God is Warning Us Through His Word

Our time is running out to really do some of the things God wants us to do. But, if God’s people will begin to turn back to Him, we can see a real move of God.

In the middle of the night, God woke me up and led me to open my Bible so I turned on my phone for light (for old fogies that don’t know what they’re doing) and the first scripture the Lord said to read – I’m reading it and it is so shocking to me…

It is going to happen so soon… it literally puts the fear of God in me. Rick Joyner said when you see the extremes (hot/cold highs/lows, when meters flip) that means the engine is about to explode!

Rick said, without beating around the bush, we’re going to have martial law unless America really turns back to God. There’s no hope without God! Rick said all the money that we (America) owes would be equal to the worth of everything on this earth including your shoes, your glasses, your house, your cars, everything! He said everything we own is equal to the real debt – not the debt they tell us we have but the real debt that the experts are telling us.

And we’re actually seeing right now some of these extremes taking place even in the weather. The headline reads: “Nearly 1,000 Record Low Temperatures Set as Another Round of Arctic Air Forecast to Deep Freeze the U.S.” All of these records were set in just one week of time. In the last seven days, one thousand record low temperatures were set. The Lord said to me in September of 2012, three words: “Cold, Cold, Cold!”

And there were 205 snowfall records broken this year as well! I was reading an article from England and it says: “The 2013 Winter will be the Longest Winter in History.” Heavy snow could fall until May, forecasters warn. Britian is facing an unprecedented six-month winter with long-range forecasters warning relentless heavy snow and sub-zero temperatures could last until May.

The Lord said, “open the Bible, I gotta talk to you right now.” And it was in the night – maybe 1, 2 or 3 in the morning, I’m not sure. And I put my cell phone on so I didn’t wake up Lori and this is what I read:

Psalm 11:6,7 NCV

“And He will send hot coals and burning sulfur on the wicked. A whirlwind is what they will get. The Lord does what is right, and He loves justice, so honest people will see His face.” What was He talking about? He said in verse 3: “When the foundations for good collapse, what can good people do?”

What’s happened to America? America has become so evil-minded, Christmas is almost non-existent as far as CHRISTmas! Christ’s own birthday! Even all the Christmas movies are all about the “spririt of Christmas,” not even about Jesus! It’s not about a baby born in Bethlehem – it’s about some magical time.

But, this is what the scripture says in Psalm 14:1 NCV: “Fools say to themselves, there is no God. Fools are evil and do terrible things; there is no one who does anything good.” They tell lies about each other. Chapter 12:2 NCV says, “Everyone lies to his neighbors; they say one thing and mean another.”

All through this, as I’m reading this, last night as I woke up and the Lord lead me here, it says the wicked are all around us and everyone loves what is wrong. Isn’t that true? Everything that is anti-Christ! We’re in the season, we’re in the time of the arising of the anti-Christ and America has turned her back totally on God.

Here’s what’s coming:

Psalm 11:6 NCV

“And He will send hot coals and burning sulfur on the wicked.”

Psalm 116:6 NKJV says:

“Upon the wicked He will rain coals; Fire and brimstone and a burning wind shall be the portion of their cup.”

So I asked the Lord, “what is sulphur?” I believe God showed me it’s volcanic – there’s going to be huge volcanos soon. This is the message that He focused on in the early morning hours when He woke me up to speak to me.

God said, “Get up and warn the people!” I said, “Lord, I’m tired of warning the people,” but what do I have to lose? I’ve lost everything in my lifetime so I have everything to gain. I have heaven to gain and hell to lose!

I believe God is saying that we are going to see more volcanos. The sun and the moon can literally be darkened by volcanic ash. (Matthew 24:29 KJV) If Yellowstone goes, we will have what they call a “nuclear winter” for several years.

So I asked the Lord, “what is a whirlwind?” I went to the Hebrew to study that a little more and it says, “violent wind,” so it could be any kind of violent storm.

