The Beginning of the End

The book of Revelation opens with John announcing that the things God has shown him will “shortly take place” (1:1 NASB).  Reading this, some people get confused right from the start.  “If John was writing in A.D. 95, and the events he described were meant to happen soon, what relevance does this book have to us?”

But John was not saying that these things would necessarily happen in his lifetime or any time soon.  The word translated shortly actually mean “quickly” in the original Greek.  It can also mean, “when started, it will happen suddenly, within a brief space of time.”  John was saying, “Once these things begin to happen, they will happen quickly.”  In other words, when the prophecies begin to be fulfilled, they will proceed on an irrevocable, inexorable, unstoppable course, and we will feel as though we are riding a roller coaster that has gone out of control.

I believe we are about to enter that time, and it is going to be terrifying.  What is even more frightening to me is that many Christians will be caught off guard, having been lulled into complacency, assuming that everything is going to get better.  Yet the apostle Paul warned:

“But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you.  For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.  For when they say “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman.  And they shall not escape.  (1 Thess. 5:1-3 NKJV).

One of the most intriguing visions John records is the account of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Rev. 6:1-8).  These horsemen are not Kentucky Derby winners.  In fact, there is nothing sporting about these animals and their riders.  They represent terrifying events.  We’ll discuss these four horsemen in later blogs, but for now, please understand that they have begun to ride already and it’s time NOW to prepare!  Get your heart right with God – and then listen to His warnings via His Word.

God Love You, He Really Does!


3 thoughts on “The Beginning of the End

  1. Dear Lori, I can’t begin to tell you how much we have appreciated your food prices! I know that the time is near. God has shown me for the last 3 years what is coming. The word I received was “be like the squirrel.” I know that sounds funny…I didn’t say it…He did. It took me a while to figure out, but I finally got the message. I have been gardening and canning everything I can get my hands on. My husband and I also now raise chickens and rabbits. This may not sound unusual until I tell you we live inside our town on a double lot. We do all this inside the city limits. We are also members of the Valley Walkers. Your book is incredible! Thank you so much for all that you and Jim are doing! I believe God is just getting started blessing you both! May God bless and keep us all.

  2. Dear Lori, I can’t begin to tell you how much we have appreciated your food prices! I know that the time is near. God has shown me for the last 3 years what is coming. The word I received was “be like the squirrel.” I know that sounds funny…I didn’t say it…He did. It took me a while to figure out, but I finally got the message. I have been gardening and canning everything I can get my hands on. My husband and I also now raise chickens and rabbits. This may not sound unusual until I tell you we live inside our town on a double lot. We do all this inside the city limits. We are also members of the Valley Walkers. Your book is incredible! Thank you so much for all that you and Jim are doing! I believe God is just getting started blessing you both! May God bless and keep us all.

  3. Hi Pastor Jim. My name is Steve and I am from Tweed Heads Australia NSW. Your teaching has been a blessing to me. I am currently in chapter 8 in your book “I was Wrong”. I read it years ago, and now I just found another copy and started to read it again. You and Lori are a blessing. It’s hard to get a lot of your teaching but I found this web site so I will regularly visiting. AWESOME!!! Anyway mate, GOD BLESS!!!

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