Proud of My Kids

Can I just brag a little? I am so excited about what has been happening with the Generation NOW network and our kids in the Master’s Media. Not only are the kids in the school excelling and finding favor with God and man, but our own kids are moving in the gifts of the Spirit with power and anointing!

It’s time to be filled with the Holy Spirit! We need some Holy Ghost ministers! We have to have the Holy Spirit Who gives you power to make it in these Last Days! Ricky and Marie are prophesying and laying hands on people and praying powerful Holy Ghost prayers! God is anointing our children!

One of our students, Melody Hayes, was faced with a choice of either going on this trip with us to Heritage USA or attending a modeling event. She chose to go with us, and the very hour she was to walk down the runway, she received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in the Upper Room at Heritage USA!

I’m so proud that our kids are making right decisions and becoming Holy Ghost-filled ministers! It’s time to get back in the Upper Room! It’s time to be filled with the Holy Spirit!

The kids’ show, Generation NOW, will soon be shown in over 42 million households on major Christian networks! Guess what? They have something to say! They have a message that isn’t condemning people, they’re just allowing the Holy Spirit to convict people when they speak of Him. They are reaching a generation that we older ones can’t reach because we don’t speak their language.

Can we all get behind these kids and let God be God? They still need our wisdom – but we need their youth and spiritual vitality! They are our heritage!

I want to encourage all of our partners and friends to support what these kids are doing for Christ. Some of you can help them financially, and all of you can pray for them!

Our Love Gifts store offers several ways for you to support what they’re doing!

Joel 2:28

“It will come about after this
That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind;
And your sons and daughters will prophesy,
Your old men will dream dreams,
Your young men will see visions.

2 thoughts on “Proud of My Kids

  1. Brother Jim: March 10, 2013

    Tears well-ed up in my eyes as I looked upon this photo & see the words you’ve written about your kids. Thank you for being the godly father, both physically & spiritually.

    Yes, I did see & hear things while ya’ll were @ Heritage. One of the big ones was just how impressed the kids were with what you had built. It was a city in the making –literally. I heard words & such yet what was / is most powerful is what they saw & what they experienced has increased their faith very very much.

    Love ya brother.

    Because of Jesus,

  2. so happy for all them praise God is using these kids to reach other kids struggling in this old sinful world God bless you all

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