I believe the Lord is warning us through His Word!

11 thoughts on “God is Warning Us Through His Word

  1. The Lord told me about 3 weeks ago that He was about to push the RESET button on America. I pondered that for a while. When we reset the computer, or satellite dish receiver or any other device, what happens? It resets to the original design or function. Is the Lord saying ” I am going to reset America back to my original design or purpose? Declaring MY WORD, MY SON, MY Plans , MY GLORY! and PURPOSE! I believe so. I don’t know how He will RESET America but I do know HE CAN! Get ready for a RESET! God Bless and keep declaring the Word of the LORD! God Bless…..

  2. This is all about the Wonderful Good news of our redemption by our Savior, The Lord Jesus Christ! Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Reel them in Jim and Lori….Love You and Lori and Your Lovely Family….

  3. I have been with you forever. I was a “Heritage Grand” partner. I love the truth and I know I can trust what you teach. I watch every day and have been a “Watcher on the Wall” because of it. Thanks for having the courage to speak out and speak up!

  4. ThankYou For Speaking The Words Of God,
    You Are A Beacon Of Light, In
    Our World,
    Jesus Said To His Deciples, “If You Love Me,” “Feed My Sheep”,
    ThankYou For Giving Us, “Jesus Sheep”, The Truth Of God’s Word,
    I Enjoy Your Program&Special Guests, Very Much,
    You Are Excellant In Your Love For The Brethern,Amen,
    God Bless You!!!!!
    Love Sharon

  5. The Lord has shown my wife some things that are coming. I can confirm what she is seeing. We try ti share it with people and are ignored. Pastors blow it off and do not warn their churches. Pray the church will not continue to ignore the prophets.

  6. I have been following you and Lori for about 3 years now and my Mother and i absolutely love your show and what you are doing to not only warn us of what is coming, but to also help us prepare. Whether we have a pre-trib or mid-trib rapture is not what is important, it is getting close to God, preparing so we will be in a position to help others. I have many family members who are unsaved and they scoff just as the bible said they would. Another thing I have seen on youtube.com is the worldwide schoffar/trumpet sounds that are unexplainable. Persnally I think it is the war in the heavens between Michael and his 2/3 armies against satan and his 1/3…”and I beheld satan fall to the earth as lightning” We are in the end times, and I thank you Jim for sounding the alarm(s). God bless you and Lori and your entire staff. Mery Christmas to you all. We are not doing Christmas as ever gefore, we are not putting the emphasis on gifts, but on the Lord Jesus Christ and what His birth, death and ressurection menat. Merry CHRISTmas to all

  7. God rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and the surrounding cities,without a volcano.God can do anything.When He says the when the foundations are removed what can the people do?Jesus is the only foundation fit to build on and we have exchanged the Rock for sand,the Lord is going to wipe out things above ground w/fire and brimstone and wind(we have sown to the wind so we will reap the whirlwind)and at the same time he is going to take out the foudations also.Thank you Jim for your boldness,the Lord has made your face like flint,and though you walk through thorns and thistles and sit on scorpions do not be affraid to proclaim the word of the Lord.

  8. Thank you pastor Bakker. I have followed you for three years and believe what God is telling you. I also get prophetic visions . And the last one was prepare, prepare prepare for the storms to unfold . Also financial collapse what you have been talking about also . I also noticed how many people are atheist compared to Christian . GOD HELP US ALL!!!!!!

  9. Thank you for your willingness to speak the truth, even though it is not popular. I, too, have believed volcanoes will erupt, even in the USA that will be very destructive. People around my husband and me think we are radical and extreme, but we care more about truth and our and others relationship with God than anything else. Blessings on you and Lori and your ministry workers and partners, and all those with “hearing ears.”

  10. Tremendous words, Mr. Bakker. I am becoming increasingly convinced that these are the end times. We must repent. As a Catholic, I hope and pray for the divisions we have as Christians can be resolved before He comes again. God Bless!

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