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Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Dr. Bruce & Leslie Fife as they discuss God’s Brain Food for Day 4 on The Jim Bakker Show.


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Coconut oil is excellent for cooking because it’s very heat stable. -Dr. Bruce Fife

One of the problems with losing weight is people think “Oh, we’ve got to cut out fat because it has all these calories.” But when they do that, they’re setting themselves up for failure. Cutting out fat promotes weight gain.

When you go on a low fat diet – a low calorie diet – what’s happening is you cut down on the calories and your body recognizes this as a famine. What it does is slows down the metabolism to match the amount of calories your taking. When you have adequate fat in your diet, your body doesn’t recognize it as a famine. -Dr. Bruce Fife

One thought on “God’s Brain Food

  1. I really loved all the info on coconut oil. Myself, husband and best friend all have been oil pulling since the show. It has really helped all of us. Yes, I have joined Lori and now use coconut oil all over my body. It really works!

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