Where Have You Gone America?

Last year, the Lord suddenly said “in ONE year, all the glory of America will be gone.” It’s beginning to sink in with newscasters, politicians, and even clergy who have been trying to ‘spin’ America’s clear evidence of decline, that we are going the way of every other nation or society in all of the history of the world that has turned its back on God.

Has America, the country conceived with the principles of Christianity governing its every decision and its direction, gone to the pigpen? You can be the judge of that. In a recent show taping, the prophetic unction of the Lord spoke:

Where have you gone, America?
Have you gone to the pigpen?
Are you eating the world’s slop?
Be not deceived – God is not mocked!
Have you listened to the piper?
Have you followed the wrong tune?

Though we would all like to, can any of us sincerely believe that America is going to turn around now and honor God? I’m convinced that America has passed the point of no return in its lusts for the things of the world, but the one thing that will seal America’s fate is how they are now treating Israel.

I will address very soon “10 reasons America is in trouble because of what they did to Israel.” Watch the show and I will tell you why America is about to collapse.

We still hear so many people saying “God Bless America” but America has turned their back on God – how could He bless it now? Is America experiencing God’s judgment because of its treatment of Israel?

“… there will I deal with and execute judgment upon them for their treatment of My people and of My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and because they have divided My land.”
[Joel 3:2]

Watch for my next blog: Does God send storms?

22 thoughts on “Where Have You Gone America?

  1. Yes there are righteous people and we need to pray as it says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 for God to heal our land. It saddens my heart to see what we have let go on in America. We already are seeing judgements in America and around the world. The sad thing is, people don’t recognize it as that and why it’s happening. It’s mother nature! Don’t think so! So we as christians should stand together and pray for our nation.

  2. America will be judged and undergo God’s judgements, and so will every other nation. At the same time, I don’t believe it is the end for America, or doomsday for America, because I believe there are righteous people in America.

  3. Dear Pastor Jim, thank you, thank you, thank you for your tireless work. I cannot hardly wait each day to see what you are teaching and admonishing us all to be doing. It seems like everything you are covering on your program is a huge YES in my spirit.
    I was thinking about what was on your program recently re: what volcanoes can do to motors, etc. And also today as I hear again about the powerful effects the sun can have on our porer systems, vehicles, etc. Maybe this helps explain why horses are features in the end times battles, despite all the technology that has been developed.Just a thought.
    Am praying for you and Lori, and the work you do. Thank you for all you do for orphans and the poor, too. We know it is close to the heart of God. an appreciative sister in Jesus, Anne

  4. Mr. Bakker, I really admire how you’ve come out of such difficult times and truly repented and returned to God. Much respect.

    I’m very sad for our country and will remember to pray for us; no, prayer isn’t enough, it’s time for sack cloth and ashes-penance.

    However, Israel is not always in the right. Not to say the Palestinian are either, but Israelis are pretty cold hearted, and treat others as they were treated. We can’t continue the unqualified support of Israel without also considering their unfairness towards others, including Israeli immigrants.

  5. I thought it was very interesting that march 11th of 2010,Japan denounced Israel and exactly a year later is when the 9.0 earthquake and tsunami hit japan!

  6. Jim, thank you and Lori for all of your wonderful teachings and support! I agree that we must support Israel, as a command from God. I also do NOT believe in ANY nation commiting crimes against humanity. As a Christian, I am not going to stick my head in the sand either! We are given many reports from the media that are twisted and actually lies! We must pray for truth in this country!
    Sincerely, Kathryn Schneider

