“Happy Church”

Every day, the scriptures are pointing the way to more and more global events that are definitely right out of the book of Revelation.  But you may not recognize the events of Revelation if you’re going to “Happy Church”.  “Happy Church” isn’t teaching about Revelation events!  They’re too busy teaching the prosperity gospel!  There are too many people putting their faith and their money into “Happy Church” when the world and its money systems are falling apart before our very eyes. 

Please!  Don’t put your faith in money.  Don’t stick your head in the sand and pretend that we are not experiencing the book of Revelation every single day!  It’s time NOW to awaken from your slumber and get ready!  Even if you are already a Christian, the Lord says He will “spew you out of His mouth” if you are lukewarm. 

If your church isn’t teaching Revelation, find one that is!  It’s later than you think – and time to get ready!

God loves you!  He really does!

5 thoughts on ““Happy Church”

  1. I’m looking for a church that is preaching this message in the Seguin/New Braunfels/San Antonio, TX area. Anybody know of one?

  2. Jim: Speaking the truth in love “About Happy Church” is exactly what is not happening in alot of our churchs today. Look at our finances hear in the U.S. Millions of people without work,of no fault of their own, and millions without homes. Where has “Happy Church” got these families? I sure they wish they had learned the truth from a Pastor like you who speaks the truth. Some Pastors are afraid to speak the truth because of the people they might offend especially the more wealthy. I admire and honor you and Lori for being people of truth
    in living in the real world. God Bless.


  3. Jim,

    You may be right that the events, both natural and spiritual, show that the book of Revelation is coming to pass. But let us look also at Isaiah 60.

    The Prophet states that gross darkness will cover the earth. BUT, in the very same breath the Spirit of God through the Prophet “the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” Just as the darkness gets darker, the light of the world will shine through His people. It is that truth that makes “me” happy; along with knowing His kingdom will not end (Isaiah 9:6).

    Every day I see men and women in pain, desperation, despair, gross sin. It does not depress me. I know I carry the love, peace, joy, life, hope, light, and truth that is Jesus and I endeavor to share HIM with the lost whenever I can. I have seen the desperate restored, the lame walk, the hurting delivered from their bondage of pain; all through the power, love, and grace of God working through me. THAT’S WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY!

  4. Well-spoken Jim

    We are witnessing the Desire of the ages…the point of all prophetic writing is instruction about RIGHT NOW!

    I am surprised that even though it has been only a short time since you wrote this (1 long day) … there have been no responses to this blog.

    You are speaking truth in love to some who will listen, and many who will not. If the Body was truly learning the Word, spending time immersed in Scripture, rather than spending time listening to each other; they would be able to actually see the signs of the times. Scripture counsels us to ask, seek, knock–and to trust and OBEY. If we do not look…do not obey…the very things that our Father warned us about will overtake us as surely as if we did not have any relationship at all. If the Father speaks, and we do not listen….whose fault is it,if the times of Revelation overtake us unaware?


    Debra, narrow is the way and few are those who find it. Good comments! Revelation means to “take the cover off”. Those who will hear, will hear, and those who will see, will see. It’s time NOW to get ready.


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