Woe is Me (Pt. 5)

Woe to Those Who Destroy Others!

The world loves to hear gossip.  In addition to printed material, we now have the ability through social media on the internet to multiply the effects of what we say for good or for evil.  This is the information age, but we get a lot of disinformation!

One of the greatest travesties of social media today is the ability of anyone to start rumors, gossip and slander about anybody.  Hollywood even glamorizes it!  The right of ‘free speech’ is taken to the absurd and social media is often used as a vehicle to air suspicion, bitterness, and outright lies.  People who are looking for something bad about anyone will usually find it on the internet!

Have you noticed that the things people are saying are becoming more and more vicious?  This is especially true when they can do it anonymously.  Behavior like that is somewhat more expected from the unregenerate, but we now see so much of this within the ranks of those who claim Jesus as Savior and Lord.  My friends, this should not be.

When I went through the Valley in the 80’s and 90’s, it was not the words of the secular population that wounded my soul as much as it was the voices of those in the Church.  David had some experience with those kind of ‘friends’.

In Psalm 55:12-14 he said, “For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him:  But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance.  We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company.” KJV

Do you want to know who to listen to?  …who to trust?  Seek out that one that you never hear saying anything bad about anybody.  That’s the one you can trust not to stab you in the back if they witness you in your humanity.  Surround yourself with people who have learned that if they can’t say something good, then don’t say anything at all.

God does not take kindly to those who set out to destroy others.  In fact, He says “Woe” to the them.  That word ‘woe’ means “grief, alas, anguish, torment.”  Those who set out to destroy others bring grief, anguish and torment upon themselves.  It’s amazing how moral immoral people become when they’re out to destroy others.  Yet, they want their own sins covered.

I don’t know why some people never learn this lesson.  I don’t know why some people have to go down that slippery slope.  It is a path many have traveled before and should have learned that it will only RETURN grief.  You don’t gossip about God’s people without serious consequences and it’s time we get that straight and repent of it before we have to face the ‘woes’ that are surely coming.  We can’t control what the world does in its vicious gossip, but we can let the Word of God cause us to repent of doing the same thing within the Church.

Isaiah 33:1 NCV

How terrible it will be for you or woe to you who destroy others but have not been destroyed yet.

How terrible it will be for you, traitor, whom no one has turned against yet.

When you stop destroying, others will destroy you.

When you stop turning against others, they will turn against you.

Proverbs 26:27 NCV

Whoever digs a pit for others will fall into it.

Whoever tries to roll a boulder down on others will be crushed by it.

13 thoughts on “Woe is Me (Pt. 5)

  1. Jim and Lori,

    When I was in the abyss of failure I awakened one morning to hear God speak to me. He simply said “You have a friend named Lori.” I was a middle aged Mom who had my children taken from me because I was committed to a mental institution, five times in five different states. I happened to be in a Christian book store that day when Lori’s book and her picture caught my eye. I bought the book. At the time I was supporting the LA Dream Center. I was also watching many evangelists on TV, trying to decide who to give to and who not to give to. To make a long story short, Lori’s book was the hope I needed. I read and reread and reread it. My life is now full, I work as a registered nurse, and my children and grandchildren are close once again. I am healed. I was thrilled to find you on DirectTV lately. Thank you both for saying what others are afraid to say!

  2. i think ever day about the sun going dark and the moon not giving its light. this scares me more than any other profecy but i thought i heard Jim say we would be at peace. is this true?

  3. Dear Jim. I am writing to your from Wyoming. I am just like you in many ways. I used to teach “Sunday School” in a Non Denom small Church. Our lives were so full of Jesus. The Pastor and his wife had issues and the Church disolved and they eventually divorced.

    We have pretty much been OUT of Church for years and just recently I have been watching your SHOW on DirectTV. You make more sense than pretty much all of the “Other” Ministries.

    We are living in the End Times and its time to make a difference.
    Please pray for us as we are trying to get back in GODS Plan again.
    Thats all I am asking. Just for prayer and direction as I am again waking up from the past…Bless you all. Gary J

  4. Mike W I look forward to your posts. You are filled with wisdom.
    If it is alright I would like to respond to Leah. I feel your
    pain through your words. Years ago I went through a trying time
    with one of my children and her boyfriend. I loved her so. The
    enemy came against us. She didn’t speak to me for some time.
    I couldn’t eat or sleep, I was so distraught. So I went on a fast.
    I wasn’t eating anyway. I gave her to the Lord. I had to let go.
    She went down a steep path but she returned stronger than ever.
    Today we are best friends and she loves the Lord. She has a good
    strong marriage to a wonderful man. Leah the scripture comes to my
    mind for you, I will live and not die and yet proclaim the goodness of
    the Lord. Hang in there girl, everything is going to be ok.

  5. Pastor Jim, I might be wrong but I believe truth,reality, and fact are objective and closely intertwined together. To voice or even to denounce against that which is false, illusion, and perverse subjectiveness I also believe can be accomplished with statements from the list of the 1st 3’s in my beginning sentence.

