Related Love Gifts

Pastor Jim and Lori Bakker talk about the importance of whole foods and the products of Food For Health. With special guests Frank Davis, Doctor Sherrill Sellman, and David Brown.


Everybody should be getting silver. – Mama Lori

It has helped me with allergies and all that stuff. I’ve never had anything knock it out like this. – Pastor Jim

To me this is a miracle product. We live by this every single day of our lives. I can’t imagine life without these products. – Mama Lori

The Silver Sol was tested on bird flu, and successfully killed the bird flu virus. So we don’t have to worry, we don’t have to be in fear. – Doctor Sellman


I Corinthians 6:20 MEV You were bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.


NASA gives thumbs up to use of colloidal silver as antibiotic in space; FDA has no jurisdiction in high orbit – Natural News

Cats, Veterinarian Come Down With A Rare Bird Flu In New York – NPR

Flu Season is Getting Worse, CDC Says – NBC News

Trump’s son-in-law Kushner to become senior White House adviser – Reuters

It’s a Retail Apocalypse: Sears, Macy’s and The Limited Are All Closing Stores – Charisma News

Official: US Navy ship fires warning shots at Iranian boats – CNN

New CA bill could increase medical kidnapping of children by government whose parents refuse vaccinations – Natural News

A handful of nuts a day could slash the risk of heart disease, cancer, obesity and more by up to 30% – Natural News

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