History Repeats

History goes by in cycles and repeats itself.  In school I didn’t really care so much about history, and now it has become a little obsession of mine.  I am on this path of trying to learn everything about American history I possibly can.  It is my belief that God uses all of these things and the greater amount of history I know, the better I will be able to see what is coming again.  I have never viewed myself as a prophet but I do view myself as a watchman on the wall.  By studying the times and the dates and learning about our past, how it actually was, I am gaining understanding on how it is unfolding again. 

One thing I have noticed, and am very dissatisfied with, are many of our media outlets.  I feel like they don’t give us the straight facts anymore.  The news now, it seems, is more for journalists to make a name for themselves.  I always feel like whenever I hear reports, whether it is on the liberal side or conservative, that there is a secret agenda they are trying to form within us, rather than give us the straight facts.

Where did liberal media start?  In my opinion, I believe liberal media began in the 1820’s.  During that time a political party was founded, in part, by Martin Van Buren as a result of the Missouri Compromise. The sole purpose of this political party was to promote their own agenda and propaganda, and one of their main goals was to avert a civil war.  The way they decided to go about this was by NEVER talking about slavery. They simply didn’t want to talk about it; out of sight, out of mind.  That was their goal.  This political party also offered to reward people running for political office, promoting their party and agenda.

It was a very frustrating thing for me to realize how this went against everything that America stood for.  A true American cannot be bought.  We stand for ideas and for morality and this goes deeply against our ideology. We had a political party that was simply trying to buy people out.  To help promote this parties agenda, they founded dozens and dozens of newspaper outlets across the United States. These newspapers reported only on news for their candidates and political positions.  Nothing was every printed about the opposing side or views. This was a completely biased news source.

But you see, something happened in the 1860’s; the civil war.  People just got straight, fed up with the news that they were receiving.  They wanted to know where the generals were and where the battles were being fought.   They wanted to know if their loved one had died.  The people were crying out for facts!  Because the American people stood up and simply demanded for the true facts; that was exactly what they got.

From 1865 to 1955 our media became what it was originally created to be.   All news was reported giving both sides. The directive of who, what, where, when and why was followed; until it didn’t anymore.

Somewhere down the road, we have once again become jaded.  The majority of our news outlets are all reporting THEIR agenda. But, I feel history repeating itself again.  Whether it is at the local coffee shop listening to people talk, in church or in the break room at work; wherever I go I can feel there is something brewing in Americans.  They are starting once again to cry out for true news; for true facts.  I think we are literally on the wave of experiencing another revolution as they did in the 1860’s.

There is a war right now in America.  We are more divided than we have ever been. We know that in the scriptures Jesus said “A divided kingdom ends in ruin. A city or home divided against itself cannot stand.”

Now is the time for America to stand up together once again, as in the 1860’s.   Now is the time to cry out for truth!

God Bless you!


4 thoughts on “History Repeats

  1. Thank you for your insightful look at the media in history. I so appreciate hearing your opinions and learning with you on the show, having supported you since you were a first year student there! I had the pleasure of meeting you at the Expo in October, when I showed you a picture of my son, and said that you “looked like him”. What I really meant was, that your love for Jesus and commitment to the truth “reminded me of him”. At that time, he had just become a new daddy, with triplets! I was still blown away with being a grandma of triplets! With all of the many people around, you were so gracious to take a picture with me. I didn’t even want to bother you, and was so delighted that you suggested it! You were unafraid to meet us “little people” whom you do not know, but who love a pray for you. You are a wonderful ambassador and teacher in the ministry! I will miss seeing you, since I can’t make it to the Expo this time. However, I will look forward to hearing your comments with the show guests, and experiencing the March 20th Blood Moon! Shout out the truth!! May God Bless you for your courage to speak boldly for Christ!

  2. Zach, you have truly “studied to show yourself approved” and are an anointed TV teacher and writer. I love watching you grow up with Pastor Jim as your mentor. Your respectful submission to Jim and commitment to the truth and to the Lord make you a pleasure to follow. I love reading your Blogs and hearing your comments on the Show! May blessings and favor in all things come your way in Jesus’ name. I wish we could be at this EXPO to see you again, but we can’t. It is the first one we have missed I think since 2012. Every time we have been there, you have been gracious to the guests and we know it is hard to deal with waves and waves of people. Anyway, hope to see you next time, should we be able. All our best.

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