Related Love Gifts

Pastor Jim and Lori Bakker call upon Americans to stand up and act, with special guest Brigitte Gabriel.


I’m a firm believer that God uses His people as instruments of change in His hand. Every single one of us has a destiny, has a purpose to fulfill. – Brigitte Gabriel

Right now what we lack is leadership and men with a backbone in Capitol Hill. That’s what we’re lacking right now. – Brigitte Gabriel

This election is an election about survival. And not just the survival of the United States, but the survival of western civilization. – Brigitte Gabriel


Matthew 16:18 KJV And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

I Timothy 6:10 MEV For the love of money is the root of all evil. While coveting after money, some have strayed from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.


ISIS butchers hang prisoners from meat hooks – New York Post

Thousands of bodies found in 72 mass graves as images reveal the shocking scale of ISIS’s industrial-scale murder – The Sun

San Bernardino shooting: Attacker pledged allegiance to ISIS, officials say – CNN

Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance – CNN

Paris Terror Attack: ISIS Adherents Celebrate “Paris In Flames,” 140 Feared Dead – VOCATIV.COM

Gang of ISIS women were behind failed Notre Dame attack – New York Post

Big blast, 29 injuries in NYC; pressure cooker device removed nearby – USA Today

Pipe Bombs Found Near Train Station in Elizabeth, N.J. – New York Times

FBI investigating ISIS suspects in all 50 states – The Hill

THIS is How Many Terrorists ISIS Claims Are Hidden Among Syrian Refugees – The Federalist Papers

In parting words to UN, Obama calls for ‘course correction’ – The Washington Post

Massachusetts: 22-year-old Syrian refugee arrested for “touching” 13-year-old in public pool – Refugee Resettlement Watch

3 Muslim Boys Arrested for Rape of 5-Year-Old Girl in Twin Falls, Idaho: “They Are Not Compatible with Our Culture!” – Ambrose Kane

Virginia: African refugee from Togo in US for nine days before attempted rape – Refugee Resettlement Watch

Utah: Burmese Muslim in U.S. one month brutally killed 7-year old Christian girl – Creeping Sharia

California: Muslim found guilty of killing wife and making it look like anti-Muslim hate crime – Creeping Sharia


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