The Stage is Set

We are there now.

The stage has been set and the play has been on stage for a while.

I believe with all my heart, as far as any time of preparing and prosperity, I don’t think we have much over a year or max, if we have that, to get prepared.

I believe with all my heart that the antichrist is alive right now. I believe the system is alive.

I believe probably the greatest sign for us in America that we are in the Last Days is the United States of America has turned from a Christian nation, born by the hand of God, to our President even saying “We are no longer a Christian nation.”

We have spit in the face of God. We have turned against His Bible.

We have made it illegal to obey the scriptures. You know what I’m talking about. This is the sign there would be a falling away and the love of many waxing cold. People get ready, Jesus is coming! People get ready!

You know, one of the things Rick Joyner teaches us so much, is that the End of Time is the Harvest Time. It’s scriptural and it’s in there [the Bible]. Its written in concrete, I say. We are going to be ready.

What if the whole world is out of food, and your church has a year of food? Now listen to me, what could you do if the great devastating earthquake that is coming to the west coast suddenly happened?

They are happening quicker and quicker. The experts are telling us – it’s in the news this week. They are saying we are probably very, very close to what they call the “big one,” that means when L.A. will be completely leveled. The article reads… L.A. earthquake “The Big One” may be on way after 4.2 magnitude quake. 4.2 earthquakes rocked Los Angles last week which would be precursor to the big one.

One of the things God spoke to me back in 1999 when God gave me the 31 Things, was that there would be a great earthquake in Japan and that it would devastate and world finances. Then, He spoke to me that there would be a leveling of Los Angeles. I don’t like that kind of thing – and He gave it to me when I was living in L.A. in the dream center right under the massive fault!

God has shown me many things, but He repeated it with the warning about L.A. He showed it to me again when I was going to the Larry King show. I looked out the window and I could see into the earth. It was a supernatural event. I saw the earth bowing up, and He said, “This is the pressure of the ages.” He said, “L.A. is going to be destroyed in a mighty earthquake.”

One of the prophets came up to me after the 1999 New Year’s Eve prophetic conference at Morningstar where I gave the 31 Things and he said, “Jim, you have 31 things.” I counted them afterwards because it was new information to me. Then he said, “The earthquake in the west coast will come after the Japanese.” When the Japanese earthquake comes, then you start looking for the west coast earthquake.

God showed me on TV it would be a 9 point earthquake and people really thought I went over the edge, which I thought I had too. Then, the scientist were saying, “No it’s more like an 8.5 or something.” I’m sitting here like a bull frog saying, “no, it’s 9 point”! Within hours, the scientists from the world came back and said it was 9.0.

When God speaks, I listen. God just gave me the number.

Here is the take home point: events are coming that are going to cause our way of life to be interrupted and food to be scarce. Statistics suggest there is only enough existing food and supplies to take care of 5% of the American population. What will happen if 20% to 50% of all Americans suddenly start to prepare [because of these events]?

That is what will happen if the big earthquake hits L.A. tomorrow. There will be no survival food left. It will all be gone. We will have none. The warehouses at Food for Health will all be empty and their future supplies will be pre-purchased.

All I’m saying is that we’re in the final hours to prepare.

In my book, “The Refuge,” I open up with the earthquake in L.A. happening. That was a prophetic vision, and I put it in the book as a story to tell people. In that book, people are coming to the Church and getting fed. Can you imagine if you have a table of food just spread out for people to eat?

That is how the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be preached when it all comes down. We will show the love of Christ through our caring for the hungry, frightened masses.

Let’s be ready.


