Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker reflect on their recent trip to Israel and New York City for Day 1 on The Jim Bakker Show.
I Will Not Be Silent
If we want to study what has to take place [before judgement comes], we can study the only other time that judgment has come upon the entire world, and that was whenever Methuselah died and the flood came upon the entire world. -Zach Drew
There is no salvation without the cross. -Pastor Jim Bakker
The Arab world is trying to prevent Jesus from coming back [by sealing the Eastern Gate]. But, if they don’t think Jesus is the one true God coming back, then why go through all the difficulties of preventing it? -Zach Drew
I Corinthians 1:18 KJV For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
Acts 10:9-15 -Read about Peter’s vision of the unclean animals
Ezekiel 43:1-4, 44:1-3 -Read about The Eastern Gate
Matthew 2:1-18 -Read about how Herod tries to kill Jesus