Related Love Gifts

Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Frank Davis and Kevin Shorey on The Jim Bakker Show.


Mocking of Christianity

Revelation Days

Lori’s House

Benefits of plant based diet & wellness

Benefits of using Nine-A-Day Plus

Being Prepared


I Wished We’d All Been Ready


Pastor Jim Bakker discussed how hard it is for Christian shows to stay on the air. Christians and Christianity are mocked by the public. Pastor Jim sites this as further evidence that we are in Revelation Days.

Pastor Jim introduced his new breakfast cereal and the benefits of eating a plant-based diet. Benefits that he has personally seen include the lowering of his blood sugar to a normal level and his ability to stop taking diabetes medication.

Lori Bakker discussed her belief that being physically healthy enables people to fulfill God’s will for them. If you don’t take care of your physical health it is hard to pray and read your bible. When you are not feeling well, it becomes hard to hear from God.

There are many benefits to Nine-A-Day vitamins. Pastor Jim, Lori and Frank Davis discuss the benefits of taking Frank’s vitamins. Frank’s plant based vitamins are made with organically grown fruits and vegetables. A days supply come conveniently packaged for ease of use. The process for drying the plant material in these vitamins has been specially designed to maintain product quality.

Pastor Jim discussed his belief that Nine-A-Day Plus vitamins saved his health and eyesight. He used to take national brand name vitamins, which Frank explained are made with synthetic and low quality ingredients. Once Pastor Jim committed to taking the Nine-A-Day vitamins, his health has steadily increased. In fact, just over a year ago Pastor Jim was diagnosed with a degeneration of his eyesight due to diabetes. Since beginning his Nine-A-Day regimine the degeneration has ceased.

Pastor Jim discussed the changing times and the need for stockpiling food. Siting new statistics that the worlds food consumption needs now exceed production. Pastor Jim beleives that food will soon be worth more than gold. Several shelf stable food packages were discussed.


Revelations 6:5-6 NCV When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse, and its rider held a pair of scales in his hand.6 Then I heard something that sounded like a voice coming from the middle of the four living creatures. The voice said, “A quart of wheat for a day’s pay, and three quarts of barley for a day’s pay, and do not damage the olive oil and wine!”

Love Gifts

Pastor Jim Bakker’s Breakfast Club

Silver Solutions Starter Kit

Nine A Day Vitamins

VitaVision Club

Year For You

Year For Two

Time of Trouble

Budget Monthly Food Club

Jubilee Monthly Food Club

Double Jubilee Monthly Food Club

Bean Bucket

Rice Bucket

Valley Walkers Club

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