Related Love Gifts

Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Gary Smalley and John & Maricela Woodall on The Jim Bakker Show.


Back on the air in Los Angeles

The Keys to a Successful Marriage

Pornography Problems In Marriage


The dream of every dad is to find a son-in-law, like my son-in-law, that will take care, and love and cherish. -Pastor Jim Bakker

Anger contributes to 90% of the heart problems in the world. -Dr. Gary Smalley

Two minutes of laughter will increase your endorphins for twenty-four hours. A burst of anger kills endorphins for one hour. -Pastor Jim Bakker

The number one cause of pornography is a woman is anger toward the father. Dr. Gary Smalley


Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker share about their recent trip to LA, where they were invited by BeBe and CeCe Winans to their Star Ceremony. Pastor Jim shared that every time he flies into Los Angeles, God puts such a burden on his heart for that city. After their recent trip, he contacted Julie Pigg, who is in charge of keeping track of the broadcasting stations.  He asked her if there was a slot for them in L.A., and miraculously the day before, one of the stations had contacted her requesting the show.  After they decided to go back on the air in L.A., two more stations called Julie requesting the show for their stations.

Dr. Gary Smalley’s new book, “4 Days to a Forever Marriage” is a great book for those starting their marriage. Dr. Smalley and his wife, Norma, wrote this book out of the dedication to each other, God and their marriage. John and Maricela Woodall, who had recently read the book, spoke about the date night they incorporated from reading it. It is one of the great marriage books to read before or during marriage. Lori shared that it is one of the most beautifully laid out books. New Leaf Publishing is the publisher behind this book and they have published most of Pastor Jim’s Books.

Dr. Smalley gives profound thoughts about the positive and negative thoughts and how they affect ones lives. Negativity grows angry vines around the heart and can cause problems in marriage and life. Forgiveness releases you back into the presence of God and back into the presence of the one you love. God made the body, soul and spirit to work together as one. Those who hold bitterness inside can cause themselves health problems. Dr. Smalley says when a couple is angry with each other, it is important to let that anger go; keeping the anger inside can cause a great deal of problems for the body.

Dr. Smalley confessed that the reason he could write such a book with his wife is because of their failures, which they have overcome. He and his wife have come up with “The Smalley’s Fighting Rules” to help keep their anger from taking hold. One of the rules is to stick to the issue at hand and not to bring up past hurts or problems whether real or perceived.

Women experience emotion the size of a large pumpkin; however, a man’s emotions are about the size of a grape. Men experience less emotion because they do not have as many fibers connecting in the brain as a woman does. Women and men need to come together and understand each other’s emotions. Learning to deal with each other’s emotions and personalities make for a good marriage. The honeymoon feeling only lasts for about a year, two years at the most, and then reality sets in. The reason Hollywood couples remarry all the time is to renew that awesome honeymoon feeling. Everyone wants the feeling of intense romance, but as a couple ages, this becomes a feeling of warmth and comfort.

The word tribulation means stress and pressure. Stress can affect our lives in great ways. Stress is the gap between what you expect and what there is in life and what you get. There are many chemical things that can affect a relationship. Medical conditions such as low blood sugar or high blood sugar can affect a marriage. Women often do not get hysterical they get historical and bring up the past. Learning to let go of the past can help a marriage to grow instead of constantly be looking back. Anger is the seed of love, because all things that make us angry are the very things that make us more loving.

Every trial has a diamond, rubies and emeralds in amongst the hardships. There is a pearl in every pile is what Dr. Smalley’s wife, Norma, says. There are often many trials in marriages, but there is something about that trial that will make a couple learn. These learning experiences are the best for young marriages as they establish strong marriages. When we become angry and become judgemental, we should start examining the weeds of anger that have grown in our own heart.

Pastor Jim shares that while attending a Promise Keepers event, a poll was taken. This poll showed that the number one struggle those men had was with pornography and the second was loneliness. There is a connection between the two. If you put anger into the heart of a man, you will have lust and loneliness. Anger will alienate your mate. If you learn when the stresses are there to maintain as much physical contact as possible, this will help drain anger and allow intimacy to stay intact. If you go to touch someone’s hand and they are not responsive, it could be because of anger in that person. When someone pulls away, we need to address the situation right then. Don’t wait.

Marriage takes time, love and nurturing. It is important to find the best way to show your spouse love. With some it is something as simple as doing the dishes or making the bed. Women love to talk about the events of their day. They love to share details. Staring into the eyes of your mate for about 20 seconds and making a positive noise is one of the key factors of keeping a couple together for fifty years. A successful marriage takes work and God in the center.


Ephesians 4:26 NIV In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,

Colossians 3:1 KJV If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

I Thessalonians 5:18 NIV give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

I Thessalonians 5:16 NIV Rejoice always,

Philippians 4:4 KJV Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.

Matthew 7:3 NCV Why do you notice the little piece of dust in your friend’s eye, but you don’t notice the big piece of wood in your own eye?

Proverbs 15:1 NCV A gentle answer will calm a person’s anger, but an unkind answer will cause more anger.

Love Gifts

4 Days to a Forever Marriage

Couples Offer

Big Book of History

3 for 2 Big Book of History

9 Big Book of History

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