A Major March

On New Year’s Eve 2010, God showed me that the coming month of March would be a “Major March”.  A time of major upheaval but also a time of extreme answers to prayers and blessing for Gods people.    In addition to the New Year’s Eve warning, God again brought a warning  while taping  our television broadcast, that a 9.0 magnitude earthquake was coming, this was a week before the earthquake hit Japan.  We are now witnessing the apocalyptic events in Japan that were undoubtedly a part of both of those warnings.  More earthquakes and major events are coming to Japan very soon.  California and the area from Illinois and Missouri to Arkansas will have major events in the future.  Keep you eyes on the Ring of Fire.

On July 12, 2005, God showed me New Orleans under water.  Forty-one days later, on August 29, 2005, hurricane Katrina hit.

In 1999, God showed me 31 things that will come to pass shortly and most already have.

When I tell you of the warnings God gives me and how they come to pass, I’m doing so because I want you to know how much He cares for you – enough to send you a message through a watchman ahead of time so that you can be ready!  Throughout the Bible, God uses people in certain capacities to deliver His messages and warnings.  These warnings aren’t just meant for me and my family.  No!  These messages and warnings are for the entire family of God so that they can prepare, first their hearts, and then to help themselves and others in practical ways in Times of Trouble.

I do not claim to be a prophet but I am a watchman whom the Lord Jesus uses to warn others to be ready for impending calamity.  Jim Bakker is human and has “feet of clay” just like you do.  I’m not perfect – the only perfect people are the people you don’t know very well, except for Jesus!  I don’t want people to believe in me – I want them to believe in Jesus!  If you put your hope in men, they will fail you.  We are to glorify Jesus, not any man!  Jesus must be on the throne – and we are to be looking unto Jesus as author and finisher of our faith.  We are to be looking with intensity, an intense gaze!  If you lose focus in this hour, you may not have the time to regain your bearings!

The speed with which Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled is mind-boggling.  NOW is the time to get our heads on straight and get our hearts right with God.  NOW is the time to prepare for Times of Trouble.  Remember Revelation warns us when the last days events began they will happen quickly many at one time one right after another!

We will be comforted during the Times of Trouble, and we are not appointed to God’s wrath; but Jesus warns over and over to prepare, both physically and spiritually for what is coming during these times.

The Lord also gave me a dream right before New Year’s Eve about huge waves sweeping down through the streets and over people.  In the dream, I was running into a large tower-like structure and screaming for the people to follow me!  As we climbed higher and higher in the tower I could see the huge waves coming up the streets just as we see in the pictures on television from Japan.

I wouldn’t be a Friend of God or your friend if I didn’t tell you what I’m sensing and hearing.  It’s time to run to God – it’s time to run into the Strong Tower of God and be safe!  It’s time to get ready for the great waves of the Times of Trouble.  They are upon us.

Proverbs 18:10 tells us “ The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runs into it, and they are safe.”



17 thoughts on “A Major March

  1. I am a member of a Quaker church in Ohio. Quakers are historically pacifists. When I approached my pastor to consider the allowance of concealed carry to protect him from the growing tide of church shootings, he took it under consideration NOT for himself, but to protect the congregation. The jury is still outstay tuned…

  2. Pingback: Adele 21 Album

  3. Dear jim i know i can share this with you and trust you will take it to the Lord in prayer , the other day at work number 11-11-11 lit up on my computer we use this as a default date at work, but on this day these numbers lit up as i was seeing them for the first time. i heard very clearly make note of this date, november 11,2011 i had a dream back in 2001 and it involved a big navy ship that was attacked, i dont know if these two things are related but i know this nov,11, 2011 is veterans day. please take it to the Lord in prayer. irene

  4. jim i am trying to under the japan earthquak prophecy. is the quake that just hit the big one or is the one in tokeo the one

  5. It is like the plagues in Egypt in Exodus 9:15-16, where God says, “For by now I could have put forth My hand and have struck you and your people…but for this very purpose have I let you live, that I might show you My power, and that My name may be declared throughout all the earth.”
    Even after several catastrophes that Moses prophesied, some still ignore the word of the Lord and left their servants and their livestock in the field and they were killed by the hailstorm. Thank you, Mr. Bakker, for publishing what God has shown you. Because of God’s mercy, He is warning us to turn our hearts to Him.

