Related Love Gifts

Pastor Jim and Lori Bakker talk about the attacks against Donald Trump and the rise of Christian media. With special guest Rick Wiles.


God gave us a reprieve. You look at where we were at last year, 2016. The darkness was getting darker in this country. The hostility toward Christianity was getting worse. – Rick Wiles

I think we’re in the war. I think we’re in the great battle of the Antichrist. – Pastor Jim

And I’ll tell you, I have never seen the church step up like this so dramatically that it’s literally turning a nation around. – Pastor Jim


James 2:13 MEV For he who has shown no mercy will have judgment without mercy, for mercy triumphs over judgment.

II Timothy 3:1 KJV This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.


Russia holds massive nuclear war exercise involving 40MILLION people as military tensions rise with US – The Sun

Vladimir Putin “If Hillary Clinton Wins, It’s WAR!” – Truthfeed

The US Has Begun Amassing Troops on Russian Border – The Anti Media

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