Related Love Gifts

Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Bob & Jeanne Johnson and Vi Azvedo as they discuss the Keys to a Healthy Marriage for Day 1 on The Jim Bakker Show.


Oh, It Is Jesus

I’ll Be Loving Always

I’m Going To Walk Right Out Of This Valley

Hold Me

We Are In The Army Of The Lord

Going To The Other Side

You’ll Never Thirst Again

He’ll Find A Way


Unforgiveness is the biggest problem in a marriage. -Pastor Jim Bakker

Marriage is a learning process; it is not one that is perfected overnight. -Vi Azvedo


A marriage, as God describes it, between a husband and a wife is a special relationship. Many times in God’s Word, He speaks about the bride of Christ being married to Him in spirit. Through many learning experiences, a marriage will blossom. When a couple marries, they should not expect that things should be perfect right away.

Just like a delicate flower, a marriage needs watered and cared for. Vi Azvedo talks about the several marriage seminars that she has given over the years. Through tear filled eyes, she talks about marriages that have been saved and people that have found their way back to each other and Christ, through these seminars.

Good friends Bob & Jeanne Johnson reminisced with Pastor Jim about the days on PTL and the songs that touched Jim’s heart. It was through the old songs such as “Hold Me” that pastor Jim found his refuge, even when sitting in a dark prison cell. There is such power in the older songs, because they were written out of experience or a life threatening situation.

God speaks to his people through His Word and through songs. The most important songs are those that minister to our hearts in our time of sorrow. There were several songs that have made it to a new CD that Bob & Jeanne Johnson have released. The anointed signing of this duo will bless the heart and ensure that everyone listening has a pleasurable listening experience.

Pastor Jim continues to stress the importance of being prepared for the upcoming events. With the end of the year 2011 fast approaching, he points to the prophetic words that God has given him. He believes that the year 2012 is for organizing and for the church to become prepared for upcoming events. The soon coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ is fast approaching and we must all be ready.

Pastor Jim not only believes we must be prepared, but he believes there will come a time when our money will be no good. There may be a time, like during the great depression, where we must barter to gain even a loaf of bread. The Bible warns that silver and gold will have no worth, so the very economic situation in our country now would be null and void.

It is the churches time to rise up and be prepared both physically and spiritually for the perilous times ahead. God has showed Pastor Jim that big things are coming, including the entire destruction of our economic center. Things of this magnitude would leave America at her knees. We must do what we can as a body of Christ to be prepared.


Philippians 1:6 NIV being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Psalm 117:2 NIV For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.

Genesis 41-43 The Story of Joseph Storing Food

Genesis 6:5-10:32 Noah Builds The Ark

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