  6. Yes Mr Bakker, I was at the Morningstar Ministries with Rick Joyner who BTW speaks very highly of you, and I too as wondering about the 31 prophecies from 1999 and what the 31st was? Thank you in advance

  7. I’m viewing by internet the Morningstar conference and Rick Joyner mentioned youe 31 point prophecy on New Years 1999. He said 30 have come to pass. What is number 21 please?? Thank you for your faithfulness to sound the Warnings!

  8. which we are involved and the new city is the coming of the Lord. He tells us in Luke 21 to look up our Redemption draweth nigh. He also tells us the young will have visions and the old will have dreams.
    Rev 22-20 He who testifies to these things says ” yes, I am coming soon. ” Amen. come, Lord Jesus.

  9. Jim:
    I believe we are in the last days. It seems somehow all Christians can feel this urgency I can’t explain this except I feel excited and sad at the same time.

    A week before the quake in Japan I had a dream, It was so real, I woke up telling my husband about it. I was in a car driving down the highway, I looked up to my right and high in the sky was a huge metal box with technical wiring and hose looking things coming from it, Behind that I saw a black Stealth fighter plane, Then i looked foward and I don’t know how to describe it, It was like a huge city coming down and the colors were so bright like it was in technicolor. Now I know what the Lord was telling me, The huge metal box was the Nucular plant in Japan, The bomber was the intervention in

    • I got right with God last year. I was a backslidden lukewarm
      “christian”. Now I’m on fire for God and Jesus is my passion. I too feel this urgency in my spirit. I also feel excited because I can feel how close Jesus is but then I have this Holy sorrow/grief/restlessness because so many people are not right with God and time is running out. ohhhhh how the church needs to wake up ! So glad to see you mention that urgency in your comment.

  10. Jim, It is so difficult to discern in my prayer life between the wrath of Man, and the wrath of God. I noticed that yesterday my comment to you was yanked all most immediately. Maybe it was because I put a YOU Tube link on my comment.

    There for I will not put a link on my comments. I probably should read through your Privacy Agreement more thoroughly. Please research “HAARP” and “Chem trails” on You Tube. This is Evil Personified by a hand full of ruling Elite that control the entire Globe! Yesterday my link took you to a site showing how this could be the beginnings of the wrath of God.

    Personally I believe as you do,that the Temple must be rebuilt and the Antichrist must be revealed before we are caught up! So we must assume to be somewhere toward the end of the dispensation of Grace and the wrath of Man. You know better than I how some dispensation periods over lap into new ones. I believe God will reveal to you very clearly: is this Gods wrath or Mans?

    I apologize most humbly If I am breaking any rules. My wife and I are seriously considering buying a house or Condo on your Property. It will truly be the safest refuge to weather these Perilous times.

    My Grandfather originated from Missouri. I have known my Genealogy since I was a young boy. I was watching your Show a week or so ago and realized that you and I are related and I can prove it. you see my family is also related to the Queen of Holland.

    For many years we had very old Cedar Chest’s and other pieces of furniture that were adorned with the royal shield of Holland. Ancestry.com says that my Great Great Grandmother was Directly related to the Queen. So my wife and I are very much looking forward to meeting you Cuz. Your Brother in Christ.

  11. I believe that more catastrophic events in the world are coming soon to fulfill the ‘birth pains’ prophecy Jesus gave in Matt 24. People must prepare as time is short now. We are well into the ‘beginning of sorrows’ phase, and things wil start to happen very quickly now.

  12. Jim,

    This earthquake in Japan has been expected for quite some time. If you are familiar with “the Bible Codes”, Japan is the country most clearly encoded with a great earthquake. Japan and Israel are repeatedly stated to be in great danger. They appear together with “End of Days” and “Japan” is encoded with “holocaust of Israel.” The two countries names are also encoded together crossing “year of the plague” and “Final Battle.” An immense disaster seems to threaten both nations. In Israel the threatened disaster is nuclear war, and in Japan it is a great earthquake. Both would affect the entire world. But it is possible that the disaster that strikes Japan that affects the world is actually an “economic collapse” which is also encoded with “earthquake struck Japan.” This would make sense because Japan is so central to the world economy today.

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