  7. You study prophecy. In my humble opinion, America is not eluded to in the end days or tribulation because we will be out of the picture. I agree with you that we are beyond the point of no return. There will be no sudden turn around or revival or anyone riding in on a white horse to save us. In Ezekiel, it talks about Gog and Magog. It is my personal belief that Gog is Russia and Magog is Iran. I think Russia and Iran will work together to invade Israel. We know what the leader of Iran thinks about the Jewish people. In Ezekiel 38:18 it says Gog (Russia) will attack Israel. It goes on to tell how God will destroy Russia and those that go against Israel. He will use earthquake (v.20), war and confusion (V.21), disease, hailstones and burning sulphur (v. 22). We are turning our backs on Israel right now, why should we believe we deserve any less of God’s wrath? Genesis 12:3 tells exactly what will be done to those who harm Israel. It belongs to the Jew. Period. The land was deeded to them in Genesis 15:9-21. It’s pretty plain. Everything has been set in motion and the Bible doesn’t say anything about it getting better before it gets worse. It just goes from bad to worse to game over. You are right to tell people to get prepared. Keep it up Jim. There aren’t many out there who are.

  8. jim i thank God for the day he led me to your telecast, i work during the day so i watch the telcast at night, and i happily wait till 11pm to see the show, I thank God that you are not afraid to say what thus says the Lord, i dont want to hear a feel good messege, i want the truth and thats way the Lord led me to your telecast. with a heavy heart i just learned new york just passed gay marriages. keep preaching Jim what the Lord is saying , for there are more for you than those that are against you. God Bless

  9. I agree with Jim’s article. I notice so many fellow believers quote, I will bless those that bless thee(Israel) & curse those that curse thee. I put to you that one of the best ways to fulfill this Word is by sending love gifts to ministries in the USA that actually will bless Israel with your gift. They help widows, orphans, poor, needy, elderly, sick and jobless Jews in Israel. What a tremendous way to show God you love Him by providing for the natural children. This will have such a tremendous affect on them to know that Christians and Messianic Believers in the USA love them. It will open their spiritual eyes for the Messiah my fellow believers. There are also organizations that will bless Jewish believers in the land of Israel. They desperately need our help too. Two excellent ones are MJAA and MJIF. I am not trying to take away anything from other nations but to emphasize the need that exists in Israel. As believers we pray for Israel’s salvation and that is good but faith without works is dead. In the Love of Messiah may He stir your hearts up for your Jewish family.

      • Thanks for your reply Josh. There were no followers when these Words were spoken. This was a promise directly for the children of Israel. While believers are indeed blessed & protected, we need to be careful to interprete a scripture to whom it is being directed.

  10. Jim, you ae not joking about judgement for North America.
    How long can there be abortion compounded with the gay nonsense, genetic enginering and fraud by the banks and federal reserve?
    June 15-2011 there was a Blood Red Moon over Japan and New Zealand- what will happen there?
    By next year this time the THREE MEGA quakes that are foretold on page 31 of David Wilkerson’s “The Vision” very likely will have happened. David did not call them MEGA but they will be.
    The New Madrid fault very likely will happen in late August or early September, (ON Sept 11 ?? becasue of ELENIN comet sometimes called planet X). Time line of Dec 20-2010 used when Blood Red Moon occured to first killer quake in New Zealand.
    These are PERILOUS TIMES

  11. May 28, 2011, Saturday
    I dreamed that I was going in to work in a downtown high rise building. I had a wary feeling as I got in the elevator. When I got to the upper floor which was the top of the building (I keep hearing 8th or 9th floor) I started to get off the elevator. However when I got off, the building gave a small shake. A lady behind me that had not gotten off of the elevator yet, began to reach for the elevator buttons saying that she was getting out of this building. And I jumped back on with her as everyone else seemed to look at us in bewilderment, and as they just stood there LOOKING AT US AS IF WE WERE CRAZY, we watched as the doors closed behind us. I ran out of the building and as I got outside, an earthquake began to shake every building. Rocks, bricks and parts of the buildings began to fall as I ran searching for a clear area. SO I HAD TO KEEP LOOKING UP, TO BE ABLE TO DODGE THE FALLING DEBRIS. I found myself in a park like setting as I sat down and waited for the shaking to stop.
    A few people began to follow my example as they sat down in the grass around me.
    The building that I worked in was a legal/governmental (or maybe financial or maybe religious) building. (Possibly all of the above) An older building with wrought iron stair rails with polished wooden sculpted top rails. It was kind of dark or dimly lit as older buildings are.
    OUR GOD WANTS TO GIVE HIS LIGHT TO THOSE HE LOVES, THE CREATURES THAT HE MADE. FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON (In whom the fulness of God dwelt bodily/ a chip off the old block) He is calling us to come out and worship HIM. Find an open place to rest in. Rest in Him. When you feel the shaking, do not depend on what has been your sustenance/provision. Be ready to move.

