Why We Prepare

My good friend, John Shorey, has recently been with us for several days and we’ve had some of the most enlightening discussions to-date! John keeps telling people to keep an open mind about when the rapture occurs (according to scripture) and have spiritual eyes and ears to hear what the scriptures really say. I agree!

We have to read the Bible for ourselves in this day and time, and not lean on what we’ve “been taught” all our lives. Trusting in other people’s understanding of the End Times may cause you more suffering than necessary!

One of the reasons people are not preparing is that they have been taught something different than Jesus teaches and that is that nothing bad is going to happen to us – and we’re going to be raptured out before anything bad happens or the anti-christ is on the scene.

Literally, your life could depend on what you believe. I want to live to be raptured out of this world, don’t you? Well, in order to live until the rapture, we may have to accept the fact that we are going to experience some hard times before it! And, if there are going to be hard times before it, doesn’t even common sense tell us that it is wise to prepare?

We’re not preparing for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in our churches because we’re too busy preaching about money! When the money fails, people will turn to their pastors and say “why didn’t you tell us about this?” They will shake their fists at them in anger.

The congregations are going to be so disappointed in their Christian leaders that they’re going to say, “if you couldn’t warn us about this, how can I trust you in any area of my life?”

When I left prison, the Lord said to go out and warn the people that this is coming because they will commit suicide if money is their god. When the money is gone, they will blow their brains out. The people are going to scream at their pastors, “why didn’t you tell us the truth”?

Hebrews 11 tells us that Joseph and Noah were referred to as “righteous” people because their faith was accompanied with action. I want to be righteous too. That’s why I’m adding action to my faith to get ready for the End Times. That’s why I’m doing everything in my power to preach about this, and help people get prepared. When Jesus says there will be no food to eat, I believe Him (Matthew 24:7). When He says that it will cost a day’s wages for a loaf of bread, I believe Him (Rev 6:6).

We love everyone and today’s pastors have a lot on their plate to handle, so we shouldn’t be down on pastors.  We’re really addressing all spiritual leaders, including teachers, prophets, evangelists and apostles.  The Church must have people who are willing to preach truth in these Last Days, no matter if it’s popular or not.

We believe, therefore we prepare.

3 thoughts on “Why We Prepare

  1. Dear Jim:

    I most heartily concur with your observations on the destructive ideas that those holding to a pre-tribulation doctrine are liable to take with them into the 3 1/2 year period of great testing and tearing of the body and spirit. Our Slavic brethren persisted through a dark night of the soul from the advent of Lenin and Derzhinsky down to Kruschev and Beria, Brezhnev and Andropov. What Maxim Gorky knew was a cruel experiment on the Russian people was merely one of what was to become a long line of crises engineered, for one, with a view to refining the methods for inducing treason and apostasy in Christians. These are being further honed by Western governments in step with a multi-generational plan for satanic domination. The Laodiceans and their slothful and craven pastorate (Ez. 34) will surely be awaking to more than the surreal sunrise of the beast’s array of dark instruments. They will have to closely consider their reckless abandon of all the scriptures pointing to an ineluctable coming of the Lord after all these things and may well be counted among those who, in Revelation 6:15-17, seek shelter from the face of the Lamb, now contorted in fury against them.

    You have suffered in prison? So did Job. Job in the 19th chapter, verses 23 to 27 saw something few, if any of his contemporaries had even imagined — resurrection of body and soul before God. And you have become freed from one of the most dangerous untruths extant in Christendom.

    In Jesus

  2. Yes, Pastor Jim,

    Regardless whether we Christians are”Pre-Tribulationists” or “Post-Tribulationists”; that NEVERTHELESS, we all should still PREPARE anyway!!!

    Regardless of our personal “theology”, the Bible still demonstrates how the saints in both the Old and New Testaments had to undergo much hardship – along with the wicked – during God’s judgments that were placed upon the “unrepentant wicked”. Even the most famously-pious prophets, such as Daniel and Elijah – had to suffer captivity or hiding “in the wilderness” during God’s judgments upon Israel.

