Woe is Me (Pt. 3)

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil!

Any born-again Christian who listens to the rhetoric from most of the politicians and newscasters in this country must be shaking their heads along with us.  Sometimes I don’t even believe how crazy things are getting.  Things that are being said and done are just completely opposite of the truth – and preachers are so busy teaching people how to get more money they don’t have time to warn the flock!

There is an antichrist spirit that is arising very quickly in the world, and unless we have our spiritual senses exercised to discern the truth, we may miss the straight and narrow way that Jesus talked about in Luke 13.  This is not a time to shrink back or to conform to the world.  This is a time to hone our spiritual senses and be ready for even more craziness from the world’s system which is antichrist.

Anybody who dares to raise their voice in reason or sanity (not to mention expressing their Christianity) is quickly shouted down by the crazies who have learned to twist things so out of shape you hardly recognize the original statement.  Don’t be intimidated by these voices – they are the voices of an enemy who has already lost the battle when Jesus died on the Cross!

We have people now who parade their sins in front of the world, and applaud their own decadence.  We have people who want to defend the ‘right’ to murder babies in the womb.  We have people who have made laws that make the ten commandments illegal.  And we have those who won’t allow the Cross, the symbol of Christianity, to even be displayed on the 911 monument!  You can’t say the name of Jesus in a high-school graduation speech!

We have kicked God out of schools and then wonder why our kids are self-willed, insolent, and morally depraved.  We have allowed new-agers and the humanists to manipulate and distort basic life principals.  We have tolerated the rhetoric of people who believe that Christians are mean for even stating their faith.

Sometimes I wonder “where is the America I knew when I was a boy?”  America is divided – not united.  It cannot stand.  There is no voice of decency  or even reason anymore.  The 10 Commandments now illegal in the U.S.?!  Whoever heard of such a thing?!  Sometimes I grieve, and then sometimes I’m angry about the condition we find ourselves in.

One thing I know for sure:  God will not be mocked!

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20 KJV


12 thoughts on “Woe is Me (Pt. 3)

  1. Hi Jim- what do you think of hurricane Irene? have not heard you comment on this latest disaster. It seems like almost everyday there is some new disaster, and it is amazing that no one on the media ever suggests that this might be the beginning of sorrows. We do not want to get into fear, but we should see how God is wanting America to truly repent. You can’t kill millions of babies and continue to receive the blessings of God. I am really totally behind you building Lori’s House. I hope I can come and help with the babies. I would like to do more preparation, but only have my social security. We can do what we can and the Lord will provide the rest.

  2. Jim, I was saved through P.T.L on August 5,1975, and that has
    made all the difference in the world to me and my family.. thank you
    for all you have done, are doing now and will be doing in the future
    for the Lord Jesus Christ.I have always prayed for you and will
    continue to do so no matter what comes your way… Your messages
    may not be popular with the public, but those who ‘have ears’ are listening and holding on to the truth. We have started our long term food storage
    from Food for Health Int, I wish everyone would be prepared for
    the coming crisis…but there are Christians in my family who do
    not believe any of this… and will not recieve what I am trying to
    share with them about the coming shortages in food and supplies..Never
    stop preaching Jim, never…I am praying,.others will hear you before it is too late.

  3. Dear Jim,

    AS you are already well aware; it is GOD Himself who is causing all of America’s all of these political/economic/social/geological upheavals; with the whole PURPOSE of God – out of His loving kindness, to give the unrepentant wicked an “INCENTIVE” to forsake worshipping the “god of mammon” – and subsequently begin worshipping the TRUE God of Heaven, i.e., worshipping the Most High God, the God of Jesus Christ; and ultimately, for the Lord to bring as many human beings that are willing to serve Him, to enter into Eternal Life through Christ Jesus himself.

