Days of Transition Ahead

We have had several prophets visit Morningside recently.  One common theme in their messages is that the Lord’s people will be going through a transition in the coming year – a very narrow place.   This narrow place is allegorically likened to the birth canal.  When a woman is in labor, the most crucial moments preceding birth are when the baby enters a very narrow transitional passage called the birth canal.

The birth canal allegory has been used to explain many spiritual transition processes the Lord takes His people through.  Transition is another term used to explain the time period between when the baby enters the birth canal, the movement through it, and just before the triumphant arrival!

Every time this allegory is used, there is one thing that is emphasized – the narrowness of the path and the pain involved in the process.  But there is no other way except THROUGH!  Remember, we are going somewhere and we will get there if we just endure!

The prophets are saying that 2011 is going to be a year of transition for the Lord’s people.  Spiritually, what the prophets are speaking of is a process of God’s people moving through a very uncomfortable time ahead.  But, we must go through if we are to go on to the victory ahead.

While we may soon feel the intensity of the coming press in the Revelation days ahead, we must keep the Glorious Prize in mind – the arrival of our King!

5 thoughts on “Days of Transition Ahead

  1. Dear God,

    I believe you when you told these profits that trying times are coming. I pray that you give us the strength and wisdom to move forward with you God. Thank you for your Love, Mercy and Faith. Please give us the strength and prepare us for these times Lord.
    In Jesus’ Name

  2. Dear Lord,
    Give me the faith, strength, wisdom and motivation to follow You through this trying time. In Jesus’ name I pray.

  3. Thanks Pastor Jim,
    Thanks for your obedience to God. It is how you finish that counts. There is always pain before something great is birthed. To God be all the Glory for the birthing of Lori’s House. 2011 will be a time to celebrate and keep our eyes on the King of King’s and the Lord of Lord’s. God Bless You and your family. God Bless all.

  4. I look forward to this transition taking place and it’s affect upon the church. I pray that we are all ready to flow with this transition and into what God is leading us to! I pray that I will be affected greatly in this transition to the GLORY OF GOD!

  5. And preparing, both spiritually and naturally, for this time of transition should be foremost in our thoughts, prayers, and plans. Thanks, Pastor Jim, for helping the church in this time of preparation.

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