    And in regards to the “Prosperity Gospel”, you say in this message: “When the money fails, people will turn to their pastors and say ‘why didn’t you tell us about this?’ They will shake their fists at them in anger”.

    Therefore, yes…….I totally agree with you; that this is EXACTLY what’s gonna happen very soon with disillusioned saints who were “stuffed up to their necks” with all of this false doctrine, regarding the saints supposedly NOT going to “suffer” financial loss; or supposedly NOT having to suffer having to face, down here on Planet Earth, the days of the Anti-Christ and his diabolical “New World Order” of which today’s globalists are ALREADY, in America and Western Europe, trying to bring about.

    Therefore, yes, Pastor Jim…………

    Let us all obey the Lord like the Old Testament prophets, Noah and Joseph, and PREPARE now – both spiriually and practically – to get ready to stand against the horrible days of God’s judgments upon the wicked god-forsaken Earth …………and to stand strongly against the upcoming “evil day” of the Anti-Christ himself!!

    By the way, Pastor Jim – as I just stated above, and as you are already aware; that if you just simply READ your own Bible – or just see for yourself, in actual “life”, as to how the Lord “deals with” faithful Christians; THAT whenever the Lord does indeed EXECUTE some form of “chastisement” upon a “people” or “nation”; that unfortunately, at times, the “righteous” do indeed SUFFER along with the “wicked”. Even the Lord’s faithful and righteous prophets of the Old Testament had suffered material and financial “loss” whenever God had brought about another – and more powerful – “nation” to militarily “take over” the Holy Land; whenever God had decided that it was the “appropriate” time to raise up ANOTHER nation or empire, that He would eventually “use” for the purpose of rendering death and destruction upon the forever-disobedient “Children of Israel”.

    There are indeed EXCEPTIONS, of course, to certain human beings, who DO live “righteously” in God’s sight – BUT yet, still end up being put to DEATH; and NOT necessarily because of any “mortal sin” on the part of the victim himself; BUT with God’s “righteous” saints sometimes ending up being killed primarily because of God’s own willingness to make a particular “child” of His to be a glorious “MARTYR” for His great Name’s sake [such as the numerous unmentioned Jewish prophets killed by Jezebel]. But, as for many of those ungodly Israelites that the Lord had “killed off” for their rampant disobedience; it was THOSE particular Jews who DID NOT, of course, die an honorable martyr’s death; BUT instead, had died an ignominious type of death, under the severe deadly wrath of the angry vengeful “Jehovah God”.

    However, if the Lord DID indeed decide to “spare” His faithful “few” from martyrdom, in the hands of Israel’s enemies; that NEVERTHELESS God would still ALLOW for these same “righteous” Israelites to suffer LOSING almost every material and financial asset that they had acquired throughout their lifetime. And they suffered material loss, just like every other “wicked” Jew that was under “condemnation” from God, for the disobedience of most of Israel, as a corporate national body. In other words, Pastor Jim, even the so-called “righteous” of Israel had to suffer “COLLATERAL DAMAGE” of God’s judgments; in spite of the fact that JUDGMENT itself is primarily targeted towards “THE WICKED” – not the righteous themselves. That is, when you read the Old Testament, you’d see how that; even though the righteous remnant of Israel was not INDIVIDUALLY “responsible” for INCURRING the “judgments” of God; that NEVERTHELESS, the righteous were still, at least, CORPORATELY “responsible” anyway – for the Lord deciding to punish Israel with destruction by “foreign invasion”; because, unfortunately, from God’s own point of view, that the righteous Jews themselves were “citizens” of ancient Israel – just like the disobedient Jews; and in being residents and citizens of Israel; that CONSEQUENTLY, the righteous Jews were unavoidably and inextricably LINKED to the ungodly Babylonian “system” of greed, usury, and abomination; and thereby unavoidably “ASSISTED” in the “propping-up” of Israel’s counter-culture against God. In other words, Pastor Jim, in ancient Israel – and in any other ancient or modern society; THAT the very livelihood of “THE RIGHTEOUS” – in one “way” or another – is unavoidably directly or indirectly CONNECTED to – or tied to, or DEPENDENT on – the very SATANIC “system” of corruption and apostasy. That is, in any society or nation wherever “The Righteous” reside; that accordingly, their very LIVES are unavoidably dependent on what we cynically call: “THE SYSTEM”.

