Matthew 13:17 For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it. NIV
This is a critical time. Any time after this, we will have done all we could do and our time is over. Then the seals will open and the trumpets will blow and nothing we do or say will affect anything when that begins.
I’m struck with a sense of profoundness for this very small window of time. God uses vessels like us to discern and alert and inform. We cannot err in discerning the Times – and after we discern, we must alert and inform others. These are truly the days we were born for… for this, the grand finale.
One of the dangers of the End Times is hearing so much and understanding so little. Even the church fails to discern the meaning of End Time events because they have heard it so much and so often, it has lost its impact. We can’t become desensitized to End Times events!
We are bombarded every day with information from every direction. So much information, so many words coming at us from everywhere; our televisions, smart phones, ipads, and even our proximity to others is constantly feeding us information. I know that the plan of the enemy includes distractions and confusion caused by so much ‘noise’ that it makes it hard to hear the important things!
In all this information (knowledge), the greatest thing we must be listening for is the voice of our Lord.
Many times, in the Bible, when men of God received a special message from God, it was after withdrawing themselves to a time of solitude to be able to hear from Him alone. If ever we needed to hear from God, it’s now.
We have a supreme challenge in the days we live in to not only discern the Times, but to find the time to be still before the Lord in order to hear His voice.
A few Sundays ago, my son Ricky ministered a profound word that we all need to hear. He said, “There’s a time to stop speaking and listen. Sometimes we just need to be quiet before the Lord, and now is God’s time to speak to us.”
Sometimes, a constant flow of information is just a distraction from the greater thing.
I learned about distractions years ago when I was trying to spend quality time with the Lord and a honey bee began buzzing around me. I heard the Lord say, “even the buzzing bee distracts you!”
Even when life demands our time and attention, we must find the time to spend alone so that God can speak to us. That’s why I often get up in the middle of the night and sit quietly before the Lord. That’s the only time I can be without distractions!
Wouldn’t it be a tragedy if, after we have studied, talked about, and generally saturated ourselves with information about the End Times, that we become so busy, busy, busy in our thoughts and activities that we miss the voice of the Lord instructing us in every move we make in our own strategic mission?
Only after we have “been with Jesus” can we hear Him and His instructions for these amazing final days.
Susan, it’s only God’s place to interpet it. I don’t feel he has given me the full understanding of your dream. Just keep in faith knowing God will gove you the understanding in the right timing. Stay in his Word. I can only share what he has shown me and what I have understood by him giving me the understanding of my dreams. I still have some i wouldnt dar interpet unless its Jesus giving me the understanding. Some he told me he can’t show me everything because he told me its not the right timing yet according to the kingdom of heaven. I believe he will reveal it to you. You just gotta trust in him and continue to pray and be joyful you have the gift of Jesus and can share it with others as your continue to grow in Christ with your gift of dreams and visions
I try not to interpet my dreams if I don’t completely understand them. If you still have questions just continue to stand on God’s word and pray for him to give you the full understanding . Sometimes he wont reveal it all to us at once, and sometimes its not the right timing for you to understand it all. I never share a dream unless God tells me to. I think its good if you don’t understand, to share it only when you have the understanding. Itsbiblical that christians should be able to understand their dreams because God gives us the understanding but non christians don’t always know how. If you have the word of God in your heart and continue to seek Jesus, he will give you the interpretation. Sometimes he shows peices to us, and sometimes he shows it all. When God shows you things its for his Glory, not ours, so always pray his gift in you will be used for the Father in his timing for people who need Jesus and also to help guide and protect us . God says in the end days he will ‘ pour out his spirit on all flesh’ . If you dont have peace about the dream and it doesnt cause you to want to pray for others or your life, throw the dream out. If it causes you to want to pray for others, convict you in a positive way, and makes you want more and understanding, its God. He is just working on getting you to listen and heay be trying to tell you something. Be patient, he will reveal it to you in time. Unless you feel you can understand it . Never rush to understand. Let God interpet it for you.
Yes my sister has kids .
Trista – I live only a hiccup from Simi Valley. I have had an urgency to move to Texas. During a dream/vision?, as I was crossing the state line into TX, I looked back and saw California crack like a raw egg dropped on the concrete. I believe this is my confirmation. Thanks for sharing.
Better heed that warning then, He will provide the way!
G-d Bless!
Wow Karen, I am praying you continue to read God’s word , meditate on it as you let God to continue to be your voice on where to go and when you need to go. God bless you karen. My heart has been so stirred the more and more I grow also in his Word. We must continue to stir up the gift he gave us. Dont let it go dormant. For it truely is to help us reach people as he shows us things to come and as he confirms things he shows us in his word.
Trista, I too had a dream in 2006 that North Korea fired a nuclear bomb on America and it did hit us. At that time I had no knowledge of any nuclear activity in North Korea and I was not keeping up on the latest news. This must have been from the Lord… I just recently posted a comment on Facebook with an article similar to yours and shared my dream.
