There’s a Rustling in the Mulberry Trees

When I came out of prison in 1994, E.V. Hill gave me a prophetic word from the Lord that I would raise up a “David’s Army”.  From the scriptures, we know that this is a fairly ragtag bunch, yet God used them in mighty ways to restore His beloved Israel.

In the Last Days, God is using whoever has a heart after Him.  You may think “well yes, He always did” and that’s a true statement.  But David’s Army came together in a time when the illegitimate authorities of the day were failing.  Saul had tried to win Israel’s battles but he did it in his own strength and with his own wisdom and he failed – but there was a time that all of Israel was enamored with him.

If you will remember, Saul’s kingship was the result of the proud and rebellious demands of a disobedient Israel that was much more concerned with how the king looked than with whom God had chosen.  The Bible says Saul stood a head taller than most men and was very handsome.  David, on the other hand, was a ruddy kid that God chose when He sent Samuel the Prophet to anoint him as King.  David was God’s choice – and Saul was the people’s choice.

Well, God gave Israel just what they asked for, but told them they would regret that choice in the years to come and they did.  But only after many of their sons had lost their lives because Saul was proud and  disobedient, and he went out to battle and made other decisions without consulting the God of Israel.  Eventually this disobedience caused him to be so hardened that he even consulted a witch.  Saul, in the end, committed suicide in a battle he could not win because God was not with him.

David, on the other hand, always consulted God before he went out to battle the enemies of Israel.  One such incident is recorded in 2 Samuel 5:24 when God spoke to David and said, “And it shall be, when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall advance quickly. For then the LORD will go out before you to strike the camp of the Philistines.”  The principle is this:  Always seek God’s wisdom before you do anything and wait for His answer.  Ask God “what should I do?”  When you do that, He will go before you and move in your behalf!

In the Last Days, the true leaders of the Lord’s Army will arise, and they will inquire of the Lord what they should do.  Many of them will have been stripped of any self-importance in the valleys of life as David was, yet they go forward to do battle with the enemies of God because their heart belongs to Him alone – and God Himself has ordained them!  Man did not do it, and man cannot undo it.

As the leaders of the Lord’s Army arise, there is a “rustling in the mulberry trees” and the Lord is going out before them to move in their behalf!

14 thoughts on “There’s a Rustling in the Mulberry Trees

  1. Right on target, as usual. Adam, the original God-appointed landlord, sublet God’s property to Satan, so the owner, Jesus, is coming to evict him and caretake His property Himself AMEN!!! Come Lord Jesus!!!

  2. Patricia Ryan

    In March when the earthquake happened in Japan, Pastor Jim talked about the other two things the Lord showed that were still to happen. They were major earthquake in Los Angeles and a nuclear bomb going off in the Middle East. I think the earthquake in Los Angeles was the last thing on the list.

  3. God is really revealing truths to you right now, Jim! I heard you this morning (June 22) talking of why God would put all the things in the Bible about the endtimes if He didn’t think we would need it. So many Christians think they will simply be raptured out and not have to suffer anything. But I believe it’s much better to be prepared spiritually and physically for tribulation than not!!
    Thank you for sharing what God has shown you. I wondered if you would ever share the 31 things that God showed you that Rick Joiner mentioned on a show once. He said that 30 of them had been fulfilled and one hadn’t. I’d be interested in knowing the last one if God will allow you to share it.

  4. Man looks upon the outward appearance but God looks upon the heart.The greatest seminary professor may know about God but not know God.When our hearts are willing and open before the Lord the Holy Spirit can flow through us and there’s nothing He can’t do! God Bless

  5. Jim i came across this site, and saw your show today about the moon turning to blood,because of volcanoes, read this ok? it sounds like bible words to me,

    Blood red moon of lunar eclipse seen around the world
    Posted on June 16, 2011 by The Extinction Protocol
    June 16, 2011 – SYDNEY — Asian and African night owls were treated to a lunar eclipse, and ash in the atmosphere from a Chilean volcano turned it blood red for some viewers. The Sydney Observatory said the eclipse was to begin at 3:25 a.m. Thursday (1:25 p.m. EDT, 5:25 p.m. GMT Wednesday) and last until after 5 a.m. Scientists said the specific phenomenon happening Thursday — known as a “deep lunar eclipse” — often exudes a coppery color. But the intensity of the color depends on the amount of ash and dust in the atmosphere. Luckily for moon-gazers, there was plenty of ash in the air so the moon appeared orange or red, especially in Asia. Air travelers haven’t been so lucky: The ash has grounded hundreds of flights around the region. Scientists said the eclipse could be safely observed with the naked eye. -CTV

  6. Hi Brother,Mom and I were with you then(25yrs ago) Mom was so very Faithful to Pray for you. She wept when they put you in prison. Mom is home with Jesus now. I was hit by a car and lost my leg,and my life. This happened just a few days after Mom died in 2004. God brought me back,and healed my lungs,heart,joints and all.I was on the “other side” for four days….I drew the nurses a picture of where I was for four days. They wept when I showed them. They said,we know! We observe and listen to you at night and in the day.Something is going on for sure..I am blessed with new health.The enemy tries to discourage me and destroy my family every know and then..But God is my REDEAMER and I Praise Him forever.My wife and I watch you all Faithfully. I wish we could give you lots of money to help you. I lost my job,but I am optimistic,and have a lot of stuff to get rid of. I use to have a shop and salvage yard but it is all rusting away.”I love you and your Family”,and the Tremendous Restoration Our Precious Lord has done for you…Bless The Name of Jesus……..from, A Brother and Friend, Respectfully, Terry Romans 8:18

    • Terry G Warman thanks for your encouraging post. The Lord is your strength and shield. May He restore to you all that you lost. Be encouraged my brother, God cares about you. He makes all things work together for you good.
      Jim Bakker’s article is an encouragement to me too. Having gone through some failures in life myself and restored by God. I have the heart to serve Him but know that some men might think someone like me not qualified. I look to God the restorer to use me again for His glory. I am waiting for the rustling on the Mulberry.

      God bless you Terry

  7. In Ezekiel 37 we read the story of the dry bones that represented the house of Israel. In v.7 there was a “shaking”that took place before the -body came together- in the power of the Spirit.In V.10 they stood upon their feet an exceeding Great Army.In v.13 they were brought up out of their graves.In Acts 16:25-31 there was a “shaking”(earthquake) that took place before God’s people were set free(Paul and Silas)and others were brought to salvation (the jailor and his family).Could it be possible that all this “shaking” that we’re seeing going on around the world has a greater cause behind it all?Possibly bringing the Church together in the power of the Spirit as God’s last day ARMY,as chains are about to be broken and souls are going to be brought to salvation ? P.T.L. Love in Christ

    • Its 2018 & Im still waiting for the sound in the top of the Mulberry Tree, but I have grown in much things of God since 2011 when all this uncertainty began for me! I heard a scripture today about the Mulberry in Luke 17:1-6 & was reseaching its meaning!

  8. Lord, may I be such a man that I could stand and do battle in David’s Army, waiting for your leading and listening to your voice alone.

  9. I have often thought of how God took a young humble shepherd boy.
    Not even in the group with his brothers. But out tending the sheep.
    God knew and saw the heart of this young man and he rose to be the
    great Warrior King of Israel. Good article Jim

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