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Pastor Jim and Lori discuss what American citizens should pay attention to, including the threat of EMP attack on our country, with special guest Doctor William Forstchen.


I don’t want anyone voting who doesn’t respect the price that was paid to create that right for we the people. – William Forstchen

Try to make your moral decision. Make your moral decision as to who you’re going to vote for. – William Forstchen

I don’t understand, why do we protect our enemies, and we don’t give the freedom to our citizens of the United States of America? – Pastor Jim

America was built on immigration, but we need sane, morally built immigration. – William Forstchen


Hobby Lobby Founder David Green: We’re One Judge Away From Losing Religious Liberty in America – Charisma News

A Candidate’s Death Could Delay or Eliminate the Presidential Election – US News

Homeland Security Weighs Taking Charge of 2016 Election Systems – CBN News

Russians Hacked Two U.S. Voter Databases, Officials Say – NBC News

How Christian Were the Founders? – The New York Times

Report: ISIS “kill list” targets thousands of Americans – ABC

IRS doesn’t tell 1M taxpayers that illegals stole their Social Security numbers – The Washington Times

80 Percent Captured at Border Set Free in U.S., Says Agent – Breitbart

2 thoughts on “What America Should Be Paying Attention To (Day 2)

  1. If you can’t vote for the candidate,then vote for the platform! The one that most closely tries to adhere to what the founding fathers set up. To what we as Christians should be believing in!!

  2. Maybe they are giving away the internet so that the ones on that isis hit list can be elimiated or killed
    and the American people will never know if Christian TV is taken away. We Christians are classified
    as enemies of the state.. Just a thought.

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