Our only hope is our Lord Jesus! I need to seek Him more and try to be silent and listen like Jim said.
Thank you for sharing your dream!
Wow ! Just imagine if we all wrote our dreams down and compared them. I believe we would see a huge revelation that we may learn of which certain events that will come after another and another. I believe the Father is revealing this to me right now. Jesus even shared in matthew about us recognizing the seasons. I believe he prepares our hearts and so we can reach people. He wants us to be ready and aware! Continue to pray and stay in his word and consecrated to him Rebecca. God’s desire is to ‘pour out his spirit’ in these last days !
Trista, I am very interested in your dream! As I read it I felt the sincerity and legitimacy of it. I was wondering if you will post it to facebook so it can be shared with our friends and family that are lost?
Yes jennifer I can do this . What is your facebook ?
Speaking on this same matter; that is quite possible for a Christian’s heart to unknowingly “turn away” from God; by being so busy in “Bible Study” to the point of worshipping the “Word” of God; but NOT actually worshipping, as we should, the “God” of the Word. In other words, it is possible for a believer to begin falling in LOVE with the very KNOWLEDGE of GOD; but simultaneously, falling OUT of love from the very PERSON OF GOD, Himself – who just happens to be, coincidentally, the very AUTHOR of all Universal Knowledge in the first place!! This can be a self-inflicting distraction for the Saints [even as Pastor Jim is now confessing] by becoming a “thing” of pride for us; and thereby, ironically, without us being aware of our very “hearts” to actually grow “cold” towards God. This same type of “distraction” may cause our personal pride in even a “Biblical” type of knowledge to interfere in us making efforts to submit to the very AUTHORITY of God; and learn how to bear the “fruits” of the Holy Spirit – which is much MORE important to the Lord – eternally speaking – than just mere “possession” of Biblical knowledge. Apostle Paul already speaks on this matter in the New Testament’s famous “love” chapter of 1 Corinthians 13.
We are also warned in the Bible about being so “busy” with God’s “works” – THAT consequently, we can actually FAIL to “grow” in His holy righteous “character”; by, ironically, NO LONGER focusing on our “First Love”, i.e., Jesus himself; BUT inadvertently prioritizing the very “works” of Christ AHEAD of Christ himself!!
Revelation 2
1 Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;
2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:
3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name’s sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.
4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent [KJV].
So yes, Pastor Jim is right. All of us “believers” need to take more “time out” from being “too busy” with “works”; AND spend MORE time in private silence alone with God Himself; in order to grow in true INTIMACY with Him.
I felt I should pass it down to you so you can pray also. It is below so you can read it. Blessings.
-Trista Williams
I have had a few dreams about North Korea and it’s agendas against our country.
This article I found today really blessed me, however The Lord is the number one protector of us all, but something in my spirit says Obama and our goverment know something North Korea is planning. Otherwise, why would they put up more missiles defenses along the west coast and California. I have already shared this dream I had below. Here is the article link I found today that gives me more confidence the Holy Spirit is pressing us to pray for our country and west coast. God bless, Trista
Here is my dream, and then article below at end of email that I found today:
March 9, 2013 North Korea deception
It is 3:39 am. I have been awake for a few mins only from my sleep . I have awoken because of a powerful visitation from Christ.
When I was taken in spirit with Christ to places, God would speak to me in his audible voice. Christ placed me in spirit over the land where the dictator of North Korea lives. I saw the massive armies of men this dictator has. I realized when the lord zoomed in on this man dictator so i could see him closely, that I recognized him. He is the new man in power after his father’s death. He is in power this very day 2013.
The Lord placed me in spirit hovering above him as I saw him yelling really loud thru a microphone on a high platform it looked like he was declaring his anger and revenge over a country. I do not know if this platform was from a balcony on a building or if he was on a stage . The Lord literally had me hovering so close over him that I felt as if I was 5 feet from him.
He had a hitler like attitude the way he was acting. His face even looked a little red from the anger coming out of him as he yelled. I did not understand what he was saying, but I knew in my spirit it was not lovely.
As I watched him yelling , I knew he was commanding attack or speaking live on tv being recored about a attack he had already made. I didn’t know if the attack he planned had happened yet.
The Lord looked at me and nodded ” he will not back down.”
After I saw The Lord nod at me with a look of disappointment, I heard God speak in his audible voice to me and say ” sound the alarm .there is no warning now. They have been warned many times, yet many doubt it will happen and have said ‘ we fear not this man’ but they shall be in fear when destruction suddenly comes”
When all this downloaded in my spirit, I all of a sudden was taken in spirit and placed hovering over the USA . I realized I was looking over the west coast of the USA. In my spirit I saw California and I began to grieve for the people.
I had a specific area I was grieving over. “Southern California.”
