Related Love Gifts

Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Carl & Rosemarie Palmer on The Jim Bakker Show.


Living In Grace

How You Can Be Healthier by Drinking More Purified Water

The Legacy Road and Lori’s House

Pastor Jim’s New Book Contract



Jesus Is the Gift that Keeps on Forgiving


Grace is not grace if it is not given away; then it’s law. We don’t live under law, we obey the law but we live under law because Jesus died on the cross to give us grace. -Pastor Jim Bakker

The book of Revelation is the only book in the Word of God that says that you will receive a blessing if you read this book. -Lori Bakker


Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker start the show by talking about the importance of living in grace. In order to have grace you have to give it to everyone, you have to forgive. Jesus died on the cross to give us grace. Kevin Shorey joins in on the topic by stressing the importance of forgiving others, not just oneself.

Kevin Shorey has produced a Christmas CD together with the musicians from his father in law’s band. His father in law, country singer Mel Tillis, has built a 2,700 seat music theatre with stage in Branson and packed it with people. He recently loaned his band to Kevin for the benefit of producing his new CD.

Carl Palmer, founder of Seychelle Water and his wife, holistic dental hygienist Rosemarie Palmer join in on set. At age 77, Carl looks decades younger and so does his 60 year old wife. They attribute this to drinking plenty of their purified Seychelle water. Seychelle products filter 99.99% of all contaminants in any water. You do not need to start by using non-contaminated water, like with many other filtration systems.

A few audience members are celebrating their birthdays today and Kevin sings them “Happy Birthday” as well as gifting them Seychelle stainless steel water bottles.

Lori’s Legacy Road will be finished by the end of the day and Lori is very excited to be able to ride on it! The Legacy Road goes down to Lori’s House, which is a building for unwed mothers that feel like their only choice is abortion. Lori’s House gives these women a different choice and the necessary support to be able to keep their babies. Carl and Rosemarie Palmer joined the Valley Walker Club on the previous show, to support The Legacy Road.

Carl Palmer has been working with reverse osmosis since 1969. In 1973 Coca Cola purchased his company, thus hoping they would make it global. Instead, they took it off the market because they had a bottled water company that competed with it. Carl had signed a non competing agreement, therefore he could not come out with another line of purified water for five years. He continued his research and development and the result is his new brand of water purifiers. Seychelle Water is named after the Seychelle Island off the coast of Africa, which has more coconut trees than any island in the world. Seychelle filters are made of primarily coconut.

In a demonstration, Pastor Jim put fertilized potting soil into a Seychelle Ultimate Survival 28oz Squeeze bottle. Carl Palmer shook the concoction up so that the water turned black.  He then squeezed the water into a glass and proceeded to drink it. The water bottle completely filtered out the fertilizer and dirt.

A few noteworthy facts reveal that 60 million plastic bottles are being dumped daily. We pay more for a gallon of bottled water than for a gallon of gas. Most of these plastic bottles are made of plastic that leaches into the water at 80 degrees or over. Sheryl Crow’s oncologist revealed on the Oprah Winfrey Show that this was likely the cause of Sheryl’s cancer.

Pastor Jim is very excited to finally sign a contract to write a new book. This book will be a study of the Book of Revelation based on what Pastor Jim had learned by studying it while in prison. He is hoping this new book will make it easy for people to understand the things God was revealing to the Apostle John.


Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

John 4:10 KJV Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

Leviticus 19:32 KJV Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD.

Revelation 1:3 NCV Blessed is the one who reads the words of God’s message, and blessed are the people who hear this message and do what is written in it. The time is near when all of this will happen.

Love Gifts

Kevin Shorey 2011 Christmas CD

10 Kevin Shorey Christmas CDs

Seychelle Stainless Steel Red Bottle

Seychelle Stainless Steel Blue Bottle

Seychelle Stainless Steel Silver Bottle

Seychelle Stainless Steel Black Bottle

3 for 2 Stainless Steel Bottles

Ultimate Survival 28oz Squeeze Bottle

Valley Walkers Club

Big Book of History

3 for 2 Big Book of History

9 Big Book of History

Seychelle Water Pitcher

3 for 2 Seychelle Water Pitchers

1 lb of Pastor Jim’s Organic 8 Grain Cereal

5 lbs of Pastor Jim’s Organic 8 Grain Cereal

3 for 2 Ultimate Survival 28oz Squeeze Bottles

Pastor Jim’s Revelation Teaching Club

3 for 2 Seychelle Clear Water Straws

RAD Ultimate Survival 28oz Squeeze Bottle

RAD Ultimate Survival Bottle Filter

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