    God, the patriarchs, the prophets, and the apostles spoke against deception and lies. False witnessing is detestable to God. We as christians can refute such “worldly” attempts and actions with truth.. ie the Word of God, which you have done. I am so joyous you have utilized wisdom and discernment is stating your case.

    The reason I have said this is because as you recommend “do your homework” which I have done since the initial day you posted “Woe 4”.
    I am not going to state here what I found but I am sure you and I are “of the same spirit and in tune” with one another.

    The lies and malice does abound which isn’t surprising considering the source(s). One thing I know for sure is the “TRUTH” will win. I praise and thank God for that promise. He is faithful and will ensure the truth is evident and victorious. All one has to do is be willing to seek it while refrain from be deceived and polluted by “secular manifestations” which are comprised from a tainted heart enclosed in a heart requiring God’s love and salvation.

    I stand with you as a brother in Christ. You keep preaching and continue speaking out against that which is false and of the evil one. God Bless! Mike

  6. Jim
    My son and his girlfriend have rejected my love for them. I am so torn up over this, I said something that hurt the girls feelings. I did say I am sorry to please forgive me, but she hasn’t yet and now my son, says he doesn’t want a relationship with me, his mom. I am so distraught, depressed and I have asked Jesus to take me home to Heaven with him. The Bible says that people will be asking to die but won’t. I don’t know what else to do with this situation. I again asked for forgiveness and again rejected. I keep hearing in my heart, Jesus was rejected by the world and so will you. I just want my son to understand who his real friends are. I pray for him and for her because they really don’t know and don’t care how they hurt me. If I ask someone to forgive me for something, why won’t they? I must have said “I’m sorry” at least 40-50 times. They are making me feel that my love for them isn’t good enough anymore. That breaks my heart and I am very sad. Thanks for listening.

    • Hi Leah, When we look at the scriptures very closely we will find God the Father, Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit,the major and minor prophets, and the Apostles all experienced rejection.

      The world has a definition of love which is much different than the love we Christians try to give and return to others. it is hard for many to understand what “agape (unconditional)” love truly is.

      As you know God is all-knowing. If I was in your shoes the first thing I would do is go to God in prayer. There is much power in prayer. It is what releases the power of God to intercede from his throne in the super-natural into the natural world. You are his child and he knows the pain you are experiencing. He will listen. Plus, we must allow time for God to work.

      A promise of God is that he will provide a peace beyond all understanding. Knowing he is at work your situation should rise your faith, belief, and trust in him.

      One of God’s first institutions is family. The healing of “family” is very important priority for him. All we have to do is look at the story of Joseph, Jacob’s son, for verification of this attribute of God’s character.

      Please allow God to be your number #1 priority. He promises to never leave you or forsake you. Believe in his promise “good” will come out of this time of pain and trouble you are presently experiencing. As Pastor Jim says, “God loves you, He really does!” All he wants you to do is love him back! God Bless! Mike

  7. The Church has indeed become vicious. YouTube, for example, is replete with self proclaimed “prophets” whose “ministry” is attacking and slandering other ministries. And they do it all in the name of God, thinking they are justified. When we accuse others, we are giving our tongues over to the accuser of the brethren. And he is all too happy to spew his poison through our words.

  8. Jim your words stirred my heart. Many years ago I was almost
    destroyed by someone I had great confidence in. I was in the
    pit so to speak. I had lost everything. When it is someone from
    the church who wounds you, it takes so much longer to heal.
    God’s Word says, by your words you shall be justified or
    condemned. Words can uplift or they can tear down. I am one of
    those people who loves to journal or put my thoughts on paper.
    Often I pray that my words whether written or spoken may be
    a blessing and not a curse. As Christians we can fight our battles
    with the sword of the Spirit. The enemy of our souls loves to use
    his dagger. I call it the devil’s knife. It cuts,wounds, kills and
    destroys. No christian should pick up that knife. Let us pick up
    the sword of the Spirit. Lifting up the name of Jesus, declaring
    the truths of God’s Word. Every answer is there. A starving person
    appreciates a dry crusty bread. The world is starving for truth.
    So let us give them the living bread. It is never stale. When Jesus
    met the woman at the well, he told her, he had water that if she
    drank from she would never thirst again.

  9. Woe to Those Who Destroy Others!
    I agree to all of your words here, very well put.
    Slander! This is one of the big evils. Mark 7:21 and Mark 7:22 list the main twelve sins that come from within mankind, slander is one of them. I associate malice with slander as well, although that’s a category of evil on its own as well.
    Woe to Those Who Destroy Others!
    I agree with that statement entirely, and god the father on the ‘day of judgement’ will be doing the sentencing. There’s always a chance with Jesus on ones side of obtaining mercy from god, it as to be with Jesus though, I believe with plenty of repenting. Without the support and love of Jesus I cannot see god acquitting anyone, he truly is awesome.
    Thank you for your message Sir,
    God bless,

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