    Therefore, the Lord is currently gradually taking away all of America’s national “blessings” of economic prosperity AND liberty – all because the American People still REFUSE to REPENT of their sins, and turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. This is indeed the Lord’s will – for our ungrateful rebellious godless country. We foolish citizens of this debaucherous “United States”, have collectively brought the “wrath of God’ upon ourselves, due to our continued REFUSE to REPENT of our sins, and permanently turn our lives over to Christ Jesus, our eternal cosmic Lord and Savior.

    The American People have NO IDEA of the horrible days that will eventually “visit” America; such as an unexpected and unimaginable INCREASE in immense personal and corporate financial losses, great INCREASES in commodity prices; and more INCREASES in terms of job losses, homelessness, poverty, white-collar and blue-collar crime, urban (and sub-urban) domestic violence, homicide, domestic-born and foreign-born terrorism; deadly plagues, incurable diseases, pestilences, crop-destroying droughts, famine, Western wildfires, heat waves, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, thunderstorms, blizzards, earthquakes, and ULTIMATELY devastating “NUCLEAR WAR” and complete national annihilation – if this is ALL what it “takes” for the Lord to bring America to her very knees – and to get the surviving REMNANT of all of these dreadful calamities to finally come to their “senses” and finally and forever REPENT of their life-long sins!!!

    So America, indeed, in the coming years, will eventually be “judged” by the Lord with unbelievable and unexpected “economic collapse” and mass Third-world type of poverty; and judged with incredibly violent terrorism, gang violence, civil unrest, deadly natural disasters, plagues, pestilences, famine, “martial law”, despotism, and covert infiltration and overt invasions of America’s enemies. And as far as the Lord thy God Himself is concerned, this awfully wicked nation will have DESERVED every “bit” of His devastating judgments, since the government of the United States and its people continue to refuse to REPENT of their sins, but instead, keep on REBELLING against the Most High God.

    But the remnant Church – or God’s “Bride of Christ” – will be PROTECTED from all of these deadly natural and man-made [or God-made] disasters. We’ll still have to “go through” them – like “unbelievers”; BUT yet, miraculously be DELIVERED out of ALL of, by God’s grace and mercy. And our “deliverance” will indeed be a living TESTIMONY to those “people” around us who will be looking for “answers” as to “how” and “why” all of these “bad things” are coming upon the United States. When unbelievers hear our TESTIMONY on the SAVING GRACE of Jesus Christ – then MANY people [although NOT most people] in America and throughout the world will indeed “turn” to Christ themselves.

    God bless you forever, Jim. Yes, you are truly “blessed” to be used by God to be a prophetic “watchman” for America.

    Sincerely, in Christ Jesus
    Charles Reece
    of Washington, DC

  4. Greetings from JB. You are a blessing to many in these last days. I need some spiritual advice. My pastor doesn’t believe that we need to stock up, pay off debit or prepare in any way for the future, I was suppose to be co-pastor but, I just can’t take it any more. Am I wrong to ex-communicate myself from this body? Yet I’m called upon on a daily basis for revelation that I receive from God. Keep me in your prayers. Bless you in Jesus name. Pray for those in spiritual bondage because of ” the truth”.

  5. Hi Pastor Jim. I had a dream last night that you were encouraging me to play an old upright piano. I had an old hymnal and I couldn’t find any of my songs that I usually like to play, like “Holy Ground.” Instead, the book was opened to the song “Dwelling in Beulah Land,” and so I began playing that for us, and that was the end of the dream. I just now looked up the sheet music for that song, and the words are so encouraging for what we’re going through in these last days.
    Blessings to you!

  6. Dear Sir,
    Woe is Me – Part 2
    Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil!

    Extremely well put sir. When we listen to the media it can a lot of the time sound very confusing, very blunt, especially where Christianity and Jesus is concerned. I sometimes listen very carefully for the word Jesus to be used, and it isn’t used very much. Still the good news is Jesus is ours who believe in him. All them people on the planet, and they don’t use a beautiful name like Jesus very much; perhaps only when cursing.

