The Clock is Ticking

Interestingly, it is the scientific community, not Christian theologians, announcing that we are living on the precipice of destruction.  Hollywood is heralding the news that the earth is about to encounter something cataclysmic.

A few brave prophetic voices are being heard, crying out in the wilderness of our world, warning us that our days are numbered.  The earth itself is groaning and creaking, seemingly in anticipation of a major shakeup of the status quo.

Ironically, the one group with relatively little to say about Christ’s soon return is the evangelical church.  Instead, we spend most of our time and energy trying to help people succeed in this life, rather than getting them ready for eternity.

Now is the time to get our lives aligned with God’s Word, to establish correct priorities, to invest in those things that will last a million years from now, rather than fickle, foolish, transitory material things. Even more important, now is the time for the Church, that group of true believers from every denomination, to begin functioning as the true body of Christ, caring for one another, helping one another as the family of God.

Knowledge that we are truly living in what the Bible refers to as “the last days” should also motivate Christians to more actively seek out opportunities to share the gospel with their unsaved friends and family members. In a very real way, the clock is ticking and time is running out.

2 thoughts on “The Clock is Ticking

  1. Indeed now is the time to awake out of sleep.The time is at hand for the true church to arise !Glory to God !!I believe what the saints need at this time more than ever is -discernment- an understanding of the season in which we are in.The Spirit of Truth is within us,we must be sensitive to His voice.He that an ear,let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches!

  2. I have been reading “When a Nation Forgets God, 7 Lessons We Must Learn From Nazi Germany” and while frightening, what the author reveals in his comparison to current culture and events today to characteristics of the Nazi regime of the 40’s, it is not surprising.

    Life is full of disinformation. This is information that does not support the truth and reality of life today or the way of Christ. The more one is committed to and works at living by the teaching of Jesus Christ the more evident the reality of our world becomes and the more disinformation one can discern.

    The focus on prosperity teachings is a pabulum for those that have turned away from God. Faith is replaced by an empty promise of what might happen in the more immediate future if we are good, do what is expected and turn our soul over to the whims of our employers, government leaders or whatever other temporal authority we choose. Much of society has given up on striving in life for an eternity with Christ and instead has bargained for a promise of immediate pleasure in trade for an uncertain eternity.

    It is sometimes hard living as a Christian. It is getting harder. Believing in Christ means one cannot not live in the truth of the world. This is disconcerting to non believers and especially those who would like to supplant Christ in our culture for their own prurient purposes. The true Christian is not necessarily demonized for what he or she believes but for their awareness of how much Christ is absent in our culture.

    The enemy comes in many disguises. It is the job of the Christian to listen to and abide by the word of Christ daily. This is a challenge that must be met every day. There needs to be a heightened sense of awareness to fight off the disinformation that pervades life. The enemy will use any means available to win us over through the promise of heaven on earth. A heaven on earth that has it’s basis in discontent, lack of faith, the need for immediate gratification and moving us further and further away from the son of God.

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