message that hit the mark, I meandered back and forth, totally missing the target.

After the session that day, the ministers gathered together to evaluate what had been spoken.  It was a precious time of prayer and encouragement.  But that’s not all.

The other ministers firmly rebuked me for not sharing the message God had given me.  “You blew it, Jim,” one man said kindly but emphatically.  “You missed the message.  God gave you the message, but you didn’t present it.  You never got the point across.”  The other ministers agreed that I had not been effective that day.  They didn’t make me feel like a heel, but they were not about to sit by idly, pretending that I had been a blessing when I had not been.

Did I enjoy that corrective rebuke?  Absolutely not.  Did I need it, learn from it, and grow from it?  Count on it.

God wants us to be stirring each other up in a local community of believers with whom we interact daily, week by week.  He wants us to encourage and to be encouraged by spiritual brothers and sisters with whom we live out our Christian experience.

Notice again in Hebrews 10:25 how seriously God takes this matter.  Scripture says that we are to stir one another up to good works, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”

In other words, as we see the Day of the Lord approaching, the signs of Christ’s coming all around us, we desperately need each other if we are to mature as believers.

In the days ahead, many will need the church for food; some will need the body for shelter, transportation, child care, and basic human services.  All of us will need each other for spiritual encouragement to keep going, to keep trusting and believing.  In these “getting ready days,” we must take seriously the scriptural mandate that we encourage one another.  If ever we needed the church, we need it now!

3 thoughts on “As We See the Day Approaching…

  1. I just want you to know that I am a partner and I watch your show everday and go on the internet to watch, you and Lori are such an encouragement to me. I hope you will keep preaching until the Lord comes for us. Some day I plan to visit, it is a dream of mine to have a cabin there. God bless all of You! Tina

  2. Dear Jim,
    I was blessed to get to meet you over the summer when our family was on family vacation. You walked out and took the time to pose for pictures with me and my children. I love the ministry that GOd has given you!!! I receive so much from you. My daddy passed away a year and a half ago and you have brought me much encouragement throughout this difficult time!!! Thank you for being a mighty man of valor!!
    Love Kari

  3. Dear Pastor Bakker,

    By the Way, I am one of the senior citizens whom watched “the wedding” on the internet.( I have owned a computer for the past twenty years and have a degree in Communications.) My background was in religous and youth programming for public access television. I directed the shows and served as an advisor. It was the best time of my life. A couple of the kids went on to bigger things in media.
    A very gratifying experience for me in looking back. I think your Masters Commission in Media is the best approach to salvation for young people today.
    I only wish that there was someone I could refer to your program. What an opportunity! Have you made efforts to send your program details to surrounding communities? Well, of course you have! You think of everything.
    Pastor Bakker, it is just fantastic that you have made such a quality comeback. I watch your show every day, twice!!!! Will you be on the TCT Praise-a-Thon next week? I enjoyed your past appearance on that. You were
    a refreshing fund raiser. Your shows on organics and health are the best and yes, I am looking forward to the October shows on health and cooking. My husband and I (married 49 years) are thinking about spending an anniversary
    in Branson. Maybe I will meet you someday! I just recently joined here and will be an active member on your website.

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