  12. When praying for our nation I’ve been reminded of two verses: “Love covers over a multitude of sins” and “Love always hopes”. I don’t understand, but I try to do my little part and love those around me and be hopeful when I pray for our nation. Hopeful for anyone who will turn to Him and be saved, hopeful for any miracle He wants to release, hopeful for any move of the Spirit He desires. Can we still have hope in the midst of judgement? It’s difficult, but I still believe He wants us to hope.

  13. Hi guys,,your right on,,your telling it the way God tells it,,i love it,,america will fall hard in 2012..God have mercy on us all,,the evil in the earth is so rampant..somethings gotta give,,we’ve surpassed sodom and gommorah in evil..
    Floods,drought,fires,quakes,V-eruptions,,next,,food shortages,,water shortages,,global economic collapse..riots,,its fast approaching,,if only all Preachers would come together and erge the people to prepare their hearts and then prepare for survival..i think your right,,its beyond the point of no return..

  14. Jim, Thank you for spending late hrs. (as into the early morning) to listen to the Holy Spirit. I want to listen more myself. God has so much to say about this hr. in time……. Keep on going and never give up! Blessings, Teresa from (Texas)

  15. I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee. We
    owe so much to our Jewish friends. My desire is to be a friend of God
    and a friend to the people of Israel. God spoke and said out of the furnace of affliction I have chosen you. I often wonder if he was
    speaking of Hitler’s furnace. Also the vision, can these bones live.
    Can a nation be born in a day. As you so aptly put it. They have
    divided my land. It’s God’s land and he gave it to the Jewish people.
    I am concerned if we divide God’s land, God will divide ours along
    the New Madrid fault zone. By the way thanks for offering the tarps.
    Anyone living in hurricane country knows how valuable those are.
    May God bless you for daring to stand and warn the people.

  16. Jim
    I pray you will continue to be a watchman for our nation. I am thankful to the Lord that he has sent someone to warn us. Thank you for being willing to carry this burden as it must have been for the prophets in the bible but God honors faithfulness. Be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee wither so ever thou goest. Jos.1/9 I will keep praying for you and your message.
    God Bless you and your family.

  17. Jim,
    while Israel is the apple of Gods eye,as far as land goes, his children all over the world are of greater importance, im talking about his TRUE children,we have been scattered all around the world since that scripture was written,however I do believe that because America has been the most giving nation for years to help others , the Lord has spared a lot of destruction upon us. mainly because His children are still living here,now when we are no longer here, then yes I think that America, will be judged horribly, we as the children of God are not held accountable for the evil children in this world, there are many people praying everyday for this country, and I believe that God hears are prayers on behave of the people that make us as a nation look evil, thank God for all the saints who stand in the Gap.

  18. Pastor Jim,
    I sadly agree with your comments. God has founded this nation and blessed it over the years. But all is not yet lost for …..
    “IF MY PEOPLE, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
    (2 Chronicles 7:13-15) Let us pray that the Church will wake up from her sleep in time!

  19. Jim, this sad commentary , I feel is very accurate what you are describing. I am hoping and praying for revival in our country…our future depends on it. Our only hope is in praying for our country to come back to God.if our country comes back to God, then God can and will heal our land…as it says in scripture. My heart is heavy for the way I have heard of what has happened to Israel . God says to pray for Israel, our Christian roots are in Israel, but unless we as a country come back to Christ, each individual, at a time, then our country is in trouble…the Word of God is true. I am praying for our country to wake up and smell the coffee in a way of speaking , before things get even worse. Thank you for being faithful the the calling of God on your life Jim. My heart sends you and your family a hug and you are in my prayers. God Bless You.

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