Let’s Be God’s People!

The Bible tells us that if we do what God says, we will be a nation that will lend and not borrow. The Bible says that! And if we disobey God and rebel, we will be a debtor.

Guess what? We are the number one debtor nation in the world! But because we are not studying those Scriptures, we don’t realize that America is under judgment. And the only way we can change it, [the Bible] says “If my people will humble themselves and pray, turn, He says I’ll hear in heaven and heal their land.

The thing I keep saying is one day, I will say it on TV; “Order your food today,” and, that will be the last time I will ever be able to say it. And, the food will all be gone. And, those who have it, then they will have life at least a little simpler than having to go out and find food somewhere.

Does anybody know that the Bible says there is going to be a quick work in the Last Days? Things are moving fast. The very first verses of Revelation, if you interpret them correctly, means when Revelation happens, it’s going to be one thing right after another. It all happens in a fixed period of time and it is going to happen quickly, and that is what is going on right now.

The church has building and centers all over the world, we are already set up with thousands of them. The church really is the community, it is there. We can do so much if we are together if we make a plan. That is why we have been trying for a long time. And many churches do prepare. If the church is the center of activity, then we need to be the center of hope. We need to be the center of where people are going to be able to find help. But one church can’t do it alone, it is going to take all of us working together.

So I’m sitting here out in the country telling you what the Bible says, and yet the people will say, “that is not right.” It’s just like saying abortion is birth control; that may be true –  it does control birth, but it’s not Biblical. God hates the shedding of innocent blood.

It’s time to do what God says.

I really believe we are coming into such a time; a time the Bible calls the Time of Trouble, the Tribulation period. I honestly believe the 4 blood moons signal the beginning of the very final stage setting that the Bible calls the Tribulation period.

I believe with all my heart the antichrist is alive on Earth right now. Just the world situation, the Jews returning to Israel in 1948, that is the last generation according to the scriptures.

We are the generation, we are it. I believe these are the times, and the Bible is so amazing.

I believe in God. I believe in honoring God. Blessed is a nation that honors God! God is the Lord. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Blessed is that nation.

So, let’s be God’s people!

3 thoughts on “Let’s Be God’s People!

  1. I am experiencing what you are writing right now. Not by my doing, but god’s Will, I have had to experience homelessness for the last three years… I thought when the Lord said it would only be ‘a short while’ that it would only last three months, not three years…. I am 61, and have similar skin tone as your younger children, and not one soul in three shelters has offered me one lick of help or even encouragement! I am not a drug addict, nor a criminal, nor an alcoholic, just old and poor. your know, our economy really did crash in 2008… the worse of them is the so-called “christians” who are the biggest snobs, the mostgreedy. Who do you serve? and what did the Lord tell us to do with the poor?

  2. Oh that our nation would return to God!!! Let us pray daily for that outcome that we may once again be favored by the only One who can bless our nation!!

  3. Jim, i believe you are right. I have tried to tell others what you said and they will not believe it. I hope America wakes up and supports Israel and repents if their sins before it is too late. God bless you and all true Christians trying to spread the Wird.

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