    Therefore, as far as God Himself is concerned; that, during His judgments upon the earth, that EVEN the so-called “righteous Israelites” had to likewise SUFFER material and financial loss – BUT with the “silver lining” being that the righteous Jews were usually SPARED from being killed off by famine, or from being massacred by the hands of their invading enemies; WHILE, on the contrary, much of the so-called “wicked” were “killed off” by the Lord Himself, via His “use” of invading foreigners. And if the Lord would indeed protect His so-called “faithful” ones from death in the hands of an invading foreign “enemy”; that NEVERTHELESS, righteous Israelites could still expect to lose, at least, nearly ALL of their earthly possessions; and just PRAY God to bestow mercy and grace within the midst of such deadly and humiliating military defeat by a conquering nation.


    Sincerely forever in Christ Jesus,
    Charles Reece

  3. Pastor Jim, in regards to the “Prosperity Gospel” and the “Pre-Trib Rapture Doctrine”, you say in this message: “When the money fails, people will turn to their pastors and say “why didn’t you tell us about this?” They will shake their fists at them in anger”.

    Therefore, yes…….I totally agree with you; that this is EXACTLY what’s gonna happen very soon with disillusioned saints who were “stuffed up to their necks” with all of this naive delusional doctrinal garbage regarding the sainst supposedly NOT going to “suffer” financial loss; or supposedly NOT having to suffer having to face, down here on Planet Earth, the days of the Anti-Christ and his diabolical “New World Order” that today’s globalists who are ALREADY, in America and Western Europe, trying to bring about.

    Pastor Jim, there will no doubt be a most severely shocking reaction that Pre-Tribulation-believing Christians will manifest when they find out that there is NO such Bible doctrine as the so-called “Pre-Tribulation Rapture”.

    The whole irony behind the Pre-Trib doctrine is that – the VERY THING that precedes the Great Tribulation, i.e., the great “falling away” – or “APOSTASY” of the Church; is this same “falling away” that will no doubt occur amongst those Pre-Trib-believing Christians who’d self-righteously considered themselves the “least likely” to EVER “fall away” from the “faith” of Jesus Christ. In other words, Pastor Jim, it is an irony that the Pre-Trib believers themselves will be the ONES most likely to “fall away” from God; thus helping to usher in the Great Tribulation – from which the Pre-Tribbers themselves will be DECEIVED into believing that they – and ONLY THEY – would be the ONES to “escape” this great “time of trouble”, via the so-called “Rapture”. The very CIRCUMSTANCE that precedes the persecution of the saints by the Anti-Christ – i.e., the “great falling away” of the Church – it is this SAME event of which the Pre-Tribbers themselves will become a part.

    Pre-Trib Christians, who haughtily think that “they” themselves could NEVER be part of the apostasy, will nevertheless REALIZE that they had been “deceived” by false doctrine, as they soon discover that they will not be “raptured” during the reign of the Anti-Christ; but rather, they will be “LEFT BEHIND” on Planet Earth – like everybody else; and thus, they will become very angry, bitter, and eventually disillusioned toward God – for NOT “receiving” from Him that special “divine favor” OF WHICH they presumptuously thought themselves as “worthy” to get – for “escaping” the persecution of the saints by the Anti-Christ; and with the final consequence of Pre-Tribbers becoming so disappointed and so bitter towards God; thereby coming to the false conclusion that the Lord had either “lied” to them or “abandoned” them; and thus, these naïve and deceived Pre-Trib Christians will become MOST LIKELY (though, NOT certainly) to permanently abandon the Faith of Christ; and ironically, resulting in them “falling” into the very apostasy that they – at first – thought that they could NEVER be a part of.

    Therefore, yes, Pastor Jim…………

    Let us all obey the Lord like the Old Testament prophets, Noah and Joseph, and PREPARE now – both spiriually and practically – to get ready to stand against the horrible days of God’s judgments upon the wicked god-forsaken Earth …………and to stand strongly against the upcoming “evil day” of the Anti-Christ himself!!

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