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Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Pastor Cedric Hayes and The Gloryland Pastor’s Choir on The Jim Bakker Show.



Legacy Road and Lori’s House


Certainly Lord

I Don’t Know Why Jesus Loves Me


“When God speaks, you better listen and obey. Don’t play with God. God uses people who say “yes.” -Pastor Jim Bakker


Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker began by chatting with Pastor Cedric Hayes and some of the members of the Gloryland Pastor’s Choir: his daughters Melody & Harmony, Xamaria, Ashley, Vincent, and Jazmin. Ashley shared how being a part of the Gloryland Pastor’s Choir is like a family and they all love to sing. Vincent, who has been in the choir for three years, credited discipline for the unity and success of the choir. He noted that some members formerly lived gang lives but now find themselves successful college students.

Zach recalled how Pastor Jim’s guidance affected him in the same way when he was new to the faith. Pastor Jim, he said, encouraged him not to worry about how he would make it to the top and told him to keep saying “Yes, God.” Zach learned the lesson that everyone wants success but many don’t understand that it comes from discipline and consistency. Lori added that faithfulness also plays a part and God always honors the faithful.

Pastor Hayes then led the choir in two songs: “Certainly Lord,” and “I Don’t Know Why Jesus Loves Me,” a song written many years ago by Andre Crouch, the singer, Pastor Jim shared, who sang at his and Lori’s wedding ceremony.

Very impressed with the performance, Pastor Jim called the group a “masterpiece” and compared the singing ability of the young choir members to how pipe organs work together in harmony and unity to produce beautiful sounds. He issued an invitation for them to come back and perform again for the July 4, 2012 celebration.

Pastor Hayes explained how he uses different techniques and exercises to prepare the young adults and teens for performance, which is why they have such an “adult sound.” Harmony bore witness to the intensity of rehearsal sessions, many of which are up to three hours long, and said regular running, or jogging, is part of their physical regimen. She also described that all members do “six inches,” or the exercise where they lay on the floor and lift their legs up six inches from the ground and then hold the position. This strengthens their stomach muscles and, Pastor Hayes added, is the reason his students sing from their stomachs, rather than their throats. This discipline, he continued, makes them able to do back- to-back concerts and never lose their voices or the power with which they sing.

Jazmin then witnessed how her life has changed by being part of such a positive group. Fighting was once an activity she took part in on a regular basis but she soon learned that Pastor Hayes did not tolerate that kind of behavior, so she stopped. Pastor Jim then recounted how he and Lori had similar problems when their own children were teens and how trying the time was for the family. He did not, however, give up on his rebellious daughter who, now as an adult, works right alongside of her parents in the Morningside ministry, as a producer/director, who they now listen to and follow instruction from.

Pastor Jim then noted that today’s young generation hungers and thirsts for discipline, in spite of how they may act at times. Lori then recited Hebrews 12:6 which says that even God disciplines and chastens those whom He loves. Pastor Hayes said choir members see the benefit of everything he’s taught them and how discipline is behind the success that has enabled them to perform before audiences worldwide.


Hebrews 12:6 KJV For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.

Matthew 24:37 NIV As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

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