    There’s a lot of double mindedness in the world, and I believe it’s woe to a lot of these people. Single mindedness for Jesus is the best way, although this is just my opinion, so pure and simple, so easily the right way to heaven.

    I checked my electric bible for ‘double minded’ verses where I believe these people can call good ‘evil’ and vice versa. There are the following two verses from James:-
    James Chapter 1 verse 8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
    James Chapter 4 verse 8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

    Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil! That’s for sure sir.
    I believe it just takes belief in Jesus, and everything will be put right.

    God bless.

    Staffordshire, England, UK.

  7. Dear Jim,

    I listen to your show every day. I hear what you are saying to be prepared. Just yesterday I was getting my hair done and I was talking to the lady doing my hair about stocking up on food. She said, “Why?” I go to church with this lady and explained that perilous times are coming. That the price of food was going to sky rocket because of the drought and flooding. She didn’t get it. I will continue to tell people because I believe what you are teaching.

    Today my husband and I went to Aldie’s and stocked up on canned goods. I talked to a lady there and she was stocking up too. I do have a year supply of your food too. My husband feels in his spirit that something big is coming. Thank you for being a watchman on the wall. Not many share what you share. We need you!!!!!



    • Not only does the Bible say ONLY the FATHER IN HEAVEN will know the EXACT time He will send Jesus back to retrieve His fowlrleos ALSO, did you all realize that this Harold Camping guy has had false predictions before? I guess the last one was in 1994? He also says that the Holy Spirit LEFT (was removed from)us in 1988! We all know this is FALSE! Please guys, don’t be so easily deceived. It only HURTS your faith when you believe lies they don’t happen! I want to see Harolds face on Sunday.

  8. The mindset of “Democracy” has infiltrated the church as a whole. I like to term it “Demon-crazy”. The church is under the guile of popular opinion instead of Theocracy.

    Kingdom should be thought of as “Kings Dominion”. This is exactly why Jesus said we are not of this world, but we live in this world. We, the saints, are of the Kingdom of God. He is our authority. He is King of kings and Lord of lords.

    Revelation 8:10, “The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water—the name of the start is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.

    Jesus Christ is our living water. Jesus Christ is the truth and the Word. God’s Word is the rivers and springs of refreshing (the living water). False teaching brings bitterness and spiritual (soul) death…”twice dead or the second death”. As you teach Pastor Jim the pulpits and the teachers must awaken from their slumber and false teaching.

  9. Jesus said, if I be lifted up, I will draw all men to me. The principalities, powers of darkness and wickedness in high places
    are working to keep Christ from being lifted up. To erase the
    10 Commandments and to stop prayer. To bring darkness across the
    land. Jim I am with you on supporting Israel. I am convinced that
    if we touch or do harm to Israel then the scripture will be fulfilled.
    I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you.
    If we work to divide the land of Israel then the scripture will be fulfilled. I also believe that David Wilkerson’s vision of the fires
    coming to New York will be fulfilled. I love our nation, but I hate
    the sin. Not the sinner, but the sin. The storm of terror is upon us.
    I feel it in my spirit. Something major is coming, because we have
    turned our backs on God. God forgive us. God put a hedge of protection around you and your family and every blood bought, blood washed saint of God.

  10. you are preaching the truth the word jim keep it up.i came to some of your programs when you where in a old building in charlotte.n.c. on independence bolervard back in the early eighties i am not a christian but i do belief in the bible and that we are living in the last days, i also belief in jesus christ the holy ghost and the father,because he is the creator of everything on this earth.i stand behind you when you say that most pastors are scared to preach the book of reveletion and the end of time because they are scared they are scared they are going to hurt somebodys feeling and loose them and their money when they should be preaching the truth and getting there flock ready for heaven.you can use my name if you want to. because like i said i am not a christian but i belief every word that is in the bible.i have been baptized but i quit going to church when all they want is money for buildings and trips and want even help the people in theie on church not unless they have money that is the way that the church is going have a good day and ‘GOD BLESS YOU’

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