God Remembers Mercy in Judgment

There is a lot of chatter in the Christian community and even in the secular world about the End Times and whether these natural disasters like Katina, the Haitian earthquake, and the Japan earthquake were the judgment of God or merely the results of a world gone wild. 

Rick Joyner is with us this week, and he emphasized that even in God’s judgment, He always desires to show His mercy.  Romans 2:4 says “Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?”

The Lord always wants to show mercy rather than judgment.  The kindness of God really does lead to repentance.  When Nineveh repented, they averted God’s judgment.  But even when judgment is necessary to bring repentance, God still remembers mercy. 

The economic unraveling is coming and Rick said that it could be a major positive – a jubilee where we can start over.  Hundreds of years after King David lived, God would still do things for Israel for the sake of his servant David because David’s righteousness still had currency with God. 

America still has a foundation of righteousness with God, but we’ve departed from our Godly foundation – departed from righteousness and justice, but the Lord will give us a reset if we repent.  (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Rick went on to say there will be a shaking first.  The economic unraveling is the grace from God to give us a reset where we can start again.  There will be a period of time when our dollar won’t be worth anything, but we have another source.  We have a kingdom that is above all of our natural circumstances and every Christian is going to  have to come to the kingdom.

Rick said he talked to Bob Jones (another Prophet) the Sunday after the big quake hit in Japan, and Bob said  “it’s coming to California.”  This confirms what the Lord showed me in the “31 Things” he gave me in 1999.  When the Lord speaks something like that, He will usually confirm it with two or three witnesses. 

Rick said up until this point, he has been counseling people not to leave California unless they had a direct word from God to leave.  Now however, Rick said he feels very strongly that people should not stay in California unless they have a direct word from the Lord.  You can imagine the impact of that counsel.  Rick said that he has many who are upset with him about it – but he dare not be afraid to warn them.

Why is all this happening?  Is it the judgment of God? 

Many people want to remember only the goodness of God but the Bible says in Romans 11:22 NKJV “Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in his goodness: otherwise you also shall be cut off.”

Rick said that destruction is only one form of judgment, but discipline is up to us in America.  If the church in America wakes up, we can be a blessing to the world if we respond and repent!  That’s right – it’s the CHURCH who needs to repent! 

We have stood by as America has told God we don’t want you anymore – not in public – not in our schools – not in our judicial and government systems, and He is withdrawing His grace from us!

Whom God loves He chastens and  America will be chastened.

Rick reminded us that the Bible says to judge yourself lest ye be judged – fall on the Rock or He will fall on you!  Every one of these events are calls to His people – do it now!  Repent and return to Him, know that God always desires to show His mercy!  Intercede for America, and for the world.

Don’t miss a single show this week.  Together, we can mine the richness of God’s wisdom in all this and be prepared, both spiritually and naturally.



6 thoughts on “God Remembers Mercy in Judgment

  1. I also found the Jim Bakker show on tv last year and wasn’t going to watch. However, I felt drawn by the Holy Spirit to watch anyway, and having been doing so ever since! Praise God! I have learned so much, and developed God’s wisdom that I so often pray for. I have a decent start on fresh water supplies and storage food, among other things. The Bible says “My people perish for lack of knowledge”.
    I determined I wasn’t going to be one of them.
    Thank you Jim Bakker for being faithful to what God has called you to do.

  2. First I must say Jim, I appreciate your honesty and humility. Thank
    you for your teachings. Don’t worry about any negativity toward
    your ministry. While some are saying send me your money and get rich,
    you are honest saying help us stay on the air. You also provide
    things which will be valuable in the time of trouble. I have to
    tell of an experience I had while undergoing surgery for cancer.
    I was talking while under anesthesia. One thing I said, cancer
    was a small enemy standing under the shadow of the Almighty.
    Another was that there was going to be a devastating earthquake.
    When the Dr. asked me where while I was under anesthesia I said,
    California, New Madrid. I also spoke while under anesthesia
    about Israel and Iran. Iran shutting off the straight of Hormuz.
    That affecting the large trucks in our land. Bringing in supplies.
    That everyone should have a 30 day supply of food and water on hand.
    I really don’t know what those Dr.s must have thought. I was speaking
    about things coming while under anesthesia. I know it sounds strange
    and I don’t quite understand it all. But when you spoke of the
    earthquake, I knew it was from the Lord. Pray for my son and
    daughter, and grandchildren that live on the New Madrid fault line.
    God bless you, don’t let any of the people who criticize you get
    to you. Those are just fiery darts. God has raised you and Lori up
    for such a time as this.

  3. I have cried before about this one when I first got an inkling California will be devistated in the timing it is. God said he would warn us. If you missed the article e=mail me for it in it’s almost entirety. It is so sad because this is where I grew up. And I know the Lord has safe area’s but wow this is hard because my family thinks i and we are nuts! There is still so many things I have to buy and don’t have the money for. But I know God can sustain us through impossible odds or we meet Him sooner. Shalom please pray for my flesh to go away some it’s freaking. Spirit is having a joy party. Gbu

  4. I’m thankful too. I was flipping through the TV and heard you talking, To be honest and please forgive me, I wasn’t going to listen and thought this was a little crazy, but I felt GOD pulling me to your station over and over. Now I listen on line because I can’t always watch you on tv. I’m learning so much and taking note. I just wish I had to money to buy and prepare. At this point all I can do is prayer and ask GOD to protect my family.

    May the LORD bless you and keep you. I plan on buying 4 water bottles. I’m saving for that right now…

    Thank you for your teaching…

  5. Pastor Bakker,

    1st congrats’ on the Comeback, thank GOD!

    I blogged Lori, about a month ago,

    I thought I better get back regarding 3/11/11., and ref. some of
    your other guest from late last yr an early 2011.

    I remembered what you all said and started ‘watching’ only days before, I think GOD gave me ‘info’ right before 3/11/11.

    Also, I recall one of your guest talking about the “Straights”,

    //, ll , . GOD Blesses through Christ Jesus.
    David DSC

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