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Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Montel Williams and Frank Davis as they discuss the Stealth Health Revolution for Day 1 on The Jim Bakker Show.


The Impossible Dream


Although I have MS, I can do things to insure that it doesn’t have me. -Montel Williams

I do not believe I would be sitting here today if it was not for the vitamin program, the 9 A Day, that I take. It has kept me alive. -Pastor Jim Bakker

A lot of people don’t understand. We hear these things, but we need to have a lifestyle change.  We need to try to make a lifestyle change.  When we are talking about diets and exercise, that’s what it is.  Because you are trying to change your life to save your life. -Montel Williams

You will never walk a thousand miles, or even walk a mile until you take the first step on your own. -Montel Williams

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