Time Has Come (Pt. 8)

Get ready! I am coming soon.

One of the most frightening passages in the Bible is, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13–14, nkjv). I fear there are many on the broad way, even in our churches, and they do not know it. They are not focused on the Bridegroom; they are not pre­pared for the wedding.

In prison, whenever we went to the prison yard, there were grave restric­tions on what we could do, including how long we could be out there. I still tremble in fear knowing that if I was in the yard a minute too long or dis­obeyed a rule, I could have been shot. When I was in the yard, I looked up above the spirals of razor wire on the compound walls, and I could see an image of heaven. I kept my eyes fixed on that heavenly city that God said He had prepared for everyone who loves Him, and peace came to my soul.

As soon as my feet touched the yard, I often thought of a song my dear pastor’s wife, an amazing evangelist and singer, Fern Olson, used to sing: “I’ve Had a Vision of Jesus.” I found that if I lived in that vision, and kept my eyes on Jesus, the reality of my present existence seemed tolerable.


I’ve had a vision of Jesus,

I’ve caught a glimpse of my Lord,

Down through the clouds He is coming,

Just as He said in His word;

See the bright light in the heavens,

Shining from east to the west,

I’ve had a vision of Jesus,

Bringing that glad day of rest.

As on the wings of an eagle,

We shall go soaring away,

Over the mountains and valleys,

Past all the cares of the day;

If we but live in the vision,

Just a short time it will be,

Soon the vision will have vanished,

Swallowed in reality.32


No matter what circumstances you find yourself in today, look above the situation and keep your eyes on Jesus. Now is the time to get ready. Keep your lamp trimmed and burning. Stay ready and keep watching. The Bridegroom is about to appear. The wedding will take place soon. I want to be there, and I know you do too!

8 thoughts on “Time Has Come (Pt. 8)

  1. Jim,I hear them attacking you with their lies again.Just want you to know this Catholic supports you in your good work.Stay strong in the Lord and we will prevail.God has great things in store for you and your supprt is not limited to evangelicals…

  2. Jim, God is in the redemption business and though your experience in prison wasn’t the best of times, you are a golden example of redemption to those out in the real world. None of us are sinless! Thank God, you are still teaching God’s word. I use to watch your ministry with Tammy many years ago and was blessed by your teaching. I want to encourage you!

  3. dear Jim that was trully an eye opener to get ready for the wedding, the coming of Jesus. those were indeed comforting words Jim thank you. love connie

  4. Time Has Come (Pt. 8)
    Dear Sir,
    Again fine words.
    I always think in everyday life about the ‘narrow pathway that leads to heaven.’ and how Jesus’ flock walk safely along that roadway that leads to heaven.
    That opposite roadway that goes in the opposite direction is a broad road, like you quite rightly point out sir, and many travel it to their destruction. That wide road is so easy to find, bumper to bumper people pack together, going on the wrong road!
    Please keep the beautiful visions and songs of Jesus in your heart sir and help the lost out there share in your glory.
    God bless
    England, UK.

  5. My local church is studying Revelation now as well. Christians need to study this, despite the troubling images. It is part of the Bible and it says that those who read it will be blessed.

    Read about the victories that God has over evil. Yes, sin will be judged, but there is so much more. Those who endure until the end will receive a new name written on a white stone. Christ is returning. That alone should make you rejoice and bless your soul. In the end, there will be a new heaven and a new earth and all evil will be cast into the lake of fire.

    I do not know for certain the day or the hour. I do not know at exactly what point in the tribulation he will come, but make no mistake, he is coming.

    It will not be a secret thing, but all will see his triumphant return. What a glorious day! What a beautiful and joyous time for those who are waiting!

    What a terror for those who are not prepared! Will he find us ready? Are our lamps full of oil? Are the wicks trimmed?

    Prepare the way of the Lord, for he is coming. Humble yourselves and pray that more can be saved, for he comes quickly. Even now the days are being shortened.

    Jim, please keep teaching Revelation for those who read it will be blessed!

  6. You are so right Jim,God is also getting my attention.I always focus on Jesus.When my mind gos wondering,The Holy Spirit says come back,get your eyes on me.Don’t worry about nothing.Fix your eyes on heaven and me.Don’t get stuck on material things and evil that comes with it. He tells me he’s coming soon! My youngest daughter Tonia has already had 2 prophetic dreams about the Return of Jesus.There are hundreds receiving dreams and visions like never before. yes Jesus is Coming soon. Signs are all around us. Jim and Lori thanks for carrying out your message of the Gospel.

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