Who is on the Lord’s Side?

This was the question that Moses asked the people of Israel.  In those days, Moses stood as a type of Christ.  Exodus 32:26 says, “Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said, “Who is on the LORD’s side?”  Let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.”

Moses issued that confrontation to the people of Israel, God’s people, who had turned to worshipping idols as they waited for Moses’ return.  Only the sons of Levi came forward to separate themselves from the idol worship.  Only a select few answered that call to repentance.

Today, the Lord is drawing the same line in the sand.  He is calling out to His People “Who is on My side?”  The seriousness of the days we live in demand a sobriety and attention to the things of God.  They demand a concentration and a fixed gaze.  These are Revelation Days that we’re living in.  It’s no ordinary time in history – it’s an appointed time for which we have been chosen.    

If there ever was a time to consider the things of God and understand that the enemy (the devil) is engaging us in a spiritual battle, it is NOW.  Yet, people go on about their business as if this time is common.  It’s not!  The Word of God speaks of these Revelation Days in order to alert us to be ready and to be on guard, because your adversary (the devil) still roams about, seeking whom he may devour.

The fact that there is another side is something that most people miss in today’s church environment.  Spiritual warfare is greatly ignored by those who teach and those who call themselves shepherds.  These are the Revelation Days and that means these are days of intensified spiritual warfare against principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness – yet most Christians deny the battle and continue as if that reality wasn’t genuine.  Spiritual warfare is a serious reality in the Revelation Days and the Lord is again issuing the call.

When we answer that call  and step over the line in the sand to the Lord’s side, we identify ourselves as those who belong to the family of the living God, we arm ourselves with the armor of God, and we stand ready to do battle with the enemy.  We are shaken out of our lethargy and we are able to focus on His priorities.  We are no longer distracted or nonchalant.  We are no longer concerned with silly things that try to capture our spiritual attention and strength.   We never, never, never give up!  We keep on going even when we’re tired. 

We are on the Lord’s side!

10 thoughts on “Who is on the Lord’s Side?

  1. most of the people in power are blind to the real enemy. many might be hell bound. but his people will be kept. he is returning for us

  2. In Joel 3:9 it says to “wake up” the mighty men,in v.12 let the heathen be “wakened”.Verse 14 Multitudes,multitudes in the valley of “decision”:for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of “decision”.We must -WAKE UP AND MAKE UP- our minds.It’s when in the valley we must make the decision to either climb God’s holy mountain v.17 or to remain in the valley.We must understand that one of the enemies biggest weapons is complacency or indecisiveness.

  3. Pastor Bakker: What an awesome post “Who will stand on the Lord’s side”. This is an exciting time for those who know the Lord. I’m writing from New Orleans, LA. Tomorrow in Baton Rouge, House Bill 645 will go before the house for vote. The bill if passed, will make it illegal for doctors to perform abortions in Louisiana. I pray that your viewers will join us in prayer at 1:00 (when the house goes in session)that this bill will be passed. We must take a stand for he unborn. We will be on the Lord’s side tomorrow. Thank you!!!!

  4. my family and friennds think i am crazy. [i know what you are going through Jim]. God gave me some good advice a while back. as i am not a preacher, and don’t claim or want to be, He said only share with others what has happened to you to avoid offending anyone. no one can get mad or offended if you only share what’s hapened to you.

  5. Pastor Jim,
    In this time as in no other,we cannot be Christians in name
    only.Its time to take a stand.In your face, with no apology for His
    word is what is needed of us.Your work in the field with putting your
    ministry and its funds on the line for the people hurt by the disasters
    down south is an inspiration to us all.You are the man with the mission
    to prepare for Him.Its time for Christians of all stripes to join you
    in a movement to prepare.His will be done.

  6. Jim,
    As for me and my house we WILL serve the Lord! Thanks for being the voice calling out the message of God in these days.

  7. Pastor Jim, this is an excellent word. Bringing out so clearly the
    other side. Spritual warfare has intensified. But we know our God
    is a God mighty in battle. We do not wrestle with flesh and blood
    but with principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness. One of
    the greatest weapons we have is the Word of God. Then there is
    praise, since God inhabits the praises of his people, wickedness
    is not comfortable in God’s presense. For us to be in spiritual
    warfare, the enemy of God must perceive us as a threat. We know
    when the enemy comes in like a flood, then the Lord will lift
    up a standard against him. No weapon formed against us will
    prosper. Jehovah Sabbaoth, God of the heavenly armies leads the
    way. We know and are convinced he winds.

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