Related Love Gifts

Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Pastor Cedric Hayes and The Gloryland Pastor’s Choir on The Jim Bakker Show.



Lori’s House

Lori’s Testimony


Any Way You Bless Me


When I see Melody, it makes me more determined that I am not going to give up. I want to save some more Melody’s, which is why this project of Lori’s House must continue. -Pastor Jim Bakker (Speaking about Melody being saved from abortion)

The statistics of African American babies being aborted today is over 36%. -Mondo De La Vega

If we are going to be anti-abortion then we need to be pro-adoption. If you are not going to be in the fight, then you’re going to have to make up your mind “If I’m going to make a difference then I have to get involved.” -Pastor Cedric Hayes

As for me and my house, there is only one God. – Pastor Jim Bakker


The Gloryland Pastor’s Choir is one of the best choirs in the land. Pastor Jim Bakker has invited them back for the 4th of July celebration in 2012. They will be going to the World Choir Games representing the United States the week after. They have won many awards, but have been through the valley and the fire, as Pastor Jim speaks about. The choir sang “Any Way You Bless Me” and did an amazing job. The choir mostly consists of teenagers and children and is phenomenal to watch. The youngest member is 4 years old.

Pastor Jim shared a compelling story about one of the choir members, Melody, who was scheduled to be aborted. Pastor Hayes challenges the audience to be a part of the solution rather than the problem. Three of his children are biological and three of them are adopted.

There are very few homes for girls who are pregnant and want to save their babies. In America it is easier to kill a baby than to save one. Pastor Jim shares his disappointment of the way the American system is currently functioning. He states that killing a baby within a minute after it is born is considered murder, but if you kill the baby a minute before its born it is called birth control. The goal of Lori’s House is to reconcile these women back to their families, their children, and with God so that they may become women of destiny to set others free.

Lori has experienced five abortions before she gave her life to the Lord. Her passion for Lori’s House comes from the trials she experienced herself. Pastor Jim and Lori have adopted five children that have restored the five babies that were lost. Lori’s pain has turned into her dedication toward those who suffer in similar situations. Lori will have an apartment in the Lori’s House facility, as she plans on being there to dedicate herself to this mission. Pastor Jim and Lori want to give their lives for the cause.

Lori speaks about the memorial she had for the babies she aborted. God gave her the names of the babies she lost. She speaks to the women who have chosen abortion and encourages them to also have a memorial service and name the babies as well. It will bring healing to those who struggle with the decision they have made. God can turn tragedy into a life of destiny.

Many people have come to Lori through the years with their story of abortion after they have heard her testimony. This is our time to stand up and give life.

What is a legacy? Pastor Hayes shares Melody’s story. Her mother was going to abort her, but at the last minute decided to give her Pastor Hayes. Pastor Hayes shares that when times have been tough, Melody has always been there. What if Melody had not been born? The devil wants you to end your legacy and destiny. If you make the decision to trust God and follow Him, you’ll get a legacy. Something that will live on after you’re gone. If you’re alone, God will step in.

The Lord gave Pastor Cedric a word for Pastor Jim. The Lord told him “The generation that did this to you are no longer here. You have outlived what has happened to you. Paul says “forget those things that are behind and press forward”. The generation that you are leading now don’t even know you went to prison and don’t care. All we want to know is where we’re going now. You are more on top now than you have ever been. Where you are going is greater than where you have been. You give us, the body of Christ, the marching orders now.”

Pastor Hayes shares that he has a past similar to Pastor Jim. People are always talking, but he made up his mind that he is through listening to people reminding him of his past. He wants to remind himself of his future. The next generation doesn’t care about the past, they just care about where they’re going.


Matthew 7:1 KJV Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Philippians 3:13-14 KJV Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

I Peter 4:8 NIV Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

Love Gifts

I Care Builders Club

Lori’s House Builders Club

Valley Walkers Club

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