Related Love Gifts

Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Dino Kartsonakis on The Jim Bakker Show.


Lori’s House


Flooding of Dino Kartsonakis’ House


Down From His Glory

The Perfect Plan

The Hall of the Mountain King


That is why I am so fanatical about Christmas, because my savior came from heaven to save me and to save you. -Pastor Jim Bakker

Jesus is my gift that keeps on forgiving. -Pastor Jim Bakker

Do not look back, go forward. -Dino Kartsonakis

God has a way of restoring and He has a way of making it better than it was. -Pastor Jim Bakker


Pastor Jim Bakker shares that he is so excited that God has given them the ability to give again. Lori Bakker shared a remarkable story as she was directed by the Lord to buy shoes for the entire Gloryland choir. Pastor Jim also received the same message and they both thought it was weird, but they obeyed the voice of the Lord. Pastor Jim rode on their bus out of town to Harrison, Arkansas and stopped at a Payless Shoes Store. Pastor Jim was determined to do what the Lord had spoken to them. A few of the little girls could not make up their mind on which shoes they wanted. Pastor Jim was so touched that he received a blessing out of giving.

Dino Kartsonakis, one of the greatest piano players, played a rendition of “Down from his Glory”, which brought tears to many audience members eyes. His anointed touch on the piano allowed the audience to engage and be captivated by his talents. There was no dry eye in the studio as the powerful song ministered to the hosts and visitors alike.

The construction on Lori’s House is going full force. Pastor Jim’s vision for this special home is to be a place where women faced with abortion can come and have their babies. Lori’s House will also bring restoration to those who have had an abortion. The beauty of the valley where the home will sit should provide a peaceful and serene scene to help these women of destiny heal. The home is being paid as it is built. There is no debt on this property. Those who joined the Valley Walkers Club will be able to use the Wilderness Campground which sits not far from Lori’s House. The shower house for the Wilderness Campground is almost completed. Legacy Road will have a large billboard listing all the names of those who have helped to contribute to the construction of Legacy Road.

Dino talks about his home being completely flooded. He has lost everything including two of his pianos that he performed on. Victoria Hearst heard that Dino had lost his pianos and offered to buy him the best piano that he could find. He went to Springfield, MO and found a seven foot Grand Piano. On the front of the piano there was a plaque that said Metropolitan House, New York City. This was a miracle from God.

Pastor Jim has been friends with Dino for over 20 years. Pastor Jim knew he was grieving while going through this flood. The house was flooded twice. Each time, Dino would go back in to see the levels of where the water was. His wife, Cheryl, felt it was time for them to move. She felt it was no longer meant for them to be there. Moving on was the hardest thing, but they learned that God would bring them out of this trial and any other trial in their lives. While going through this trial, Dino had a benefit concert for the Branson area flood victims and they were able to help others. Sometimes things happen in our lives that leave us devastated, but God will restore greater than what was lost.

The importance of children in the today’s society will greatly affect the church of tomorrow. We must reach the youth to be able to preserve tomorrow’s church. At Christmas time it is time to remember that the Lord was the best gift ever given to the world. As we celebrate with our families and friends, remember Christ is the reason for Christmas and his gift of himself is how our salvation was conceivable.


Matthew 2:11 NKJV And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Matthew 2:11 MSG They entered the house and saw the child in the arms of Mary, his mother. Overcome, they kneeled and worshiped him. Then they opened their luggage and presented gifts: gold, frankincense, myrrh.

Matthew 2:11 NCV They came to the house where the child was and saw him with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. They opened their gifts and gave him treasures of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Love Gifts

Parallel Bible with Carrying Case

Happy Birthday Jesus Offer

Valley Walkers Club

Kevin Shorey 2011 Christmas CD

Lori’s House – Dino Key Plaque

3 for 2 Parallel Bibles

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