Related Love Gifts

Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Pastor Cedric Hayes and The Gloryland Pastor’s Choir on The Jim Bakker Show.


Morningside Master’s Media

The Gloryland Pastor’s Choir

Peter Denies Jesus


Joy to the World

Omnipotent, He’s Great Our Lord

He Won’t Fail You


If you’ve had a set back, you’re coming back! -Pastor Jim Bakker


Pastor Jim Bakker is amazed with the children and young people who sing in The Gloryland Pastor’s Choir. The youngest choir member is 4 years old. The choir currently consists of 50 members.

Pastor Jim and Pastor Lloyd Zeigler talk about the Morningside Master’s Media program. The previous night, they had a service for the Master’s Students in Grace Chapel. God was allowed to move during the service through prayer, praise, and worship. Pastor Lloyd shares that the anointing of God must flow through you to others. This anointing brings healing, strength, peace, and all works of God.

Pastor Lloyd shared a statistic that 3 out of 4 teenagers will leave the church by adulthood. It is so important that we make a difference in the lives of our college students to change this statistic. Pastor Jim shares that the students of Morningside Master’s Media are world changers.

Pastor Jim interviews a few of the children. Pastor Hayes has instilled in them the greatness that God has placed in them. Pastor Jim shared that one of the children reminded him of his own daughter, Maricela, who helps produce The Pastor Jim Bakker show. Pastor Jim shared that the glory of God will rest upon our children if we will anoint them and pray for them.

Pastor Hayes shares a heartbreaking story of some of the trials the choir has been through. They had been recruited to sing in a choir competition in Memphis, Tennessee. Three hours before they were to compete, the officials of the competition told the choir they would not be allowed to take the stage due to the ages of the children. The producer disqualified them from the competition. The children were heartbroken and crying. Pastor Hayes left the room to cry and when he came back in, the choir was singing. The children said “if they won’t let us sing out there, we’ll sing in here.” Pastor Hayes shares that even though they were not allowed to sing there, today they are officially singing to the world thanks to Pastor Jim Bakker for allowing them to be on The Jim Bakker Show. They would also be representing the United States in the World Choir Games in Ohio the second week of July.

Pastor Jim shared that sometimes we get knocked down, but when we get back up we will go places with God. Pastor Jim stated that this choir may have had some disappointment, but He feels they are the greatest choir he has ever seen. He encouraged the children to listen to their Pastor because it takes a lot of discipline to do what they do.

Before singing another song, Pastor Hayes shares the story of Peter denying Jesus. Even in your brokeness, God can restore you. After Jesus had risen again, he sent an angel to invite the disciples and Peter for a meal. When they were finished eating Jesus asked Peter “Do you love me?” Peter answered “You know I love you”. God took these children that no one wanted; that have had issues in their lives; whose parents told them they would never be anything, and turn that around. God won’t fail you!

Pastor Jim gave all of the children in The Gloryland Pastor’s choir, along with their mother’s special gifts for Christmas. The girls received several pieces of jewelry and the boys received the Jesus Dog Tag necklace along with a My Light Flashlight. All of the children would receive the Big Book of History.

Pastor Jim asked Pastor Hayes how his choir had grown to become so large. Pastor Hayes shared that his church had a church split and 80% of the adult congregation had left. He was heartbroken, but God said “Why are you crying over what has left. Look at what I have left you.” Pastor Hayes felt God told him if he would pour his life into the children, they would change the world.



Psalms 139:14 KJV I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Luke 17:2 NCV It would be better for you to be thrown into the sea with a large stone around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to sin.

Proverbs 24:16 NIV for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.

Matthew: 26:69-75 Peter Denies Jesus Three Times

John 21:15-17 Jesus Reinstates Peter

Romans 8:28 KJV And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Psalm 33:12 KJV Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

Love Gifts

Jesus Dog Tags

Lori Signature Necklace

Tiffany Style Toggle Necklace

Tiffany Style Toggle Bracelet

Grandma Cher Jesus Necklace

4 Karat CZ Earrings in Heart Box

Merry Christmas Pin

Fresh Water Pearl Earrings

Any 5 Combination Jewelry

Big Book of History

3 for 2 Big Book of History

9 Big Book of History

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