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5 thoughts on “The Stage is Set

  1. When I was 11 the Lord showed me this time and told me that I was one of those chosen to be alive during the last days ( I am 61 now) I saw me dressed as I normally do ( a sleeveless blouse, jeans, pony tail) doing what I have always done since age 3; growing plants! I forgot all that as I grew up, and when I became 30, I did what was only natural to me; I became a Horticultural professional, and stayed there for 30 yrs… but I know now it was because the Lord was preparing me to help those when the rugs get pulled out from under their world….because I am quite capable of surviving off the land… all I need is the land, the sun and some water…..The Lord has always used me to pass on messages; and many times I am the “confirmation”…. In 1995 I was doing some fundraising from home in Northern Nevada… I called a man who was a Seismologist, working in the Mount Rose Lab; and he told me theirs was one of the main labs that monitored the activity; volcanic and earthquakes in the whole of the Northwest. I shared with him the vision and information the Lord had given me years earlier that Mount Rose was going to blow and there was going to be a massive earthquake in the Sierra Nevada; one of our largest mountain ranges; it goes all the way down to Southern Ca; and Yosemite is a part of that range…He to my surprise very calmly said I was quite accurate and that the government had known about it for a long time; that it was a matter of “any day” and that there was no way to gauge the exact time that these disasters will occur, but that they are expecting them,,,, now, this was back in 1995; 19 years ago….He also said that the disaster will be far worse than anyone could imagine, and when I asked why no one is warning anyone, he said because that would create a massive panic and they didn’t want that.The fact that the occurrences could happen any day or twenty years from then also was a factor.
    While still living in Nevada, I talked to a few Native Americans from the area about this, and they all knew about it, they said that it was predicted in their history, and they thought that Squaw Valley was where the catastrophe will happen. Only, there is something that I know about our geographical topography, that I have studied all my life, and also that the Lord has shown me, and that is that under our stratosphere, the earth connects to itself and the volcanoes are connected like a network like toes … so when one volcano erupts, several others connected to it can also erupt; such as the Pacific Rim is connected under the sea…. well, I think Mount St Helens is connected to the Sierra Nevada ; see, that is why we have long fault lines that travel for many miles. When Pastor Wilkerson said in his predictions that he did not think the earthquake would occur in California, is because the Sierra Nevada is in both California and Nevada. I am seeing that the epicenter is located in the Sierra Nevada, and that from there the reaction will radiate out possibly all the way to Washington and beyond…When the World bemoans California as completely lost; where so much of our country has developed her culture and negatively influenced the rest of the world; where commerce and greed, perversion and sorcery has abound for years, where opulence takes precedence over Humility; California is Babylon, just as New York is, and God who is Righteous and Just and True will not allow her to not pay for her sins… I love my state, but I know how debase she has always been… even from the time of her conception with the developement of “civilization” from the early mission days….. My God has been very patient.

  2. ISIS has named new leader and has officially declared the restoration of the Caliphate. Now all Muslims are obligated to pledge allegiance. Fulfilled prophesy; Israel supernaturally reborn as a nation 1948…all these things… earthquakes, great apostasy, deception, lawlessness the stage is set. Great shaking is coming. The birth pangs into transformation glory are upon us. Thank you for sounding the alarm.

  3. Jim, I love you in Jesus name! You are such a blessing to me. People laugh at me when I ask them to please prepare for ANY type of disaster (not just an earthquake on the west coast). You and I know it is coming to our nation. When His people turn their backs to Him and our Nation turns their backs to Him, judgment will come! We, His children are called to a higher standard, to be set apart from the world. As many in His word turned from him and were chasten, as you and I were chasten because of our sin, the nation will be. He loves us more than we can fathom. Repent says the LORD! Repent!

  4. I remember when you said a 9.0 earthquake. I heard on t.v. it was an 8.5 or so. I kept telling my family, no, God told Jim Bakker 9.0. I kept listening to the t.v., expecting their numbers to change. Sure enough. Not too long after, there is was. 9.0!!! Amazing! Bless God! God bless you!

  5. Jim, you and Lori are awesome! You are the Watchman on the Wall. Thank you for sharing with us. We need to be ready! People need to repent and come back to God; 2 Chronicles 7:14! May God bless you and keep you! 🙂

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