Now I felt in my spirit God say ” bring warning to your loved ones. Tell them to go now” they must go Far East. Not little , but far.”
I knew in my spirit he was saying to tell my sister which lives in Simi Valley to get in the car with the kids and flee east. I felt he ment over a 1000 miles east of her home city. This was also a clue to me that my sisters kids were still young enough she was driving them around. I am thinking to myself, ‘ The Lord actually is showing me that this is goingto happen in my lifetime.’
When I was taking all this information in, I wanted to cry, puke, I was angry , hurt, but yet I knew this was coming. Even if I didn’t want to say it, I knew this would happen. I also knew in my spirit that many will turn to the father because they are recognizing the evil that is out there and what It can do. The USA seemed so out of touch with the true evil till it came against USA. We see these things happening in countries, but then we get the biggest Nuke on us. The worst part is, I instantly was thinking, ‘ no way Lord, we will intercept it before anything would hit our land.’ But then The Lord looked at me and put knowledge in my spirit .
The words he downloaded in me was ‘ America thinks they are untouchable. But yet these missiles will not be intercepted. But they will hit”
My immediate reaction to all this in my spirit made me want to pray . I felt the need to go into a deep spiritual fast , and I also felt the need to cry for my country. I could the heart of Jesus pounding in me also with such power of God’s voice speaking to me all at the same time.
Salvation ,salvation, salvation salvation is all I could think about . We must stay focased on salvation and discipling people to hear from the Holy Spirit.
I do not know for sure where these missiles hit. I do not know if they hit the waters near California coast, or on the coast, or inland. I just knew this was a horrible mess about to happen. He did not allow me to see the destruction of California from these missiles. But he only showed me the events leading up to it. He only hovered me over North Korea when the leader was speaking, and then hovered me over California . I was not given a time or a date, but the information that the leader is the man in power right now in 2013) this was a big deal. I have no clue if this happens in march or years from now. All I knew is, this was going to happen in my lifetime. If God is telling me to warn, he wants us to be protected.
Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to manifest thru us in all things and the Gospel to be preached among the nations! We must usher in the coming of The Lord by focasing on his people. Man has now come to the point they have developed very deadly weapons that will wipe thousands out at a time, and even possibly millions.
This means the coming of The Lord is very near.
The Lord shared with me that America is blessed in many ways. The Lord has also shared with me, that many have opportunities in this free land to know him and have chosen to not follow him . It hurts him when the lost are driving by churches and have the ability to know him, yet they choose to ignore these signs he has given them. These things coming against our land are not his will. But it is only from sin . These attacks are not from God or of God. They are only from the power of satan through mankind which seeketh after the things that cause death. God wants us to be blessed, to know him and salvation. He wants us to be protected . But then there are also seasons of things which lead up to his coming.
I woke up after this. (Verses led to share below)
Acts 2:17
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh:and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
Acts 2:18
And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
Romans 12:6
Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;
Malachi 4:5
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:
Acts 3:23-26
And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people. Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days. Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.
Source: U.S. to beef up missile defense against North Korea
By Chris Lawrence, CNN
updated 1:30 PM EDT, Fri March 15, 2013
(CNN) — U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is expected to announce Friday afternoon that the Pentagon will enhance the nation’s ability to defend itself from a nuclear attack by North Korea, a U.S. defense official told CNN.
Hagel will announce that the United States will deploy up
to 14 additional ground-based missile interceptors on the U.S. West Coast, according to the official.
Part of the move would involve reopening a missile field
at Fort Greely, Alaska, and some of the interceptors would be based in California. It would take two years for all of the systems to come online.
yes could be happen and God show me and felt about sothern california about three or four ago. God said people need Jesus saves and born again but people need born agian before something happrn . i do pray for them soo bad i hope they listen to God . i know not easy and God knows everthing
and wow trista u lot dream and thats good keep going !!!
Does your sister already have kids? This would help in determining timelines just a bit, as the dictator is already in place. With this exercise going on and his treats increasing, wont take much for the straw to break the camels back. I had a dream last week of my cousin who is same age as me and we were at a rocky beach and she was going to go hang gliding for the first time ever, I looked above me and told her the cliff above us would probably be the best to jump off of and she climbed up there and with her rainbow colored hang glider and with out hesitation, jumped off (she is afraid of heights but did not hesitate to jump). I looked out over the beach, over the water and saw a severe storm with many tornadoes coming down out of it but no one else noticed. My cousin after she had jumped went straight down and recovered just before she was to hit and flew off, and she didnt even notice the storm, none of the beach goers saw this storm. I do not know what state we were but I have lived for a time in southern california and know that like La Jolla, their shores can be rocky in areas to where someone might be able to jump off and hang gliding and the fact that the hang glider was rainbow colored may be a clue, as to the homosexualness (new word, lol) of California, San Francisco and such being one of the nations capitol of sexual perversion. Many tornadoes came out, did not count, but was able to clearly see it.