Related Love Gifts

Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Russ Taff, Paul Todd, and Paul Todd Jr. to celebrate Pastor Jim’s 50th Year of Ministry on The Jim Bakker Show.


Remembering 50 Years of Pastor Jim Bakker’s Ministry

The Early Years of Christian Television and Contemporary Christian Music

Crossing Racial Lines in the 1960s

Pastor Jim Bakker’s Role in Shaping Modern Christianity in American Media


Praise the Lord


In celebration of fifty years of ministry, Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker reunited with old friends and heard from faithful partners in ministry who have known Pastor Jim for many years.

Russ Taff made a surprise appearance and sat down with Pastor Jim and Lori to recall the early years of contemporary Christian music in the 1960s. Russ pointed out that with Pastor Jim’s help, contemporary Christian music attracted a worldwide audience in the decades to follow. They discussed the radical nature of contemporary Christian music during those early days when very few ministries were willing to promote artists that played modern sounding music. Russ recognized how Pastor Jim broke the mold and courageously provided the platform that would jump-start contemporary Christian music in America. During this discussion with Russ, Pastor Jim exhorted viewers to accept any style of music that brings glory to Jesus Christ, regardless of style. He lamented how only 4% of the new generation of young people attend church. He recognized a desperate need for modern, relevant music styles to flourish in church settings.

The group recalled Pastor Jim’s role in crossing racial lines in the 1960s when he organized desegregated gospel music events in segregated portions of the South. They also discussed Pastor Jim’s relationships with African-American pastors during that time — how he worked hard to assure them that their congregations were welcome to attend all events that he organized. The discussion emphasized the cultural climate of the time and how much courage it took to cross those racial lines.

Dr. Dale Hill and Darryl Chesser reminisce with Pastor Jim about the early years of Christian television — The 700 Club, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Praise the Lord, CBN, and others — and they recognized Pastor Jim Bakker’s trailblazing role in establishing Christian television for the first time in America.

Another surprise guest, Bill Garthwaite, delivered a touching message that he had taped especially for the show. Bill mentored Pastor Jim in his early years in ministry, and in his taped message, he exhorted Pastor Jim to press on with his anointed gift of preaching — the gift that Bill believed to be Pastor Jim’s greatest contribution to the kingdom. Pastor Jim recalled Bill’s spiritual mentorship with great joy, as Bill was the first to recognize Pastor Jim’s anointing and provide him the public platform that would eventually lead to Pastor Jim’s worldwide ministry.

The show concluded with Pastor Jim receiving a plaque that says, “God loves you, He really does,” in honor of his trademark comment with which he concludes all of his programs. It was a heartwarming hour full of people who have genuinely loved Pastor Jim Bakker through both the good and the bad times — people who fit the Bible’s definition of a true friend.


Proverbs 17:17 NASB A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

2 Timothy 4:2 NKJV Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.

Love Gifts

Pastor Jim’s Jubilee Year DVD set

Valley Walker’s Club

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