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Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Dino & Cheryl Kartsonakis and John Shorey as they celebrate Pastor Jim’s 75th birthday for Day 1 on The Jim Bakker Show.


Tchaikovsky Overture

Gospel Medley


This year is going to be, I think, the most important year that I’ve ever lived. I think it’s the most important year that any of you have lived. -Pastor Jim Bakker

Whether you know it or not, the third World War has already begun. And it’s happening. -Pastor Jim Bakker

This next year is going to be a very key year. We believe things are going to start accelerating, and when things start to happen, you have got to be in the know. You have got to be able to understand Biblically, prophetically, what is happening at that very moment. -Pastor Jim Bakker

I believe in these last days, when the world’s shaking, we’re going to be singing. And we’re going to be praising God. -Pastor Jim Bakker

I believe we’re going to have more music, not less. I believe we’ve got to shout and sing. We’re going to bring the walls down. -Pastor Jim Bakker

2 thoughts on “Pastor Jim’s 75th Birthday Celebration

  1. wonderful show and loved hearing , seeing Tammy Sue Bakker sing with the rest awesome . i do believe all hell is gonna break lose very soon amen

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